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Billto File AR Statistics Screen

Associated Files

Related FAQs

This screen has no input fields. It shows the amount of credit currently available to an account and the amount an account is over its credit limit, if any.

Note: Credit limits are set on the Billto File Profile Screen.


Note:  The AR Aging fields displayed can vary depending on your Company Settings Aging Option. The information shown above displays if your aging option is set to 3 or 4, which bases aging on due dates. If the Company Settings Aging Option is set to 1 or 2, which bases aging on invoice dates, the information is grouped under the headings: Current, Over 30, Over 60, Over 90. and Over 120.

Note:  The Company Settings File, is where AR aging options are set.

You can press F3 to display an alternate view of the AR Aging information. Instead of the usual column headings “Current”, “1-30”, “31-60”, etc. the columns are by month: May 06, June 06, etc., enabling you to view the AR from the perspective of the customer’s last statement. If AR the aging option within the company settings is set to “age by invoice date” then the months shown are based on invoice dates. If the AR aging option is set to “age by due dates”, the months shown are based on due dates. All other aging parameters are applied as usual, including the options to “roll credits” and to “include or omit advance deposits”

The following table describes the fields on lower portion of the screen.



Statistics From A/R and Open Order Systems

Total Open A/R

The total current accounts receivable balance for this account.

Total Open Orders

The total open orders for this account, including back orders. Open orders are orders not yet invoiced.

Net A/R Sales Yr-Dt

Total sales posted to A/R during the current fiscal year, includes all computer-generated invoices and manual sales.

Net A/R Sales Last Yr

Total sales posted to A/R during the previous fiscal year, including all computer-generated invoices and manual sales.

Net A/R Sales 2 Yr Ago

Total sales posted to accounts receivable during the year before the previous fiscal year, including all computer-generated invoices and manual sales.

Total # of Orders To-Dt

Total number of orders processed for this account since this account was entered into this file.

Date of Last Invoice

The date of the last invoice issued for this account.

Date of Last Payment

The date the last payment was received for this account.

Curr Days Sales Outst

Current open A/R divided by average sales per day for this account. Average sales per day is the customer’s sales during the past 90 days divided by 90. In the middle of a month, average sales per day also considers the current month to date. For example, on the 15th of each month, the system divides the last 105 days sales by 105. This statistic is informative, because it relates open A/R to sales volume. Customers with a higher current days sales outstanding might be greater credit risks than customers who owe more total dollars. This information is also available in the Customer Sales and Payment Analysis Report.

Avg Days To Pay To-Dt

The average number of days it takes this account to pay an invoice since the account was opened. This figure is updated as each payment is applied to the invoices.

Avg Days To Pay Yr-Dt

The average number of days it takes for this account to pay an invoice in this fiscal year. This figure is updated as each payment is applied to invoices.

Avg Over 60 To-Dt

The average amount owed over 60 days overdue since this account was opened. This figure is updated at the end of each month.

Avg Over 60 Yr-Dt

The average amount over 60 days overdue in the current fiscal year. This figure is updated at the end of each month.

Highest A/R To-Dt

The highest amount this account has ever owed since it was opened.

Highest A/R Yr-Dt

The highest amount this account has owed this fiscal year.

Date of Highest A/R

The date related to the highest A/R to date.

Credit Available

Amount of credit available. Credit limit minus open A/R open orders.

AR Aging

The following fields are displayed if your Company Settings Aging Option is 3 or 4, which bases aging on due dates.


Open AR amount that is fewer than 31 days past due.


Open AR amount between 1 and 30 days past due.


Open AR amount between 31 and 60 days past due.


Open AR amount between 61 and 90 days past due.

Over 90

Open AR amount over 90 days past due.

The following fields are displayed if your Company Settings Aging Option is 1 or 2, which bases aging on invoice dates.


Open A/R amount that is not past the invoice date.

Over 30

Open A/R amount between 30 - 60 days past the invoice date.

Over 60

Open A/R amount between 60 - 90 days past the invoice date.

Over 90

Open A/R amount between 90 - 120 days past the invoice date.

Over 120

Open A/R amount over 120 days past the invoice date.

Note: Your company settings option for Roll Credits also affects aging. When credits are rolled, they are automatically applied to the oldest aging columns.

The following table describes the function keys this screen.

Function Key



Go to the Billto File Profile screen.


Go to the Billto File Sales Analysis screen. Press F4 again to go to the Billto File Month-by-Month Sales Analysis screen.


Go to the Billto File Notepad screen.


Return to Billto File Entry screen.


Go to the Pricing Exceptions screen.


Go to the Special Instructions screen.


Go to the Billto File Customer Codes screen.

Associated Files

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Assign an Account Number to a New Customer Based Upon Alpha Sequence - SYS 512

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Billto File Month-by-Month Sales Analysis Screen

Billto File Customer Codes Screen

Mass Updating Billto Records

Tracking Billto File Changes

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