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Assigning Salespeople to Orders

The Dancik system supports several strategies for assigning salespeople to orders. This section reviews all of the sales assignment strategies available to you. These strategies can be used concurrently, and in some cases used in combination on the same order. Review these carefully and apply the strategies that work best for each of your customers, divisions, and sales processes.

Assigning Salesperson Codes

Assigning Salesperson Codes to Invoices

Salesperson Assignments

Strategies for Assigning Salespeople to Orders

General guidelines for salesperson assignment strategies based upon your business model

Strategies for Calculating Sales Commissions

Examples of Accruing Referral Fees Commission and Rebates

Strategies for Automating Referral Fees Rebates and Commissions to Third-parties

Accounting Considerations for Accruing Referral Fees Commissions and Rebates to Third-Parties

Associated Files

Related FAQs

Assigning Salesperson Codes

Salesperson Codes can be assigned to orders in the following places:

Header of an order


Note:  If there is no salesperson assigned on the header of an order, the salesperson assignments in the Billto file are used.

Main account “profile” screen of the Billto File


F14 “Codes” screen of the Billto File


Assigning Salesperson Codes to Invoices

Salesperson Codes can be assigned to invoices in the following places:

1. The salesperson assignments on an order automatically flow through to all invoices for that order, unless overridden on the invoice.

2. The salesperson assignment for an invoice may be overridden by keying a salesperson code on the header of the invoice when the order is invoiced.

3. The salesperson assignment may be overridden even after invoicing, by using the Maintain Salesperson Assignments by Order or Invoice option on the Commissions menu.

The following rules apply to assigning salespeople to orders and invoices:

  Salesperson by Manufacturer Codes are considered first (override choices below)

  Salesperson by Item Class Codes are considered second (override choices below)

  Salesperson by Cost Center Codes are considered third (override choice below)

  Salesperson for a “blank Item Class Code”, which means “for all other products” is considered only if none of the above apply.

Salesperson Assignments

The following definitions apply to salesperson assignments:

Strategies for Assigning Salespeople to Orders

The following strategies are available for assigning one or more salespeople to orders:

1. Assign a Salesperson Code on the Order Header / Leave all Billto File salesperson assignment fields blank. Each order header will have no pre-assigned salesperson code. A salesperson code may be assigned to each order header as orders are keyed. (This strategy uses only the primary salesperson fields.)

2. Assign Each Billto Account to a Single Salesperson / On the main “account profile” screen of the Billto File, assign a salesperson code. This salesperson will be assigned to each order header as orders are keyed. It may be overridden on the order header. (This strategy uses only the primary salesperson fields.)

3. Assign Each Billto Account to Different Salespeople Based upon Product / On the main “account profile” screen of the Billto File, leave the salesperson code blank. Then, on the F14 (Codes) screen of the Billto File, enter salesperson assignments based upon your choice or manufacturers, items classes, and/or cost center codes. No salesperson will be assigned to the order header as orders are keyed. Instead, each line item is assigned to the salesperson that relates to the product being ordered. This may be overridden only on a full-order basis, by entering a salesperson code on the order header. (This strategy uses only the primary salesperson fields.)

4. Assign a Primary & Secondary Salesperson Code on the Order Header / Leave all Billto File salesperson assignment fields blank. Each order header will have no pre-assigned salesperson codes. Salesperson codes may be assigned to each order header as orders are keyed, using both the primary and secondary salesperson fields.

5. Assign Each Billto Account to a Single Salesperson, and also use the Secondary Salesperson field on the Order Header / On the main “account profile” screen of the Billto File, assign a Salesperson Code. This salesperson will be assigned to each order header, in the primary salesperson field as orders are keyed. It may be overridden on the order header. Secondary Salesperson codes may also be entered on the order header as orders are keyed. This strategy combines two concepts - the primary salesperson is pre-assigned based upon the account, but the secondary salesperson is keyed on the order header as needed.

