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CMS Utilities

The CMS utiltiy options are CMS 50 through CMS 61

Start/Stop_CMS - CMS_50_to_CMS_53

View_CMS_Transaction_Status_Log_Inbound_850 Outbound_855_856 - CMS_54

Re-process Inbound ASNs Inbound Invoices and Inbound POs - CMS_55

Set Outbound PO Transmit Status - CMS_56


View Transaction Audit Log for All Inbound and Outbound Documents - CMS_58

View Status Of Outbound Transactions - CMS_59

Start/Stop CMS (CMS 50 to CMS 53)

The first four options allow you to stop and start CMS via an option rather than a command. CMS operates in both a regular and retail environment. Both versions are very similar with the main differences being:

   In the retail environment, CMS goes out to the trading partners’ system every 5 minutes and checks for incoming purchase orders. In the regular version, CMS checks your system, at user defined intervals, for incoming purchase orders.

   In the retail version, a purchase order acknowledgement (855) is automatically sent immediately upon receipt of a purchase order.

View CMS Transaction Status Log (Inbound 850, Outbound 855 & 856) CMS 54

This option displays the status of transactions that are generated after the receipt of a purchase order. These transactions include: purchase order acknowledgements, advance shipping notices, and invoices.






The partner you want to view the incoming purchase orders for. You must enter a partner number. To display all the available partners enter a ? in the field and press Enter.

OMIT if ACK, ASN, INV have All Been Extracted?

When an incoming purchase order is received and processed, three documents: a purchase order acknowledgement (ACK) an advanced shipping notice (ASN), and an invoice (INV) should be generated and sent out. If you set this field to Y, any purchase orders that have had all three of these documents generated are not displayed.

From/To Order#

Use this field to narrow the display down to a specific order number range. If this field is left blank, all orders are displayed.

From/To Date

Use this field to narrow the display down to a specific order date range. If this field is left blank, all orders are displayed.


This field works in conjunction with the From/To Date field. If you enter an S the date range is applied to purchase orders shipping dates. Enter an O to apply the date range to order dates.


The order number.

Order Date

The date the purchase order was placed.

Ship Date

The date you are shipping the material out.


The manifest number.


A Y in this field indicates the order has gone through the Close-A-Truck process and is either shipped or ready to be shipped. In order for the system to generate purchase order acknowledgements, advanced shipping notices, and invoices, a purchase order must be closed.


The invoice number.

ACK (PO Acknowledgement)

ASN (Advanced Shipping Notice)

INV (Invoice)

A Y in these fields shows you that the related document has been generated. In order for these documents to generate the Close-A-Truck process has to have been performed.

After all the information is entered, press Enter. The screen refreshes to display the required information.


As shown in the figure above, there haven’t been any ASNs or INVs generated for the orders. To access more information, press F10 to display a transaction log.

Note:  In order for an ASN to be extracted, the Close-A-Truck process must be completed and for an invoice to be issued an invoice number must be present.

An example of the functionality of this tool could be to ensure the purchase orders being shipped today have all three documents created. The settings to display this information are shown below.

Re-process Inbound ASNs, Inbound Invoices, and Inbound POs (CMS 55)

If you have an inbound purchase order (or other inbound transaction) that has errors, this option allows you to reprocess the transaction after fixing the errors. If the transaction has already been processed, the system presents a message letting you know.

Set Outbound PO Transmit Status (CMS 56)

By default all purchase orders are created with a status of Y. Once you change the status to N the PO will not transmit until the status is changed back to Y. If the status is not changed to Y, on the same day the order is entered, the PO will have to be to manually submitted using the option to send on demand.

Note: Refer to Sending Purchase Orders on Demand for more information on how to send POs manually.

If the order is successfully put on hold, the message Operation Successful appears at the bottom of the screen. The order stays in a held status until you go back in and reflag it with a Y status.


This option lets you specify a date range to delete transaction records out of your audit log. As a safeguard measure, the last two months worth of records will not be deleted regardless of the dates entered.

View Transaction Audit Log for All Inbound and Outbound Documents (CMS 58)

Use this option to display all the transactions sent out from and received into your system.


Press F2 to display the locations for the transactions.

View Status Of Outbound Transactions (CMS 59)

This application provides a way to find out if your outbound purchase orders, purchase order acknowledgements, invoices, and advance ship notices were received and if they were correct.

Before you can use this application the following must be completed:

1. On the first screen, enter the partner and optionally a document number. As shown below, if a document number is not entered then all outbound documents for the partner are displayed.


Note:  To display a listing of all the available partners, enter a ? in the Enter Partner field.

If a document number is entered then only documents relevant to it are displayed.

2. The Trans Type column shows the type of transaction. The following transaction codes can display:

3. The Group-Ctrl# helps to identify and track documents. A control group can include one or several transactions.

4. The status codes in the Status column let you know the transaction reached its destination and was processed. If there isn’t a status code, it is possible that the transaction did not reach the trading partner and if it did it has not been opened. The following status codes can be displayed:

5. To display the contents of a document, enter a X into the appropriate Opt field and press Enter.


This control group consists of invoices. If it had been for purchase orders the Invoice# heading would have been Order#. The other two transactions that can be included in a control group are: affected are advance ship notices which use BOL#, and purchase order acknowledgements which use the PO#.

6. To retrieve the documents that are associated with a transactions, enter an X in its Opt field. The screen that appears displays the following information: