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CMS Set-up

Setting up IFS Directories

Global Settings

Starting and Stopping CMS Processes

Starting the CMS Java Server

Transaction Settings (Adding Users and Partners)

Associated Files

Related FAQs

Setting up IFS Directories




The IFS (integrated file system) is a part of OS/400 that supports stream input/output and storage management, similar to personal computer and UNIX operating systems, while providing an integrating structure over all information stored in the AS/400.

The key features of the integrated file system are:

You need to establish a directory structure on the AS/400 file system that the CMS application uses in transmitting and archiving transactions. Verify that your AS/400 has a CMS directory in the Dancik directory which should be located in the Home directory.

Dancik recommends creating a generic directory for all CMS users, however it is possible to create unique directories for individual users. The following is an example default transaction directory that can be used by all CMS users: MD/Home/Dancik/CMS/CMSuser.

To establish an archive directory for the directory shown above, you can enter the following directory: MD/Home/Dancik/CMS/CMSuser/Archive.

An additional directory must be created for outbound price catalogs. It should be similar to the following: /Home/Dancik/CMS/catalog.


1. To get to the root directory enter WRKLNK / on the command line and press Enter. The root directory is displayed.


2. To drill down into the root directory to get to the CMS directory (if one already exists), use option 5 - Display to display the contents of the directory.

3. Drill down through the directories until you get to HOME/DANCIK/CMS.


Note:  By default the CMS directory contains a conf sub-directory. This folder contains data specific to your configuration of CMS and does not require any direct access by CMS users or administrators.

4. To add a new Object Link to the CMS directory, enter MD on the command line and press Enter. The Create Directory screen appears.


5. Keep in mind that you want the directory to mirror the directory entered using the GUI portion of CMS.

6. Enter the new directory name (CMSUSER) and press Enter, then F5 to refresh the screen. The new link appears within the directory.


7. You can make individual directories for all of your CMS users (home/Dancik/CMS/Gbrannen), or you can make one such as CMSUSERS.

8. The next step is to create an Archive directory. Enter a 5 in the new link (CMSUSER) and press Enter. If this is the first object input into this directory, you will see the following screen.


9. Enter the command MD on the command line and press Enter. On the screen that appears, enter Archive as the Directory name.


10. Press F5 to refresh the screen. The new link, Archive, displays.


11This is where all CMS transactions are archived for the time limit you set (60 days, 90 days, etc.). If you set all your CMS users up to use the same directory (CMSUSERS), you only need one archive link. If you set up all your CMS users individually, you will need to establish an archive account for each of them.

CMS Global Settings




These settings are made via the CMS Menu. This settings affect all transactions, unless overridden by specific transaction entries.


1. Access the Channel Management Support Menu (CMS) and select option 20 - Schedule Automatic Processing & Maintain Global Settings. The CMS Timer and Settings screen appears.

2. Press F10 - Global Settings.

The Global Settings screen appears.



Communications Profile ID

This settings defines the communication profile passed to Gentran during execution of the transaction and establishes the VAN to use. Unless special arrangements have been made to have this field hard-coded, there can only be two entries into this field: ONET3 or IBM.

To check a partner’s Communications profile follow this path:

  • Access the GENTRAN menu (type GENTRAN on a command line)

  • option 1 - Work with Partners

  • enter a 5 in the partner’s Opt column, the Communications Profile ID is near the bottom of the screen.

Omit Items that do not have values in all key Item Attributes

Entering a Y in this field, to ensure items with missing values in any of the 5 item attributes (Style Number, Product Type Description, Style Name, Color Name, Color Number) are excluded from the transmitted file.

Treat hyphens (-) as skip values in Item Attributes

This global setting, when set to Y, eliminates an item from being sent if one of the attributes has a hyphen in it. It considers that attribute blank.

A few notes about Item Attributes: Item attributes, and their associated settings, are created via the Master Attributes File Maintenance (SET 31). They are assigned to items through the F=16 Item Attributes screen on the Item File Profile screen (FIL 2). Values for the Item Attributes (i.e. sandstone is a value for the attribute Color Name) can be created through both the Master Attributes File Maintenance and Item File programs. If a value is created through the Item File, it automatically gets added to the Master Attributes File.

Enter time for Web Based Item Catalog to be Scheduled

The scheduler allows for daily or monthly (always executed on the first of the month) scheduling. The web interface pulls the time from the global defaults.

Default ship via for customer pick up orders

If there is not a ship via code identified in the partner settings the ship via code entered here acts as the default for customer pick up orders.

