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Channel Management Solutions (CMS)


Manufacturer Version - Features exchange documents

Distributor Version - Features exchange documents


Associated Files

Related FAQs


CMS is a Java-based solution that supports the following trading partner requirements:

The technical architecture of CMS provides the following benefits:

Manufacturer Version – Features/exchange documents


CMS Features

Receive Purchase Orders From Distributors

Automatic scheduled Order extractions and transmission from distributor systems

On-Demand Order extraction and transmission from distributor systems

Send Acknowledgements to Distributors

Automatic scheduled order acknowledgement retrieval and processing on distributor systems

Send Advance Ship Notices to Distributors

Automatic Scheduled ASN retrieval and processing on distributor systems

On-Demand ASN retrieval and processing on distributor systems

Send Invoices to Distributors

Automatic Scheduled Invoice retrieval and processing on distributor systems

On-Demand Invoice retrieval and processing on distributor systems

Invoice-to-Receipt Reconciliation processes on Distributor systems

General Ledger Entries

Support for Multi-Branch, Multi-Company

Send Item and Price Catalogs to Distributors

On-Demand Price Catalog retrieval and processing on distributor systems

Receive Sales Data from Distributors

On-Demand sales extraction and transmission from distributor systems

Distributor Version – Features/exchange documents


CMS Features

Receiving Purchase Orders

From dealers

Automatic scheduled order retrieval and processing

On-Demand order retrieval and processing

“Real time” order retrieval and processing

Processing of direct shipment orders

Send Acknowledgements to Dealers

Automatic scheduled order acknowledgement processing and transmission

“Real time” order acknowledgement processing and transmission

Send Advance Ship Notices to Dealers

Automatic scheduled ASN processing and transmission

On-Demand ASN processing and transmission by order number

On-Demand ASN processing and transmission by manifest

Send Invoices to Dealers

Automatic scheduled invoice processing and transmission

On-Demand invoice processing and transmission

Send Item and Price Catalogs to Dealers

On-Demand price catalog processing and transmission of all prices

On-Demand price catalog processing and transmission of price updates

Scheduled price catalog update transmissions

Flooring Industry B2B Standards and Dancik International’s CMS

The following table highlights how CMS, coupled with the Flooring Industry Standards, enable a “super-highway”, over which both standard and highly personalized transactions will travel, deliver­ing 21st century service and efficiency.

Value Points of Flooring Industry B2B Standards

How Dancik’s CMS Supports

  • Each supplier, and retailer along with their respective software vendors participate on a volun­tary basis. But, if you partici­pate you must adhere to the standards. All participants are responsible for making their own systems compliant with the standards.

CMS manages all of the requirements of the B2B Standards, and much more! It builds upon the opportunity and functionality of the B2B Standards.

  • The Retailer’ system “deposits” purchase orders on the FTP servers of their suppliers - auto­matically.

CMS can transmit B2B electronic documents via HTTP and partner-specific protocols, as well as via the Standard FTP. Third party AS2 products may be used alongside CMS.

  • The Supplier “withdraws” the purchase orders, processes them, and “deposits” acknowl­edgments, shipping notifications, and invoices for the retailers to pickup.

  • Suppliers will also deposit item catalogs and price lists.

CMS enables you to trade with Standard B2B suppliers and retailers.

  • Transactions are sent via the Internet (not expensive VANS) in a standard X.12 format.

CMS can transmit XML, Excel Spreadsheets, and proprietary file formats - not just the standard X.12 format.

Associated Files

Setting Up IFS Directories

CMS Set-up

Sending and Receiving Purchase Orders in CMS

Sending and Receiving Invoices in CMS

Sending and Receiving Acknowledgements in CMS

Sending and Receiving Advance Ship Notices in CMS

Submitting a Price Catalog Request

Receiving an Item Catalog

CMS Utilities

Additional CMS Information

Related FAQs

Channel Management Solutions FAQs

How to manually resend a CMS FTP job

Restarting Web Applications - IWMS, CMS GOE, SSM