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Billto File Special Instructions Screen


Associated Files

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You can use this screen to enter special instructions for a customer and to note instructions that should be printed on an invoice, pick list, purchase order, order acknowledgement, or quotation. You can enter up to ten lines of text on each page with 45 characters per line, per page, up to 20 pages.


Note: A slightly different version of this screen is also available in the Item, Manufacturer and Product Line Files. Enter general instructions that pertain to an item, an entire product line, or the entire manufacturer in the applicable file.

Special instructions print under the headings at the beginning of a document. Any special instructions with no sub-type for language are printed regardless of the language type for the customer, as coded in Language field. Special instructions coded as a specific sub-type code, such as language, print only for customers with the same code. Enter language codes on the Billto File Profile screen.

Printing special instructions and product information can greatly enhance your service to your customers and help your staff to be more responsive. You can use the Special Instructions system to:

Special instructions entered via F12 in the Billto, Item, Manufacturer, or Product Line Files can be printed on a separate listing. You can use these listings to proofread the instructions or as references. The listing can include all or specified types and sub-types of instructions. For example, you can print shipping and delivery instructions or only the French entries. You can generate this list, for example, for specific customers, items, or product lines. Generate this listing page 2 of the Master File Listings Menu.

The following table describes the fields on this screen.

Field Name


Main Type

  • D - Disclaimer

  • I - Installation instructions

  • M - Miscellaneous/Other

  • S - Shipping/Delivery instructions

  • T - Translated name or description

In the Billto File, type codes M and S are normally the codes used.

Sub Type

Sub-type options. Indicate the language of the text, for example F = French, and S = Spanish.


Special instruction text; 45 characters per line.


Enter Y to print special instructions on the pick list.


Enter Y to print special instructions on customer acknowledgements and quotations.


Enter Y to print special instructions on invoices.


Enter Y to print special instructions on purchase orders.

Associated Files

Purge Stray Special Instructions - SYS 121

Navigator Billto File

Organize Customer Files - SYS 102

List/Delete Inactive Customers - SYS 201

Customer Account Duplication - SYS 503

Reset Billto File Flags That Indicate BILLPRIC records exist - SYS 511

Assign an Account Number to a New Customer Based Upon Alpha Sequence - SYS 512

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