Operator Initials

These initials are recorded and can be used later for tracking/auditing purposes.

The value entered in this field is also the ID used to determine the set of parameters against which an order will be evaluated against the hold options set up via the System Wide Setting - Options for Order Hold Process.

Delay before checking for the next inbound PO in Retail mode

Enter the number of minutes you want to wait

Specify option for handling DIRECT pricing in the Price Catalog (832)

Select one of the three options for direct pricing. Direct pricing records are identified with a “D”.

Outgoing POs will default to "Must Match" Dye Lot Logic

This setting allows you to automatically direct the system to ensure that items are from the same dye lot. Essentially this setting identifies in your outbound POs to your suppliers that you want the dye lots to match for the items you are ordering.

When Base UOM attribute is not populated, use Native or Sales UOM

Base Unit of measures are assigned to items in the Item Attributes portion of the Item File.

If the Base Unit of measure is not populated or created, the system uses the Native or Sales UOMs from the Item File profile screen.

This setting works in conjunction with sending item size variables in the G39 segment of the 832 Price Catalog. This added information makes the price catalogs transmitted via Dancik’s CMS fcB2B compliant.

For more information on the item sizing functionality and the G39 segment of the 832 Price Catalog, click here.

Transmit Drop Notices in 832? Y


Resend Drop Notices in 832?

Once an item has been dropped from the distributor system this information can be transmitted in an 832.

Rules for Drops:

  • Never send discontinued items on a full catalog.

  • Never send discontinued items on a price change only catalog if the item has never been sent previously.

  • Send discontinued items on a price change only catalog whether there has been a price change or not, if the item has been sent previously and the drop hasn't been sent, (or if drop has been sent and resend transmit drops is Yes.).

Logic for identifying dropped items:

  • Item Discontinue Date has passed, Inventory is no longer available and item has a DI policy.

  • Drops are denoted in DTM segment within LIN loop

  • DTM*02 has a value of '197'

  • DTM*03 will have date of transmission in YYYYMMDD format

The X12 for a non-drop item appears as follows.


The X12 for a drop item appears as follows where the item is a drop and has met the conditions for transmission on the date indicated in REF segment. Notice the DTM *02 has a value of 197 and the DTM*03 date of transmission is in YYYYMMDD format.


Include BOM/KIT Items in 832

If this setting is activated, the B2B catalog provides items from the bill of material file as “associated items” to the master item. This feature allows catalog recipients to see the recommended trim and accessory items for each product, just as when your customer service views them on the Order Entry screens.

Rules for Item Inclusion on the BOM

  • Item must have all five key item attributes (style number, style name, color number, color number, and product type) set up.

Note:  Item Attributes are established using menu option FIL 2 function key F16.

  • Item must be a valid catalog item with a valid price.

  • Must have been sent previously or is being sent in the current catalog; cannot have been dropped.

Files Associated with BOMs:

  • Bill of Material/Kit File (FIL 39) - enables you to define the items that relate to, compliment, or “go with” each other. It is important that you keep BOMs up-to-date. If discontinued items are included in BOMs, they will be included in the CMS requested price list; if they meet the parameters. Only the first 100 components of any single Bill of Material are included in the Price List. Use the Seq# field on the Alternate view (F11) of the Bill-of-Material Kit File to assign a sequence number to BOM components.


  • Price Catalog Extract screen - Use this web based screen to set the parameters and time frame for requesting an Price List. For an item to be included, it has to match the selection criteria. There are two delivery types (FTP/X.12 and CSV/Email) under Distribution Options. Bill of Material functionality is only supported by the FTP/X.12 option. The CSV/Email option does not support BOM functionality.

FTP Tx Job Duration

This setting allows you to enter a time in seconds that will monitor and end CMS transfer jobs if they are no longer productive. Use of this setting can help eliminate CMS jobs getting “hung up” if an error occurs during the FTP transfer process.

This setting applies to all CMS inbound and outbound processes initiated by scheduled CMS transactions.

How it works:

  • A system submitting kill job checks the FTP job transfers every 30 seconds to see if it is active.

  • If the FTP job is active and not past the time limit entered in the FTP Tx Job Duration setting, the kill job does not do anything. However, it keeps checking the FTP process every 30 seconds.

  • If the FTP process is active and past time limit, the kill job ends it.

  • If there are no active FTP transfers, the kill job is not active.

Starting and Stopping CMS Processes

CMS is started using the CMSSTART (CMSSTART2 for the retail environment) command and ended with the CMSSTOP command.

Note: Refer to Start/Stop CMS (CMS 50 to CMS 53).