6. Assign Each Billto Account to Different Salespeople Based upon Product and also use the Secondary Salesperson field on the Order Header / This strategy combines both types of “split commission” options that are available in the commissions system. Each line item will be assigned a salesperson from the Billto File F14 screen, based upon product, and the secondary salesperson that is keyed on the header can be given a separate commission or can split each line item with the respective primary salesperson assigned to each line. For this strategy, on the main “account profile” screen of the Billto File, leave the salesperson code blank. Then, on the F14 (Codes) screen of the Billto File, enter salesperson assignments based upon your choice or manufacturers, items classes, and/or cost center codes. No salesperson will be assigned to the primary salesperson field of the order header as orders are keyed. Instead, each line item is automatically assigned to the salesperson that relates to the product being ordered. However, a secondary salesperson is keyed on the order header in the secondary salesperson field. (Note: the primary salesperson field on the order header is left blank, but the secondary salesperson field is filled in.) The primary salespeople may be overridden, but only on a full-order basis, by entering a salesperson code in the primary salesperson field of the order header.

General guidelines for salesperson assignment strategies, based upon your business model:

Strategies for Calculating Sales Commissions

The Dancik system supports several strategies for calculating sales commissions. These strategies may be used concurrently for different types of sales or different divisions of your business. Many of these strategies can be used in combination, even for the same salesperson and customer, and even for the same invoice. These strategies apply to your internal sales force. Also refer to the section “Strategies for Automating Referral Fees, Rebates, and Commissions to Third-parties”. All of the strategies described herein are integrated with the “X By Y Sales Commissions” reports. The following basic strategies/concepts for calculating sales commissions are available:

1. Commissions based upon Sales value of Invoices Generated - Commissions are a percentage of the gross sales value of the invoices generated that are assigned to salespeople. The commissions report is ran based upon Invoice Date.

2. Commissions based upon Sales value of Invoices when Paid - Commissions are a percentage of the gross sales value of invoices, but only payable to salespeople when paid by the customer. The commissions report is ran based upon Payment Date.

3. Commissions based upon Gross Profit value of Invoices Generated - Commissions are a percentage of the gross profit value of the invoices generated that are assigned to salespeople. The commissions report is ran based upon Invoice Date.

4. Commissions based upon Gross Profit value of Invoices when Paid - Commissions are a percentage of the gross profit value of invoices, but only payable to salespeople when paid by the customer. The commissions report is ran based upon Payment Date.

5. Commissions based upon sliding scale of Gross Profit % of Invoices Generated - Commissions are a percentage of either the sales or gross profit value of the invoices generated that are assigned to salespeople. The commission percentage varies based upon the gross profit % of the invoice, usually increasing as gross profit % increases. The commissions report is ran based upon Invoice Date.

6. Commissions based upon sliding scale of Gross Profit % of value of Invoices when Paid - Commissions are a percentage of either the sales or gross profit value of the invoices, but commissions are only payable to salespeople when paid by the customer. The commission percentage varies based upon the gross profit % of the invoice, usually increasing as gross profit % increases. The commissions report is ran based upon Payment Date.

7. Commissions based upon value of Invoices, and the number of days between Invoice Date and Payment Date, when Paid - Commissions are a percentage of either the sales or gross profit value of the invoices, but commissions are only payable to salespeople when paid by the customer. The commission percentage varies based upon the “age of the invoice” when paid. The commission may also be affected by the gross profit % of the invoice, as you may combine the sliding scale by GP % with the sliding scale based upon age of the invoice when paid. The commissions report is ran based upon Payment Date.

8. Commission Exceptions - Commissions are altered based upon a very flexible set of parameters. Commission exceptions may be combined with any of the above-described strategies. Commission exceptions may be based upon sales value or gross profit value, regardless of the “base commission strategy”. All of the above-described strategies are considered to be “base commission strategies” because they are all maintained in the “Base Commissions File”. All commission exceptions are stored on the “Commission Exceptions File”. Commission exceptions can be based upon the product, the customer, the method of shipment, the terms, and many other aspects of the sale.

