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Abbreviated Night Jobs - DP 6

Abbreviated night jobs is a shortened version of night jobs still containing all the important end-of-day processes. Abbreviated night jobs omits non-critical maintenance programs included in the regular night jobs. Use this option only when you need to post orders, invoices, adjustments, AR and AP entered since the last night job. Abbreviated night jobs are usually run on the last day of the month when you want to post all open activities into the current month prior to running End of Month activities. Do not use this option as a regular substitute for night jobs because many of the functions skipped in abbreviated night jobs are important even though they are not necessary on a nightly basis.

Note: Abbreviated night jobs will not trigger future Price or promo updates File. If you run abbreviated night jobs and still need to update pricing, you can run the utility SYS 308 - Run Future Price, Cost, & Promo File Updates (check effective/end dates). This utility is run automatically during regular night jobs.

Ensure the user profile running the night jobs has the proper system authorities, namely *JOBCTL or *IOSYSCFG, to run night jobs. If the user profile does not have *JOBCTL or *IOSYSCFG authority, night jobs is halted and a message is placed on QSYSOPR which is the message queue for night jobs.

1. Select option 6 - Run Abbreviated Night Jobs from the Data Processing Menu (DP 6).

Associated Files

Running Morning Jobs - DP 5

Night Jobs Scheduler Maintenance - DP 7

System Wide Settings - Backup Options During NightJobs

Backing up the System

Related FAQs

Night Jobs

How can I check to see if night jobs have been submitted manually?

Can we run abbreviated night jobs while the other environment is logged in?

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