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Master Attributes File Maintenance - SET 31

This file allows internal and external users (Internet, showroom, office) to run searches or queries based on specific file attributes and their values. Although the Master Attributes File can be used to define attributes related to multiple files, it is now available only for defining item (product) attributes. For this reason, this feature may be referred to as Item Attributes. The Item Attributes File is a collection of user-defined fields that can be integrated into the Item File and item search functionality. Examples of item attributes are TEXTURE, ROOMS, and COLOR. Examples of values for these attributes are SMOOTH, ROUGH, KITCHEN, BATHROOM, BLUE, YELLOW. You can submit a query for all SMOOTH, BLUE tiles that is appropriate for a BATHROOM. All the items that have those attribute values are included in this listing.

Different information is needed for different products. For example, attributes could include Commercial Versus Residential, Rooms To Use Product In, Degree Of Shade Variation, Texture, Style, Look, Matching Paint Chips, or Fiber. You can limit certain attribute information to certain cost centers and manufacturers.

1. When option 31- Master Attributes File Maintenance, is selected the following screen displays.


2. This screen has an empty list of master file attributes when you first display it. Use F1 to create attributes. The two reference types are IT (for items) and CU (for customers).

3. To populate the screen with an attribute listing, enter a reference type and press Enter. The attributes for that reference type appear.






This password is maintained using the IT3001 and IT3010 keywords. You may require a password for update mode.

Reference Type

IT represents an item attribute; CU represents a customer attribute.

Short Description

You can enter a short description to reposition the list to a specific master attribute. Leave this field blank to display all master file attributes.

Display Sequence

The sequence in which the attributes will be shown on certain screens.


Enter one of the following options:

U=Update. Enter U to update the selected attribute. The high level password is required.

D=Delete. Enter D to permanently delete the selected attribute. The high level password is required. A confirmation screen displays to verify that you want to permanently delete this attribute record.

I=Inquiry. Enter I to inquire on the selected attribute. A low-level password may be required.

Short Desc

The short descriptions of existing attributes.

Long Description

The long descriptions of existing attributes.

Sequence number

This column holds the display sequence number for the Master Attribute record. This value indicates to web-based programs displaying these records, what order these attributes should be displayed in.

Valid Flag

*YES indicates that the values for the attribute must be validated from a user-defined list of acceptable values,

Keyword Search

Advanced Search

*YES indicates that the attribute is accessed via the keyword or advanced search program.

Once attributes are defined, you can use the Item File Maintenance Program to assign attributes to specific items. In effect, item attributes are user-defined extensions to the Item File, which are used for product searching.

The following screen displays when you press F1 to create a new master file attribute.





Reference Type

IT represents an item attribute, CU represents a customer attribute. You cannot update this field. It is an informational field only.

Attribute number

This is a system-generated number. It is used to establish a unique key for each attribute, but it is not needed for any of the functions using attributes.

Short Description

A short description of the attribute.

Long Description

A long description of the attribute.

Display Sequence number

This field holds the display sequence number for the Master Attribute record. This value indicates to all web-based programs displaying these records, what order these records should be displayed in.

Use Validation Checking

A “Y” causes the Item File to validate all entries for this attribute against the user-defined acceptable attribute values that are created using F13 function on this program.

Use in Keyword Search

A “Y” allows this attribute to be found in a keyword search. An “N” will ignore it.

Use in Advanced Search

A “Y” allows values for this attribute to be found in an advanced item search. An “N” ignores it.

Add to Favorites

This field is to be utilized in a future release.

The following is an example of the F13 (Work With Attribute Values) Screen:


This screen displays attribute values already established, and allows you to create (add), delete and update attribute values. Attribute values are the values that you have designated as valid for that attribute. If you enter Y for Use Validation Checking, then you can only enter one of these values into the Item Master file for this attribute. Use F1 to create new attribute values.

Observe the following when using the F13 duplicating function in the Item File:

Note  If you position by item number or description without first pressing Enter, all previously marked 'X' items are lost. This is due to the screen reloading another sub-file with the new 'position to' criteria.

The following is an example of the F14 (Include/Omit Cost Centers) Screen.


The screen above allows you to limit an attribute to certain items based on a cost center. For example, you can specify cost centers that should be omitted, and items with those cost centers will not be associated with this attribute. You can specify cost centers that should be included, and only items with those cost centers will be associated with this attribute. You cannot mix I and O entries on the same screen. The screen must be set up as “include only these cost centers” or “omit these cost center & include all other”. Press F1 to add cost center restrictions on this screen.The F16 screen, to omit or include manufacturers, works exactly like the screen above.

The F14, F15, and F16 I/O (Include/Omit) options relate to which attributes will be available when assigning/associating the attribute to the item. This is true only at the time of the association. For example, if an attribute has been successfully associated to an item and then at a later time the attribute record is limited by cost center, company, or manufacturer, this would apply only when attempting to associate a new item to that attribute. The previously associated item/attributes are still valid and have to be manually removed from applicable items.

Example for use of the item attributes file

Set up three new user-defined attributes in the master item attributes file: TEXTURE, ROOMS, and COLOR MATCHES.

Set up the allowable values for each of the three new attributes as shown below:

Item Attribute

Item Attribute Values


Rough, Smooth, Glossy


Kitchen, Bathroom, Bedroom


Dupont 125, Dupont 547, Kohler 778

1. Set up the values shown in the Master Attributes File.

2. For each item in the Item File Maintenance Program, you can enter the applicable textures, associated rooms, and color matches. Use the F16 (Attributes) function on the main Item File Profile Screen.

3. Items can be searched by attributes in the “Advanced Search” which is accessible from several programs. The “Advanced” Search is designed to search specifically through the attributes files. The following path is used to get to the Advanced Search window from the Order Entry and Inventory Inquiry programs:

Associated Files

Item File - FIL 2