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Navigator Commission Aging Parameters
This file establishes commission adjustments based upon invoice aging parameters.
To create a new record, access the Commission Aging Parameters file. Click Records and then select Create. The Create Record window appears. Enter the aging parameters.
In the example above, if an invoice is paid in less than 30 days 1.00% gets added to the base commission. If the invoice is paid between 30 and 60 days, the commission rate is not affected. An invoice paid after 60 days, but less than 90 days has its commission rate reduced by 1.00%. Invoices paid equal or later than 90 days are reduced by 2.00%. The “S” code means the adjustment is based upon sales. A “P” code means the commission adjustments are based on gross profit. An “E” code eliminates the commission altogether.
The fields on the Aging Parameters Screen are described in the following table.
Field |
Description |
Aging on ___ Due Date___ Invoice Date |
Select on the following options: Due Date to calculate the age of a payment comparing the payment due to the due date. Invoice Date to calculate the age of a payment by comparing the payment date to the invoice date. |
Days from/to |
Fill in all of the days fields, even if some date ranges have the same commission % entries. You can enter any numeric values, as long as the days in the left column are always equal to the days in the right column of the entry just above. This ensures that there are no “holes” in the days covered. |
Commission% |
The commission % to add or subtract from the Base Commission Rate. |
Sales/Profit |
S calculates commission based on sales. P calculates commission based on gross profit. E eliminates commission on payments that meet the respective aging parameter. |