9. Split Commissions Based Upon Product - a single invoice may be split between multiple salespeople when you assign salespeople based upon product, using the options on the Billto File F14 screen. In this case, each line item is assigned to the salesperson that related to that product based upon the entries on the Billto File F14 screen. When the “X By Y Sales Commission Report” is run, only the lines of an invoice that pertain to a salesperson are shown on that salesperson's report. Therefore a single invoice with three lines, could be in three parts of the commission report - one line each under three different salesperson codes.

10. Split Commissions Based Upon Primary versus Secondary Salesperson- a single invoice may be split between two salespeople when you assign both a primary and secondary salesperson on the order header screen. In this case, all line items are assigned to both salespeople (the primary and the secondary). When the “X By Y Sales Commission Report” is run, all of the lines of an invoice show under both salesperson's portion of the report. Therefore a single invoice with three lines, could be in two parts of the commission reports - with all three lines of the invoice showing for each of the two different salesperson codes. However, in the case of “primary versus secondary” salespeople, you have two very different split-commission calculation options:

Split Commission, and Split Sales - This option is specified on one of the first parameter screens of the “X By Y Sales Commission Report”. You enter a 'Split Commission Percentage” such as 50/50 or 75/25, and the report splits both the sales and the commissions on a single report. For example, if you enter for a 75/25 split, an invoice for $100.00 with a primary salesperson commission of 10% will be split as follows:

Split Commission, but Sales are NOT SPLIT - This option enables commissions to be split between primary and secondary salesperson, while showing the total sales amount of the invoice to both salespeople. This option enables you to have a completely independent commission scheme for secondary salespeople versus primary salespeople. The commissions do not have to be calculated as a split of the primary salesperson's commission. This option is specified by bypassing the “split the sales” option on the “X By Y Sales Commission Report”, and instead using the X By Y parameters labeled “Options for Secondary Salespeople”. The following options are available for calculating commissions when a secondary salesperson is assigned:

- Use xxx.xx % Commission, based on either sales or gross profit dollars.

- Use xxx.xx  % of the Primary Slmn’s Commission. (split commission)

- Use the Commission% from the secondary salesperson's “Salesperson Master File”.

- Use the Commission% from the Base & Exception Commission Files that are assigned to the secondary salesperson.

- Under the primary salesperson, the invoice will show as 100.00 with a commission of 10.00.

- Under the secondary salesperson, the invoice will show as 100.00 with a commission of 8.00.

- Both listings are on different reports, even though they are run at the same time. The first report shows all of the primary salespeople, with their commissions, and the second report shows all of the secondary salespeople with their commissions. If the split-commission option is selected, all split-commissioned lines are indicated as such on the report. In the above-mentioned example, if the option to “reduce primary salesperson commission by secondary commission” was selected, the primary salesperson would have received $2.00 (10.00 less the 8.00 for the secondary).

11. Primary and Secondary Salespeople Treated Independently for Commissions - This option is described in the paragraph above entitled “Split Commission, but Sales are NOT SPLIT”. To treat primary and secondary salespeople independently (no split sales or split commissions), each with their own rates, use the above-mentioned X By Y Commission Report parameters “Options for Secondary Salespeople”, and choose any of the formulas except the one that “reduces the primary salesperson's commission by the secondary salesperson's commission”.

