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Sending and Receiving Purchase Orders in CMS

Sending Purchase Orders

Receiving Purchase Orders

Sending Purchase Orders


Sending Purchase Orders Automatically

Table Set-up

Special Considerations For Sending Purchase Orders

Sending Purchase Orders on Demand

Associated Files/Settings

Related FAQs


The purchase order (an 850) is an electronic request for product. This document cannot be used to initiate purchase order changes, cancellations, inquiries, or stock reservations, as the standard does not accommodate these capabilities.

Note: CMS transmits POs whether they are printed or not.

Steps CMS uses to Automatically transmit POs

If you put an ACI in the order header to prevent it from being sent by CMS and don’t remove that ACI in the same day, before the last submission of CMS PO send jobs then you will have to send it manually.

Note: ACI is an Order Reason code that tells CMS that the order has already been called or faxed in; do not send via EDI.

Sending Purchase Orders Automatically

1. Go to the CMS menu (CMS), and select option 20 - Schedule Automatic Processing.

2. The CMS Timer and Settings Screen appears. Entries are required in all four fields.

3. Enter the information and press Enter. The Timer Settings screen appears.

4. The timer settings work in conjunction with a CMS run job in QBATCH subsystem that checks for scheduled transmissions.

Note: The supplier entered, on the Timer Settings Screen, has to match what is on the entered PO for it to be extracted.

Note: You can use the CMS Timer and Settings screen to denote direct ship/drop ship orders. Make the following entries:1) In the Buying Party ID field, enter a W. 2) In the If the Warehouse specified and Direct Ship then use Branch field, enter an N. CMS uses these settings to automatically change the X12 element N1*BY*04 to enable direct/drop shipments.

5. To cross reference, and change the Buying Party ID to a customer specified value, CMS checks the Buying Party ID against the xxxSUBC#S table. If the buying party ID (warehouse, branch, account, or doing business as) is included in the From column in the xxxSUBC#s, the customer specified value in the To column is used in the N104 segment of the X12 transmission.

Note: The above functionality requires an entry of N104MASK (From column) equals “Y” (To column) in the xxxCUST# table. If the N104MASK entry is not activated in the CUST# table, the warehouse is used as the Buying Party ID.

6. The following settings allow you to include Shipto information when the warehouse and branch are different:

Let’s explore how these new settings work in conjunction with the Send Shipto Segment setting.

7. If you do not activate the field Convert Cut Qtys for Rolled Goods to “SY”, the cut quantities for rolled good items are sent in linear feet.

8. If an OUTQ is specified, in the Enter OutQ field, then reports generated by the processing of the outbound purchase orders go to this output queue. This gives you the ability to redirect reports to specific out queues based on the partner and transaction. For example, you can direct outbound CMS purchase order edits to a specific outq and the inbound ASN edits for to a different out queue.

9. The setting Send date from Special Order PO allows you to direct the system to send the “Date Entered” to suppliers for special order items. This functionality allows you to provide a different date to your suppliers for special order lines other than the date required used on regular order lines.

Using the entry date on special order lines can help your suppliers identify the items that you want immediate shipment on.

If this setting, Send date from Special Order PO, is activated the date the special order/line was entered is sent to the supplier on the outbound 850.

If the setting is not activated, the default, the date requested as entered on the order header is sent to the supplier.

10. If the setting Send REF segment for replacement PO is activated, the REF segment below is sent and the customer PO number on the header is sent in it. If set to N then the REF segment will not be created UNLESS the order reason code in the header of the PO is REP indicating replacement PO.

ISA*00*  *00*  *ZZ*SAL2  *ZZ*SAL211111








11. The setting Send Shipto Segment allows you to transmit the shipto information on every 850. The default for the setting is “N” which directs the system to send the ST loop segments only when the shipto address is different than the billing address. If the setting is activated, the shipto name and address are included in the ST segment of the CMS transmission for all purchase orders for that partner; not just when there is a Shipto Override.

12. The setting Send PID/MEA segments on CUT lines ensures the sending of PID & MEA segments for Cut line items. When this switch is activated, the segments are passed in the 850 for lines that are entered for less than the average roll size. In order to send the MEA for roll line item you will still need to use the MIN* & MAX* entries on the F6 line on the order. If a MIN*/MAX* is entered for a cut line that will override the normal system generated PID/MEA created by having this setting turned on.

Note: PID is Product Item Description and MEA is measurement.