Starting the CMS Java Server

CMS is a Java based application. To start the server that runs and then applies the Java instructions, enter the command STCPROD (Start Tomcat Production). If this command is not issued, and the web portion of CMS is being used, then the error message Page Not Found appears.

If you are experiencing a lot of Java problems or poor performance, you can issue the command ETCPROD to stop the Tomcat server. Then re-issue the STCPROD command. This is like restarting a PC. 

CMS Transaction Settings (Adding Users and Partners)

The Administration and Logging tabs on the CMS web application allow you to configure CMS Transaction Settings.


Adding Users

Adding Partners

The Administration tab identifies the users, partners, and global connections for your CMS system.

This section details the steps required to establish the users, trading partners, and database connections that CMS uses. These important elements are defined below.

Adding Users 

Enter users by clicking Add User and adding the appropriate information in each field.

After entering all the information, click Add at the top of the box.

Note:  To edit a user information or level of access, click on the User ID. This brings up the Add User window with the users information entered.

Adding Partners 

Partnerships are established for businesses who you will be exchanging documents with. Add partners by clicking Add Partner.


The following fields are required.



Partner ID

The identification code or name used to identify the trading partner. This ID should be supplied by your trading partner as their identifying code. It should not be “assigned” by you on behalf of your partner without their approval. This value must match the partner ID entered in the Dancik CMS Settings (refer to Global Settings). The Partner ID is element 6 in the ISA segment.

The partner ID cannot be longer than 10 characters.

Partner Name

The full name of the CMS business partner you are doing business with.

Do not use apostrophes when entering the partner name. There are two reasons why, The first is that any setting containing an apostrophe is truncated. For example, “Gary’s Palace of Floors” would end up being “Gary”.

Secondly, the value of the field is URL-coded (which means special character values are converted before the page is submitted) so the apostrophes are converted to “'” before being written to the CMSConfig.xml file. For example, if “Gary’s Floor Source” is used for the Partner ID, the resulting value in the CMSConfig.xml file will be “Gary's Floor Source”.

License Keys 

Contact Dancik’s customer service department at 919-379-3715 to obtain the license keys. License keys are unique to the partner.

Partner ID

The identification code or name used to identify the trading partner. This value must match the partner ID entered in the Dancik CMS Settings (refer to Global Settings). The Partner ID is element 6 in the ISA segment.

The partner ID cannot be longer than 10 characters. Furthermore, the Partner ID has to match the Exchange Partner setting on the CMS Timer and Setting screen (CMS 20).

Receiver ID Qualifier

Populate this field when a value is used in the Receiver ID field. It tells the partner what type of identifier has been used. Common values are “14” for telephone numbers, or “ZZ” for user-defined codes.

Secondary Receiver ID 

This value may be populated with a unique code when further identification is required for a trading partner.

Sender ID 

This is a unique code that identifies your company to the trading partner. Often times telephone numbers, Dunn and Bradstreet Numbers, or Tax ID numbers may be used.

Sender ID Qualifier

This value is populated when a value is used in the Receiver ID field and tells the partner what type of identifier has been used. Common values are '14' for telephone numbers, or 'ZZ' for user-defined codes.

Secondary Sender ID -

This value may be populated with a unique code when further, more specific identification of your company is required for the trading partner.

A Secondary Sender ID is not a backup value to the Sender ID. If a Secondary Sender ID is assigned it overrides the Sender ID.

Test Indicator 

Enter either a “T” for test or “P” for production. This value is used on all documents sent to this partner unless the Test Indicator value has been set individually for each document.


This field should be populated with “FTP” in standard CMS implementations. When CMS is used in conjunction with 3rd party products such as AS2 Client from Sterling software it should be set to “LOCAL”.

FTP Transport Mode 

Enter “BINARY” to ensure that the data sets generated by are transported using BINARY (representational) character set.

FTP Active/Passive 

Depending upon the capabilities of your firewall product it may be necessary to set this value to “PASSIVE”. “ACTIVE” is the preferred setting.

Server Type 

The operating system the CMS partner is using. There are two choices: OS/400 system and a non OS/400 system.


 The domain name or IP address of the FTP server where the partner mailboxes are located.


User ID for the FTP server.


For User ID specified above.

Inbound Path 

Specifies a location for depositing inbound transactions. This location acts like a mailbox for transactions coming into your system. An example path is /ftproot/2250/inbox.

Outbound Path 

This is where outbound transactions are deposited.

