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Conditional Order Release in Décor 24

Associated Files

This set of parameters controls which orders are allowed to move to a into a processed state. This allows you to hold some orders that might need to be reviewed prior to the actual order creation.

Note: This functionality works in conjunction with the settings made via the System Wide Setting - Options for Order Hold Process.

1  Access the Décor 24 menu and select option 4 - Company/Branch Settings (D24 4).

2  Enter a company and branch to access the Decor24 Co/Branch Settings screen. The “C” option in the Document to Print & Printer setting. controls conditional order release.


3 When “C” is used in this field there are a couple of process flows that can take place:

Process 1 - System Wide Setting - Options for Order Hold is not activated

 If the Order Hold Process has not been enabled then all orders go on hold, as if H were selected as the “Document to Print & Printer” option, and will appear in CUS 15 for manual release.

Process 2 - System Wide Setting - Options for Order Hold is activated

— If the Order Hold Process has been enabled then all orders are to be validated against the order hold parameters set up for Décor 24 in the System Wide Setting - Options for Order Hold.

— Any orders that pass the hold parameter checks are auto released and pick lists printed as if option 1 - Pick List were selected as the “Document to Print & Printer” option. These orders will use the Printer ID value entered in the setting (in the example above the printer is P9).

  Any order that does not pass the hold parameter checks are held and appear under option CUS 15 - Unconfirmed Dial In Orders for manual release.

4 To check on the orders that do not pass the parameter check, access menu option CUS 15. Find your order reference number.

Note: If you know the reference number of the order, you can display the order information directly via the order entry screens accessed via green screen menu options ORD 1 and CUS 1 and Navigator order entry.

5 Press F2 to expand order box to display more information about the order.


6 To see which parameters made the order go into an unprocessed status, enter a 5 in its Act field and press Enter.

7 The system redirects you to the order. Access the Order Header screen. Notice the F5=Notepad function.


8 Press F5 to display the parameters that forced the order into an unprocessed order status.


Décor 24 Reports

The Décor 24 statistics CSV reports have been updated to include a Order - Held column to capture the orders that were held by this process.

The following reports have been updated:

Associated Files

System Wide Setting - Options for Order Hold Process

Receiving Purchase Orders in CMS

Sales Portal

Navigator Notepad for Unprocessed Orders

Navigator File Management - Order Hold Reason Codes