12. Split Commissions Based Upon Product AND Primary versus Secondary Salesperson - This strategy combines all of the available split-commission formulas and options. A single invoice will first be split based upon the product. Each line on the invoice is assigned to a primary salesperson based upon the product sold. The program looks at the Billto file F14 screen assignments, which can be based upon the manufacturer, item class, or cost center. Then the invoice is split again, if a secondary salesperson has been entered on the order header. This time, the split is between the primary salesperson on each line, and the secondary salesperson assigned on the order header. For example, if an invoice has three lines, each with a different product assigned to a different primary salesperson, the split commission could be calculated as follows:

If a 50/50 split is assigned for the primary versus secondary salespeople, then:

If no split is used, and instead each primary salesperson gets their full commission, and the secondary salesperson gets a commission based upon their own rate (Let's assume 2.00%), then the commissions are calculated as follows:

13. Mixing all of the Commission Strategies Together - All of the above-described strategies for splitting commission versus independently assigning primary and secondary salesperson commissions may be mixed with all of the available exceptions - Exceptions based upon age of invoice before payments, and exceptions based upon product, customer, etc. Use any or all of these strategies to manage commissions effectively for each part of your business. You can try new strategies by simply running the “X By Y Commissions Report” with different options selected. You can also make temporary changes in the Base Commissions and Commission Exceptions files. You can keep trying different formulas and options, using historical data, without any impact on the data itself, or on your ability to keep making changes.

Strategies for Automating Referral Fees, Rebates, and Commissions to Third-parties

The Dancik system supports several strategies for automating the accrual of amounts that are due to third-parties as part of any type of referral fee, commission, or rebate scheme. Note: As a general rule or recommendation, commissions due to your salespeople or employees should be accomplished using the sales commission files and the X By Y Commissions Report, which is described in the section “Strategies for Calculating Sales Commissions”. The information and recommendations in this section is meant for compensating third-parties, such as:

Whether accruals to third parties are referred to as commissions, rebates, or referral fees, they should be automated by using one of the following three Dancik system features:

1. Cost Drivers System - This is the preferred Dancik method for accruing amounts due to third parties, because it is extremely flexible, offers complete control on how it affects gross profit statistics, and allows for more than one accrual on the same line item, of an order. (E.G.: You can accrue referral fees, rebates, and commissions for more than one third-party on a single order or line item.). When cost drivers are used for accruing rebates, referral fees or commissions, the term “cost driver” is synonymous with “accrual of amounts due to third-party”.

2. Funds - The Dancik “Funds” system may be used to accrue amounts due to third-parties. Funds are set up using the Promotional Pricing File (Promo File). This method is not the recommended Dancik method, because the Fund system is generally applied to accruing funds that pay for promotional events such as trips or co-op advertising. The Fund system works differently than the Cost Drivers system in that it is restricted to applying only one fund per line item on an order. This is because funds are applied to a line item using the logic that “the biggest fund that is applicable will be applied”. The Cost Drivers system applies all cost drivers (accruals) that are applicable. The Fund system is also designed to be more visible (more “out in the open”) than the Cost Drivers system. The Cost Drivers system is completely “behind the scenes”, with only the accounting department having access to the accruals being made.

3. Commission System - You may also use the Dancik Commissions system to calculate third-party commissions. However, the commission system is usually set up to apply to salesperson assignments. If you treat the third-parties like salespeople (by assigning a salesperson code that related to the third-party) then the commissions system will work for this purpose. However, if you are giving commissions to the third-party as well as to internal salespeople, then it is recommended that the commissions system be used for internal salespeople, and that the Cost Drivers system be used for the third-parties. You can also use the X by Y Commissions Reports for the third-parties, without even setting them up as salespeople. In this case, you would just use the reports and manually calculate the amounts due. However, in this case, there would be no accrual within the system, and the amount due to the third parties would not have been deducted from your gross profit figures.

Examples of Accruing Referral Fees, Commission, and Rebates:

In the following examples, we will assume that you have a relationship with various Designers who refer their customers to you to purchase your products. You have arranged to provide a referral fee to these designers, which is worth 5 % of the value of sales that they refer to you. You have also arranged for the consumers to have an incentive to purchase from you under the Designer's account, by offering a special “trade” price that is lower than your “list price”.