Most FTP severs support “locking” the user to specific directory in the “root”. However, some FTP servers display the path in which their directory resides. This type implementation is know as an “absolute” path. WSFTP server is an example of this type implementation. Other FTP servers support a “relative” path in which the “users” home directory is the only directory structure ever displayed.

When implementing partners on an FTP server such as WSFTP it will be necessary to configure the server to show the entire directory structure as well as include this entire directory structure in the Inbound Path and Outbound Path parameters. In order to prevent users from accessing other directories in the path, you should restrict their access to all folders in the path except their home directory and the in and out directories within it that directory.

Most FTP servers support a relative directory model in which the users “home” directory is the only directory which is visible to them. When implementing partners on these FTP servers (UNIX type) you need only configure the inbound and outbound path parameters on the CMS partner settings with the directories visible from their “home” directory.

For example on a WSFTP server user Dancik is locked to “DANCIK” directory which has been created in a directory called FTPACCTS. When the user signs into the FTP server they are placed in the DANCIK directory and can see an INBOX and OUTBOX directory.

For CMS to retrieve documents from the OUT directory, the CMS Partner Settings needs the following value in the inbound path parameter:/FTPACCTS/DANCIK/OUT.

The inbound and outbound paths cannot be the same.

Segment Terminator

Element Terminator Component Separator Repetition Separator

These settings allow CMS to use EDI and X12 settings. This enables CMS to translate EDI documents. These terminator settings are used to specify the characters used as EDI X.12 data separators, in the case where a partner specifically requires certain characters to be used when transmitting data to them.

The next group of settings allow you to assign detailed names and extensions. This can help in organizing the transactions.

Target File Prefix 


Target File Name 

“.” is permitted, but not required.

Target File Extension


Price Catalog Version 

The floor covering B2B standards include an agreed product hierarchy of “Style” and “Color”. These terms are based on traditional carpet industry product category conventions. For Dancik users and for suppliers of hard-surface flooring:

  • Style is analogous to the Dancik Price Class and/or Product Line. Style level pricing encompasses all the items included in the style. With style pricing, the highest price from any item in the style group was selected when the B2B 832 price catalog is sent. Furthermore, style groups can only be dropped if all the items in the group meet the drop requirements, which is when the items are discontinued with no inventory available.

  • Color is analogous to the Dancik item number, also referred to as the SKU number. With the implementation of color level pricing, the B2B 832 catalog provides prices at the item level along with drop information. This setting is at the Partner level because each of your trading partners may be using different software, and not all software is currently capable of receiving color level pricing.

Color level pricing allows you to override style pricing for individual items based on color/SKU#.

Click Update to add the new partner.

The next step is to establish the documents you will be exchanging with this partner. Click Add/Modify Transactions, at the bottom of the Add Partner box. From this screen you can add, update, or delete transaction types.

Note:  CMS transaction by Partner configuration is limited to 12 documents per partner. Please note that the user interface doesn't block you from adding more than 12 transactions however doing so results in corruption of the existing transaction configuration.

CMS gives you the following choices:




ack (acknowledgement)

asn (advanced sales notifications), catalog (for items)

invoice, po, and poack (purchase order acknowledgement)


X.12 is the default and should be used exclusively for all CMS transactions.

At the current time, CSV and Excel output are not supported.

Also, these are special formats used for specific implementations and should not be chosen as a general format.

  • HDX.12

  • DIX.12



Inbound or outbound


These settings help identify the transaction. The standard B2B extensions are used.

Test Indicator

T or P 

Once testing is complete, you may be asked to switch the Test Indicator value to P (Production).


Every action that happens in CMS is written to one of the following log types.

Note:  Log entries are automatically deleted based on the Retention Days setting made under the User tab or Global Settings.

When the Logging tab is clicked, the following dialog boxes appear.

Use these fields to narrow the transaction/execution log as needed. For example, you could run a transaction log only for invoices from a particular supplier for a specified date span.

Transaction History

This log shows the status history of all CMS transactions. It is a good tool for tracking a transaction through the entire CMS cycle. You can see every transaction that happens on your CMS server or you can limit it by any combination of seven parameters (date, filename, partner, action, file type, file format, and status).

Execution History

This log contains a history of CMS activities. As shown in the figure below, you can use it to see which transactions did or did not successfully process into CMS. If there was an error, this log provides the details as to why it happened.

Associated Files

Sending and Receiving Purchase Orders in CMS

Sending and Receiving Invoices in CMS

Sending and Receiving Acknowledgements in CMS

Sending and Receiving Advance Ship Notices in CMS

Item Catalogs

CMS Utilities

Additional CMS Information

Related FAQs

Channel Management Solutions FAQs