13. The setting, Outgoing POs will default to "Must Match" Dye Lot Logic, allows you to automatically direct the system to ensure that items are from the same dye lot. Essentially this setting identifies in your outbound POs to your suppliers that you want the dye lots to match for the items you are ordering.

14. If the setting Send Price U/M instead of basis-per-Unit-Price code is set to:


15. If the setting Send Price in Supplier Unit of Measure is activated the unit price is calculated against the supplier's UOM, but the PO104 (actual unit of measure) is blank: Example: PO1*10*1.00*RL*12.430**SK*ABCTESTARM.

If set to "N" pricing is based on the UOM associated with the quantity being ordered. Example: PO1*10*1.00*RL*331.60*RL*SK*ABCTESTARM where 331.60 is the price of the quantity ordered.

Table Set-up

Armstrong Specific Tables

Tables Needed to transmit POs






The following tables can be used to transmit specific account information to your supplier. To access/create these tables, use option 5 - System Cross Reference Table File on the System Settings Menu.

If this table is not used, the program is limited to only using the following hard coded cross referenced codes:

- IE = Item Accepted Price Pending

- IA = Item Accepted

- IR = Rejected

- R2 = Invalid Item/SKU

- R3 = Invalid Unit

- SP = Item Accepted - Schedule Pending

- IB = Item Backordered

- AR = Item Accepted & Released for Shipment

- AC = Item Accepted & Shipped

- BP = Item Accepted, Partial

- IH = Item on Hold Pending CSR Review

The table allows users to set their own PO Status code values or use the Dancik defaults.

The entries in the “From” Values column are the codes your suppliers use on their Purchase Order Acknowledgements.

When a Purchase Order Acknowledgement is received, CMS cross references the “From” Values information to the “To” Values information and assigns that value to the Purchase Order status code.

The asterisks ,"*", under the “To” Values heading sets the PO status to a blank value.

Which statuses update PO SHIP date and ETA date

The following table outlines whether Dancik CMS inbound 855 process updates purchase order SHIP date and ETA date based on the status sent by the supplier in the 855.

Note: The GENFOB table is used for both sending and receiving purchase orders.



Note: This table can also be used to cross reference account numbers (in segment REF*11) to warehouse codes and to identify the chain store for the N104 segment of “BY” N101.


The entry is global. This means that you only have to make one entry, as shown above, to cover all your trading partners.

If the table is set up as shown above, orders are only transmitted automatically via CMS if they are released from credit on the same day they are entered, and before the last scheduled transmission for that partner occurs.

The SENDCREHLD table, as shown above, requires that credit managers review transmission status, and transmit orders manually that have been on credit hold for more than a day.

Note: The SCAC code is the standard code assigned to a shipper or carrier. It is required for many EDI transmissions, including Purchase Orders. Within the Dancik system SCAC codes are assigned to Shipvia codes in the Classifications Codes File (FIL 19).


Note:  This table is mandatory if sending POs to Armstrong.

Armstrong Specific Tables


Note:  *” includes all product types.


Special Considerations For Sending Purchase Orders

Types of Purchase Orders

Purchase Order Comments

Preventing Transmission of Select Purchase Orders

Preventing the transmission of direct ship orders

Transmission of Product Knowledge data on Purchase Orders

Controlling the N104 element on outbound POs

Optional FOB (based on pricing location from supplier)

How the ETA date gets updated on a PO.

Types of Purchase Orders

Purchase orders can be sent via CMS in the following business cases:

 Only special order purchase orders created the day the customer order is entered are sent via CMS.

 Only comment lines associated with the special order lines on the customer order are transmitted. Special order POs are sent only after the option to create purchase orders for special order items is executed.

Note:  Use of miscellaneous items where comment lines provides item detail information is not recommended. CMS transmits appropriately coded item and comment lines.

Purchase Order Comments

In order for purchase order comments to be included with the purchase order, they have to begin with one of the following codes:

Note:  The number is four digits to the left of the decimal with two decimal places. If you enter a quantity that is less than four digits to the left of the decimal, be sure to include a space as a place holder. For example, 35.50 SY should be entered as MIN*_ _ 35.50 where the underscores represent spaces.

For example, the comment line S/M Thanks for your business will be included on the purchase order.

Preventing Transmission of Select Purchase Orders

The following strategies can be used to prevent CMS from transmitting purchase.