Using the Retail Customer File and Cost Drivers to set up referral fees:

The first step is to make sure your customer setup supports this referral fee process:

One or more Cost Drivers must be set up to accrue the referral fees for the designers:



The screens above establish a cost driver that accrues 5% of sales for applicable accounts. Note: you can also establish separate cost drivers for each customer account. However, that would only be necessary if each account had a different formula for their referral fees.

Customer search with X on a referral account


Retail Customer File Search is Automatically Displayed for the Referral Account


Note:  Any retail customer may be selected or added, and used in conjunction with “Sarah’s Designs”.

Order Header - Displays the Referral Account Name and the Consumer Name


Note:  The retail customer is in effect a “Sub-Account” under account 201230 (Sarah’s Designs). Normally all referral accounts are coded with terms = cash, as the retail customers are responsible for all payments.

Order Inquiry - Referral Account Plus Retail Customer


Accounting Considerations for Accruing Referral Fees, Commissions, and Rebates to Third-Parties:

In general, sales commissions are shown as a separate line on a financial statement - below the cost of sales and gross profit figures. However, in the case of certain referral fees and rebates, you may want the accrued amounts considered part of the cost of sales on your financial statements, and already reducing the gross profit figures. For example, if you allow a 10% rebate or referral fee to builders that send you new home buyers, you may consider that part of the basic pricing structure and therefore part of your gross profit figure. In this case, you will want that 10% rebate to be part of your cost of sales as it is booked to your General Ledger.

The Cost Drivers system allows you to decide on a case-by-case basis which accruals should affect gross profit, and which should not. For example, “Builder referrals” could affect gross profit, but “Designer referrals” do not have to affect gross profit. When you create a Cost Driver (refer to the Cost Drivers menu), you control if it affects gross profit or not.

When a Cost Driver is set to affect gross profit, all invoices and statistics on the system that include that cost driver (invoice registers, sales analysis screens, X By Y reports, etc.) will reflect the amount accrued under that cost driver as part of the cost of sales. A rebate or referral fee increases cost of sales and decreases gross profit. The automatic interfaces between invoicing and general ledger will include the affect of the cost driver (accrual) in the journal entries created. Therefore your cost of sales and gross profit is already adjusted for the cost driver in the general ledger. However, if you would like to separate the amounts accrued for your cost drivers (out of the cost of sales accounts and into any other GL accounts you prefer), you can use the Cost Drivers GL Report, which can also automatically create journal entries that move the accrued figures from cost of the sales to the GL account numbers of your choice. Refer to the documentation on the Cost Drivers system for further details.

When Cost Drivers are set to NOT affect gross profit, then an accrual is made for reporting purposes only. The accrual is still automatic, but it has NO affect on any system statistics or on the entries made to the general ledger. However, these cost drivers can still be extremely effective, because they accrue the amounts that you need for payment to the third-parties. When cost drivers are set to NOT affect gross profit, you must manually create any journal entries that are needed (if any are needed). However, you can still run all of the available cost driver reports - by customer, by branch, by salesperson, and many other ways. Because cost drivers that are set to “not affect gross profit” have no affect on ANY accounting statistics, they are extremely useful for accruing various totals for any situation you want totals for. Then, by using the cost drivers reports, you can use these accruals for reporting purposes.

Associated Files

Navigator Commission Reports

Navigator Base Commission Rate File

Navigator Sales Commission by Price Class

Navigator Commission Aging Parameters

Navigator Commission Rate Exceptions

Navigator Sales Commission by Price Class

Commissions Menu

Commission Sharing

Base Commission Rates File - ACT 106

Commissions Exceptions File - ACT 107

Salesperson Matrix

Commission Report Based on Price Class (RSA 15)

Related FAQs

How do I exclude misc. freight and/or delivery charges keyed during o/e from the sales commission process?

How do I price an item to include freight, but omit the freight portion from my commission reports?

Sequencing Commission Exceptions

Commissions and Crossover Items