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Running Morning Jobs - DP 5

Morning jobs are entirely optional. Morning jobs allow you to perform a system backup and to perform an aging of the customer accounts receivable (AR) statistics. We recommend performing the system backup as part of night jobs. Night jobs also performs an aging of the AR. However, if your night jobs run on Friday night rather than Sunday, the AR on Monday morning is aged as of Friday night or Saturday rather than today. You should also note when using the AR ledger inquiry or the Cash Application screens, AR is aged instantly. Night and morning job aging affects only the aging statistics that display on various screens such as Credit Hold and Customer Master. None of this has any affect on your system if your night jobs run on Sunday night. Morning jobs only affect aging statistics on Monday mornings.

Associated Files

Abbreviated Night Jobs - DP 6

Night Jobs Scheduler Maintenance - DP 7

System Wide Settings - Backup Options During NightJobs

Backing up the System

Related FAQs

Night Jobs

How can I check to see if night jobs have been submitted manually?

Can we run abbreviated night jobs while the other environment is logged in?

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Can my warehouse staff log in even during night jobs?

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