If a purchase order is entered with either of the above values in the reason or type codes it is not submitted. If the codes (H - Order Type code, ACI Order Reason Code) are removed or changed on the day the purchase order is entered no further action is required; CMS will extract and submit the purchase order. If the value is removed on subsequent business day or later, the purchase order must be manually transmitted the supplier using the CMS options for “On Demand” transmission.

Preventing the transmission of direct ship orders

By default DIR orders are sent as purchase orders to the supplier unless the SENDCREHLD system cross-reference table is configured to block transmission of these purchase orders (see Table Set-up).

It may be more appropriate to use ORD REASON CODES to control whether orders are sent to suppliers. However in either case, please note that if an order is not sent on the day it is entered, because of settings in the SNDCREHLD table or the Order reason code, the order must be sent manually. CMS only sends orders automatically on the day they are entered.

Transmission of Product Knowledge data on Purchase Orders

This feature allows users to include data from the Product Knowledge File on outbound purchase orders.

Using qualifiers supported by CMS (S*, P/L, and S/M) on Product Knowledge entries flagged to print on purchase orders will now enable this information to be sent in 850 documents. The P/L qualifier allows the subsequent data to be passed in contract pricing elements in the 850. S* and S/M qualifiers allow subsequent data to be passed in MSG elements.

Note:  Use of S/M to convey information to a supplier can be problematic because it may not be read by a human on the supplier side.

The following conditions apply:

P/L Lines

Product Knowledge Screen with a P/L assigned


These settings produce the following X12 data when the PO is transmitted via CMS. The P/L from the Product Knowledge is circled.

Adding messages (via the F6 Function Key)

A P/L message may be manually entered at the header or detail level.


S/M Lines

Controlling the N104 element on outbound POs

The N104 element normally references a warehouse code, but through the use of two tables you can control exactly what is included in the N104 element.


Ensure there is a N104MASK entry in the “From” value and a “Y” in the “To” value.



This table cross references warehouses codes to a customer entered value that displays in the N104 segment of the 850.


Notes about the xxxSUBC#S Table

If a table entry exists in xxxSUBC#S, for the “Doing Business As” from the Bill to account, the value contained in the “To” field will be used in the N104 segment.

If no table entry exists in xxxSUBC#S, the value contained in the “Doing Business As” field from the Bill to account will be used in the N104 segment.

The following figure provides an example of the N104 segment that has been “masked” to display an entry different from the warehouse code on the order (the default).

Optional FOB (based on pricing location from supplier)

If your suppliers provide additional pricing information based on where the material is being shipped from, that information can be displayed in the FOB segment.

ISA*00*          *00*          *ZZ*SAL2           *ZZ*SAL211111








There are 3 places that can control this segment. Below is the hierarchy for element 3 (DAL in the example above).

If there is no GENFOB table the segment is not written.

Element 1 (CC in the example) comes from GENFOB cross referenced from the FOB code on the order header.

If there is no partner specific FOB table in SET 5 then element 3 (DAL in the example) is the header warehouse on the purchase order.

If there is a partner specific FOB table in SET 5 then element 3 (DAL in the example) is the value in the To column.

If there is a header F6 line qualified by FOB* then  element 3 (DAL in the example) is the value typed after this qualifier.

ISA*00*          *00*          *ZZ*SAL2           *ZZ*SAL211111








How the ETA date gets updated on a PO.

It should use the ETA date sent, unless…

Sending Purchase Orders on Demand

1.  On the CMS menu, select option 40 - Extract and Export Purchase Orders. The PO Extract and Export screen appears. Fill in the fields as needed:

2.  Press Enter and then F2=Submit to extract and send the purchase order. You will see the message “Outbound Purchase Orders Have Been Submitted”.

The application extracts out the purchase order(s) from the designated location, and transmits the PO to the supplier based on parameters established in the CMS partner configuration.

Receiving Purchase Orders in CMS


Automatically Receiving Purchase Orders

Store Numbers to Accounts Numbers Table

Special Considerations for Inbound Purchase Orders

Receiving Purchase Orders On Demand

Configuration for Transfers between warehouses

Associated Files/Settings

Related FAQs


Dealers send the 850 purchase order to distributors. It provides an electronic mechanism for the dealer to initiate orders for products supplied to the dealer by the vendor. This document should not be used to initiate purchase order changes, cancellations, inquiries, or stock reservations, as the standard does not accommodate these capabilities.

CMS retrieves customer orders from the FTP mailbox you provide for them. These orders may be automatically processed directly into your system as if they were keyed and ended in a manner which assigns an order number. Alternately these orders may be processed only as far as the unprocessed order file in your system and can be accessed by reference number.

