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Options for Order Hold Process

This set of parameters controls which orders are allowed to move into a processed state. This allows you to hold some orders that might need to be reviewed prior to the actual order creation.

This functionality only applies to non-interactive users; which basically encompasses Décor 24 and Channel Management Solutions (CMS) and the Armstrong Sales Portal. Orders entered by interactive users (i.e. orders are entered from a work station that is assigned work station ID) are not in scope at this time.

The System Wide Setting - Options for Order Hold Process activates this functionality globally.

Note: This functionality can also be activated at the application level.

1.  The Order Release functionality is controlled by the System Wide Setting - Options for Order Hold Process.


2.  Enter a “Y” in the setting Enable the Order Hold Process to activate the Conditional Order Release functionality.

3.  Press F9=View/Set Parameters to see the parts of the Dancik system where orders can be entered that have had the Conditional Order Release Functionality activated.






This field contains a reference to the type of user the rules are to be applied.

At the current time, the only Type allowed is “S” = System ID.

Additional values may be added in the future and may drive the logic for which user ID field in the customer order is to be used to drive this process.


This field contains the user initials for which the rules are to be applied.

At this time the following user have been created:

  • D24 - !!

  • Armstrong Portal - !A

  • CMS - Operator Initials value as defined in CMS 20, F10 Global Set­tings.


Enter a more detailed description of the user.

Note:   To add a new entry use the F1 function key.

4.  To update an existing entry, use the “U” - Update option.


5.  Enter a “Y” in the Update New Record field to access the order hold parameters established for the user.


Here is how the order validation process works:

   This validation process begins after the order message is received.

   If an order does not meet or match any of the defined parameters it is to automatically be released and an Order Number created.

   If an order meets or matches any of the defined parameters it is held/stopped.

   If the order is held, it is available for viewing in CUS 15, CUS 16, or Navigator OM as an unprocessed Reference Number only.

   The parameter or set of parameters that caused the order to be held are to be recorded in the Release Notepad of the order.

   Since an order only goes through this process once, all parameters are validated and any that are met are displayed.

6.   Enter a “Y” to add a parameter to the conditional order release equation.



Shipping Instructions provided

This setting only applies to Décor 24 users. It checks a specific part of Décor 24 (Shipping Instructions field, Message line 4) to see if shipping instructions have been added.

All other applications use the parameter F6 Lines Contain Key Words.

Special Instructions provided.

This setting only applies to Décor 24 users. It checks a specific part of Décor 24 (Shipping Instructions field, Message line 4) to see if shipping instructions have been added.

All other applications use the parameter F6 Lines Contain Key Words.

Line in a Backorder status

Check status of all lines, hold order if any line is in “B” - Backorder status.

Roll and Cut of the same item are ordered

Check for lines containing the same item number. If they have the same item number, check the roll cut indicator. Hold the order if the roll cut indicator values are not the same.

Ship Via is other than default.

Check the Bill To file for the order’s account to determine whether the selected ship via matches the default value assigned to the account.

S/M line contains a price

Check the S/M line in a Customer Order for a $ character or a string in the format n.nn where n is a number from 0-9.

Ship Date or day not valid per default SV and TR entries

Ensure the shipto date is valid in relation to the Shipvia and Transfer entries.

Ship To Address was manually entered.

Check the Order Pending File for Ship to Override set to YES.

Ship To Address is other than the default

This setting checks to see if the Shipto Address was changed to one other than the default entered in the Billto File.

Ship Date is in the past

This setting compares the ship date to the current days date. If the current days date is greater than the ship date, do not auto release the order.

The next several parameters have an Opt field on their left hand side. The Opt field is needed because these parameters have associated data values that have to be entered.

Ship Date is more than X days in the future.

Enter a “U” in the Opt field to add the number of days.


Add the current days date to the numerical value entered. Compare the result to the ship date to determine if it exceeds that value. '0' is an allowed value in this field.

Customer is part of a Chain

Do not auto release order if the Bill To File chain field for the account number on the order matches any value entered.


When the order reference number is received, use the Company and Account number combination to search the Bill To file to determine if the chain listed in the screen is included in this parameter.

Customer is part of a Marketing Program

Do not auto release order if the marketing program code entered in this table is inlcuded in the account’s Billto File.


Transfer Line with specific Warehouse and Manufacturer.

Check each line on an order for Transfer lines. If found, check the To and From warehouse values and Manufacturer combinations to determine if the order should be held.


You can use wild cards in all three fields. Use * as wild card value. You can enter values like RAL, R**, **L, etc.

Transfer Line with specific Warehouse and Item Class 1

Check each line on an order for Transfer lines. If found, check the To and From warehouse values and Item Class 1 combinations to determine if the order should be held.


You can use wild cards in all three fields. Use * as wild card value. You can enter values like RAL, R**, **L, etc.

Specific Header Warehouse and Ship Via combinations

Check the warehouse and ship via combinations to determine if the order should be held.


You can use wild cards in all three fields. Use * as wild card value. You can enter values like RAL, R**, **L, etc.


  • An entry of warehouse RAL and shipvia PU means hold all orders that have that warehouse and shipvia combination

  • An entry of *** as the warehouse and a shipvia of PU would mean hold all pickups regardless of warehouse.

  • An entry of warehouse RAL and a shipvia of *** means hold all orders from Header warehouse Raleigh regardless of ship via.

F6 lines contain key words

Check the F6 lines of an order for any words contained in the in the table accessed by entering a “U” in the Opt field. If a match is found the order is to be held.


The entries in the this table are automatically display in an alphabetical order. When new entries are added and saved and the screen is exited, upon accessing the table again the enters are displayed in alphabetical order.

Sequence Number

This number controls the order in which the parameters are evaluated at time of order receipt. The lower the sequence number the more important the parameter is.

The parameter marked as Sequence number 01 is displayed when viewing unprocessed orders via green screen menu options CUS 15, CUS 16, and the Navigator Unprocessed orders screen.

Associated Files

Conditional Order Release in Decor 24

Receiving Purchase Orders in CMS

Sales Portal

Navigator Notepad for Unprocessed Orders

Navigator File Management - Order Hold Reason Codes