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Billto File Pricing Exceptions Screen


Copying Billto Pricing Exceptions

Associated Files

Related FAQs


Press F9 to access the Billto Pricing Exceptions screen. You can use this screen to review and update promotional and exception pricing. You can change a customer’s default price list for specific items or groups of items. You can also display promotional pricing that the customer is eligible for and the effective dates of those prices. A pricing exception is a price list number or promotional program other than the customer’s regular price list number assigned on the Billto Profile screen. You can copy the exceptions from one customer to another. You can also block customers from buying specific products by defining a blocking level and entering price list #99 for lock out.


It can be assigned for the following:

For example, a customer is normally assigned price list number A1, but for a certain manufacturer or item number you can assign that customer to price list number B1. Price exceptions are the most efficient way to handle special pricing. Optimum system performance is maintained when a price exception can be used rather than the Customer Special Price File, particularly during Order Entry. You can also save time by not having to maintain the Customer Special Price File. All pricing exceptions simply point to another established price list, that is maintained via the Price File. The Billto Special Price File maintains special prices separately for each customer.

You can enter and review the beginning and expiration dates for all pricing exceptions. The system also displays the status of each entry based on the dates. Status can be any of the following:

You can enter X in the Opt column and press Enter to go to the Promotional Pricing and Price Files. You can then press F14 to return to the Billto File.

Every night the system prints a list of all price exceptions that are within two days of being activated or deactivated.

The following table describes the fields on the Pricing Exceptions screen:

Field Name



Type of exceptions:

  • C - Exceptions for an item class

  • M - Manufacturer

  • L - Product line

  • P - Price class

  • I - Item

Price list number exceptions are processed in the order shown above, with each more specific category overriding a more general category. Therefore, if a customer had exceptions on all levels that could affect the same products, the system resolves the price list number exceptions as follows:

  • A manufacturer price list exception overrides an item class exception.

  • A product line price list number exception overrides a manufacturer exception.

  • A price class price list number exception overrides a product line exception.

  • An item price list number exception overrides a price class exception.

  • Promotion programs are processed based upon the best available price.

Record #

The record related to the type code. For example, if type = M, enter a manufacturer code, or if type = I, enter an item number.

Price List #

The price list to override.

Promo Program #

The promotional program to override. Enter a price list number or a promotional program number, but not both on the same entry line.

Eff Date

Effective date; the date the exception becomes active.

End Date

The date the exception expires.


Current status of the exception: active, future, or expired.

The following tables describes the function keys on the Pricing Exceptions screen.

Function Keys



Go to the next account.


Go to the Billto File Profile screen.


Go to the Billto File A/R Statistics screen.


Go to the Billto File Sales Analysis screen.


Go to the Billto File Notepad screen.


Go to the Special Instructions screen.


Go to the Billto File Customer Codes screen.

You can use partial item numbers to assign pricing in the Billto File Pricing Exceptions screen. A partial item number must consist of a manufacturer code and at least one contiguous character (next in sequence and in the correct order), such as AOT 05. You can enter as many characters of the item number as needed, but you cannot skip characters. Blank spaces are acceptable if they are part of the actual item number.

Copying Billto Pricing Exceptions

The Billto File F9 Pricing Exceptions screen contains a copy feature. To use this feature, you must be in Update mode. Press F23 from the Pricing Exceptions screen to display the copy parameters as shown in the following example.


You can use the Copy F9 Pricing Exceptions screen to enter From and Fo account numbers. All F9 price exception entries are copied from the From account to the To account. Current entries in the To account are not changed. You can enter “?” in the account number fields to elect from a Customer Search screen. In the above example, all F9 price exception entries will be copied from account 205577 to account 201000.

Associated Files

Navigator Billto File

Price File - FIL 9

Navigator Price Exceptions

Purge Expired Price Exceptions/PROMOS - SYS 926

Organize Customer Files - SYS 102

List/Delete Inactive Customers - SYS 201

Customer Account Duplication - SYS 503

Reset Billto File Flags That Indicate BILLPRIC records exist - SYS 511

Assign an Account Number to a New Customer Based Upon Alpha Sequence - SYS 512

Purge Billto Price Exception File - SYS 923

Billto File Special Instructions Screen

Billto File Sales Analysis Screen

Cost Drivers History File Inquiry and Search Screen

Billto File Sales Analysis by Item Class Screen

Billto File Pricing Exceptions Screen

Billto File Phone Number Maintenance Screen

Billto File Month-by-Month Sales Analysis Screen

Billto File Customer Codes Screen

Billto File AR Statistics Screen

Mass Updating Billto Records

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