When CMS retrieves orders, edit reports are created with information from the order including items, quantities, prices sent by your customer, shipment addresses, customer comments and shipping information.

When CMS is set to process orders without intervention by your customer service organization, inventory is automatically allocated, ship dates are automatically calculated based on routes and other settings, and the orders are ended in a manner that generates paperwork in the warehouse.

Automatically Receiving Purchase Orders

Using CMS you can automatically receive purchase orders from your customers. However, before sending or receiving CMS has to be configured to include the customers you will be exchanging POs with.

1. To set-up CMS to automatically receive purchase orders, go to the CMS menu and select option 20 - Schedule Automatic Processing. The CMS Timer and Settings Screen appears.

2. Entries are required in all four fields.

Note:  Press F6 to access a listing of all the available CMS Transactions.

3Enter the information and press Enter. The Timer Settings screen appears.






This field tells the system if you are using Java or Gentran components for CMS transactions. If you are using Gentran (option 2), you must enter the Gentran Map ID. This value is supplied by Dancik.

Note:  In order to process inbound purchase orders in “real time”, the Retail Mode field must be flag with a Y and the CMSTART2 command issued. The CMSSTART2 command directs CMS to process inbound purchase orders immediately upon receipt.

Require Unique PO?

Use this setting to prevent or allow duplicate orders based on non-unique purchase orders at the partner level.

When this setting is set to Y, a unique PO number is required on inbound purchase orders. If a duplicate purchase order is found, the following message is displayed.

Warning PO# on this order has already been used, Order BLOCKED based on Customer Preference setting.

Order should not be processed.

-OR- Unique Contract#?

(Ignored if Unique PO is selected)

This setting, when set to Y, supports duplicate order checking using combined Job number and PO number. The default is N. When set to Y and a duplicate is found the following message is displayed:

Warning PO#/Contract# on this order has already been used, Order BLOCKED based on Customer Preference setting” Order should not be processed.

Enter OUTQ

If an OUTQ is specified, the reports generated by the processing of the inbound purchase orders go to this output queue. This gives you the ability to redirect reports to specific out queues based on the partner and the transaction. For example, you can direct inbound CMS purchase order edits to a specific outq and the outbound ASN edits for to a different outq.

If there is not an outQ specified, the information is directed to the path given in when setting up a CMS partner profile.

If order cannot be shipped by customer request date back order all lines?

Setting this field to Y directs the system to place all lines on an order into a back order status until all the items on the order can be filled. If this field is not activated, set to N, only the line that cannot be shipped by the ship date is placed into a back order status. All other lines on the order are processed to be shipped on the requested date.

Default ship via for customer pick up orders

This setting establishes a default ship via for pick up orders.

If Order is received with a ship date greater than___ from the current date do not allow Ship Date to be changed to next available date by Routing System and process the order with a date requested of (mmddyy)

In some instances customers may place orders with “future ship dates” (i.e. any date which is farther out than their next scheduled delivery date). Because Dancik order entry always calculates ship dates with the soonest possible delivery date - based on routes and material availability- this setting allows CMS users to test whether the customer’s requested delivery/ship date constitutes a “future ship date” and to use a default date which may be used in Customer Service to manage these orders. The original date on the order may not be entered on the order because there is no way to validate that it is a valid ship date based on the customer's route.

This setting works in conjunction with delivery and routing system. Enter the number of days that is further out than the next scheduled delivery date for this partner so the ship date will not change.

For example, if you set this field to 7 days and you receive a purchase order on April 25, but the partner requests shipment no earlier than May 17. With the 7 days setting the delivery date of May 17 will not be changed and the order will have to be manually tracked.

If the delivery date is earlier than 7 days, the normal routing and delivery information is used.

Process Inbound Regular order into Open Order file (P) or leave unprocessed (U)


Process Inbound Direct orders into Open Order file (P) or leave unprocessed (U)

These two settings allow for different processing options for regular and/or DIRECT orders.

Entering a “P” triggers orders coming in via CMS to be evaluated by the parameters set-up for CMS in the System Wide Setting - Options for Order Holds.

Entering a U in these option, leaves orders unprocessed, which gives your customer service department the option/chance to review the orders  to ensure they meet the business requirements of the distributor.

If a CMS order is sent to the unprocessed file, it can be checked on and manually processed via the menu option CUS 16 - Search Unprocessed Orders, Holds, and Quotations.

Note:  All customer orders for direct shipments must contain only items that can be shipped direct from a single supplier. Orders that contain items from multiple suppliers that are transmitted with instructions to ship direct will be left in unprocessed order file.

Distributors receive orders via CMS for both direct shipments and orders shipped from their inventory. These settings allow partner specific override of EDICTL table settings.

Direct ship orders have a DIR warehouse value and an alternate supplier code in WARE and SUPPLIER fields on the HEADER of the order. Stock and Direct ship orders have different values in the FOB segment of the inbound order.

If present these values override those found in EDICTL. When these values are blank the EDICTL table is used.

Associated Files

System Wide Setting - Options for Order Hold Process

Decor 24 Conditional Order Release in Decor 24

Sales Portal

Navigator Notepad for Unprocessed Orders

Navigator File Management - Order Hold Reason Codes

Store Numbers to Accounts Numbers Table

Inbound orders are processed using account number information found on the incoming purchase order. When the account number supplied in the data is accurate, the Store Numbers to Accounts Numbers Table (XXXNA#S) may be used to associate specific store locations to shipto account numbers which may be established for that customer.

In order to receive purchase orders, you must construct a system table to connect CMS supplier numbers with account numbers in your system.

1. System tables are accessed and built using option 5 - System Cross Reference Table File on the System Settings Menu (SET).

2. On the entry screen that appears, enter the new table name and an action code of A. The table name should consist of a three character partner ID plus the ending of NA#s. For example, if the customer is World Floors, Inc., the name of the table could be WFINA#s.

Note: The customer has to be established in the CMS Timer Settings, and trading partner configurations to receive orders.

In the example below, the shipto account 0005000 is used when a Chain Store Number of 901 is found on the incoming purchase order.

Note:  If inbound order doesn’t contain a valid account number in the REF segment, then the number provided in this segment is used when searching the XXXNA#S table (the value sent in the purchase order data should be populated in the TO column and the accurate Billto Account number should be populated in the From Column.


3. The To Values are the store number(s) that are sent on the inbound purchase orders. The From Values are the accounts in your system established for those store numbers.

Note:  The store number and its related account number must be established in this table before the purchase order is processed into the Dancik system.

CMS processing reviews the information sent in through “Buying party - Chain Store number” to determine what value should be used when indexing the “from” values in this table.

If this table is not established, the Shipto information on the order will force a shipto override in order if present.

Special Considerations for Inbound Purchase Orders

Direct Shipments

Shipto Overrides

Billing and Shipping Information

How CMS derives Billto Account Numbers and Shipto Addresses

Phone Number Support for Inbound Purchase Orders

Direct Shipments

Very rarely, if ever, will your customer request a “direct shipment” from you. Usually the customer service representative decides whether to have the manufacturer drop ship/ship directly to the customer based on the following:

Based on this you may need to develop simple business rules to determine how to process your customer orders.

Shipto Overrides

If your customer supplies “shipto” information in the N1 segment (an N1 segment is an X12 convention that is part of a purchase order), this is used as a shipto override (shipto override flag set to Y on the order header). If this shipping information is not supplied, the Billto record is used to determine if there is a default shipto account. If not, the Billto address from your system is used.

Billing and Shipping Information

Distributors should give billing and shipping account numbers to their partners. The billing account (six digit company number + five digit account number) is used in reference segments of an inbound purchase order. No account mapping is required.

Distributors with multiple locations send three character warehouse codes in the N104 segments of the purchase order.

How CMS derives Billto Account Numbers and Shipto Addresses

Billto Account Numbers

CMS uses three steps to assign a Billto Account number to an incoming 850.In all three steps, CMS validates the Billto account number against the Billto File.

Shipto Addresses

When Shipto (ST) information is sent to the N104 value it is validated against the Shipto File. If the information found on the purchase does not match any information in the Shipto file, a Y is entered into the Shipto Override field on the Order Header and the override shipto address is used.

CMS uses the following process to identify a Shipto address.

Phone Number Support for Inbound Purchase Orders

Phone number information received on inbound 850s is mapped to the inbound 850 work files and then used to populate the Phone Number field on the Shipto Screen within the Order Entry process. These phone numbers can then be viewed on the Order Entry screens, and are printed on order documents. The following has to be in place:

If all three of the conditions shown above are true, the phone number in PERO4 (Comm. Number field) is transferred to the Shipto screen.


Receiving Purchase Orders On Demand

1. On the CMS menu, select option 33 - Import and Process Purchase Orders. The PO Import and Process screen appears.

2. Enter the name of the CMS partner that you want to receive a purchase order from. The Partner field ties the request to the CMS system.

Note:  The partner entered has to be established via Administration tab of the CMS configuration tool.

3. The customer ID is a three alpha code that ties the request into the Dancik system. The system uses this ID to cross-reference files and ensure compatibility.

Note:   Entries in both the Partner and Enter Customer ID fields are required.

4. Press Enter to allow the system to accept your entries. If there are no errors you are directed to press F2 to submit request to receive the purchase order.

Configuration for Transfers between warehouses

What you will need

What happens


How CMS Automates Transfers between Warehouses

CMS can automate the transfer of stock from one warehouse to another. These transactions resemble a stock to stock transfer since no sale is recorded as a real receivable or payable, but this process allows ISO processes to select the stock for you.

What you will need

What happens

Branches create a purchase order using the traditional purchasing account. Enter supplier on the header of the PO that corresponds to the code created for the warehouse from which stock is to be shipped.

Per the partner setup in CMS 20, CMS extracts all of the purchase orders for the supplier code assigned to this partner.


Set up

1. The CMS option to export purchase orders for a supplier runs.   

2. The orders for the supplier warehouse are extracted.

3. The CMS option to import purchase orders for a partner runs.

4. Orders are created for the account assigned to the warehouse from which the transfer is requested.

5. The orders must billed to relieve the inventory in the ship from warehouse.

Note:  The Billtos that you assign to each warehouse reside in a separate inactive company so the receivable isn't recorded in your company file and the transaction doesn't impact sales.

How CMS Automates Transfers between Warehouses

1. If you have 3 warehouses and stock could be transferred between any of them in both directions then your setup would look something like this -

2. If your warehouses are:




3. RAL can send purchase orders to NYC and ANA.

4. You need 2 Billtos for RAL.

 billto account for when RAL orders from NYC.

 billto account for when RAL orders from ANA.

5. Set up ANA and NYC the same way.

Note:  The customer type should be set to IC and the customer price list should be set to AC.

Here is the RAL account when ordering from ANA.


6. You assign the accounts to warehouses per supplier in the system cross reference table. (SET 5).

You need a table for each supplier warehouse. For our example we have ANACUST#, NYCCUST# & RALCUST#. CMS will use these account numbers when creating the regular order for an inbound 850.


7. A purchase order is entered using the company's normal purchasing account. The supplier is the warehouse that the inventory is coming from.


8. The outbound purchase order job for supplier ANA runs.

9. The inbound purchase order job for that partner runs. Inbound 850s create the “customer order” to be filled and shipped.


10. This customer order is billed to relieve inventory in the ANA warehouse. The receivable is not on the active company's books.

11. The CMS partner on the web can be set to put and get the files from a path on the IFS. To do this you make the protocol local and specify the path in the inbound and outbound path fields.

12. The 856 must be configured in the CMS partner settings to load 'pre-receipts' with the item details including serial number and costs.

Note:  The Transaction Format must be configured and DIX.12 on the inbound and outbound transaction.

Associated Files/Settings

Adding Partners - In order to receive purchase orders, the trading partner must be established using the Administration tab of the CMS configuration application. Click Add/Modify Transactions, at the bottom of the Add Partner window. From this screen you can add, update, or delete transaction types to include Purchase Orders.

View CMS Transaction Status Log (Inbound 850, Outbound 855 & 856) CMS 54 - This option displays the status of transactions that are generated after the receipt of a purchase order. These transactions include: purchase order acknowledgements, advance shipping notices, and invoices.

Re-process Inbound ASNs, Inbound Invoices, and Inbound POs (CMS 55) - If you have an inbound purchase order (or other inbound transaction) that has errors, this option allows you to reprocess the transaction after fixing the errors. If the transaction has already been processed, the system presents a message letting you know.

View Transaction Audit Log for All Inbound and Outbound Documents (CMS 58) - Use this option to display all the transactions sent out from and received into your system.

View Status Of Outbound Transactions (CMS 59) - This option lets you know if your outbound document made it to it’s destination and if so whether or not it had any errors.

Sending and Receiving Invoices in CMS

Sending and Receiving Purchase Orders in CMS

Sending and Receiving Acknowledgements in CMS

Item Catalogs

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