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Navigator Branch File

Associated Files

Related FAQs

Use the Branch File to designate separate branches within each company. Branches are usually selling organizations and are distinguished from warehouses on the system. Although often there is a one-to-one relationship between branches and warehouses, warehouses are entered in a separate file.

To create a new branch, click Records and then select Create.


The fields are this screen are described below. Keep in mind that depending on your filter settings some of these fields might not be displayed.

Field Name



The company that the branch is assigned to.


The three character branch identifier.



Address of the branch.

The branch address can be used as the Remit To address that appears on invoices and statements.


City in which the branch is located.


State in which the branch is located.


Zip code in which the branch is located.


If the branch is located outside your country, enter the two-character country code here.


Enter any additional information or comments for this branch. These specific comments are only for this branch. The Comments field does not appear in any of the reporting format for this branch.

Phone #

Telephone number of the branch.

Last Control Number

A branch control number is assigned to each invoice. Each branch has its own unbroken string of control numbers. Invoice numbers are assigned on a company-wide basis. Invoice registers can be sorted by invoice number or branch control number. Its main function is to help with branch audits.

Address to Print of Forms


  • B - If you want the branch address printed on forms.

  • C - If you want the company’s address printed on forms.

  • N - If you do not want either address printed on forms. Enter N if the address is preprinted on the forms.

Normally, N is entered, because statements and invoices are usually on pre-printed forms or electronic form overlays that contain your corporate logo and address. Enter B or C if you print on plain paper without pre-printed forms or overlaid addresses.

Remit to


Determines if the Remit To address shows on invoices.


  • B - If you want the branch address to print as the Remit To address on invoices and statements.

  • C - If you want the company address to print as the Remit To on invoices or statements. When using this option, ensure the address in the Company File is the correct Remit To address.

Billto Account#

Use this option to specify a Billto address per branch that should appear on purchase orders for supplies. This address can be separate from the Remit To address to which your customers send payment. This option is important for companies that use lock box addresses for remittance, or addresses other than their usual company or branch address. Continue to use the company or branch Remit To address options. Use this feature to establish the address that appears in the Billto column of your purchase orders.

Terms Percent

Terms Days

Enter the default payment terms percentage and days, if any, such as 2.00% 15 days.

Terms Code

Enter the default payment terms, if any, that are represented by a terms code. Payment terms codes are defined in the Payment Terms File.

AR Statement Code

Enter the default AR statement code, if any. Enter B if the default is a balance forward style statement. Enter O if the default is an open item style statement. Enter H if the default is to hold and not print statements.

Tax Code State

Tax Code Other

Complete one or both of these fields, if by default your customers are taxable. Otherwise, leave them blank.

Enter tax codes that have been set up in the Tax File.

Print Salesperson

This option causes your the salesperson’s name to appear on invoices. The salesperson’s name appears above the first line item credited to that salesperson on the invoice. If different lines on a single invoice are credited to different salespeople, then a salesperson’s name is printed each time the salesperson changes. The salesperson’s name always appears above the lines for which that salesperson is credited.


Next Month

Enter H if you want all further invoices and orders for this branch to be deferred to the following month. Use H only when the system includes multiple branches and they can not be cut off for the month end close at the same time.

Enter H the morning after the last orders and invoices for the current month have been processed. Use H only for branches that are ready to cut off for month end close. The system then stores all further orders and invoices until the end-of-month processing is complete.

Users are unaware that the branch is on hold. Orders print, inventory is allocated, and invoices print. However, A/R statistics and physical (onhand) inventory are not updated until the month end processing completes. The system then posts stored orders and invoices into the new month and removes the H. This feature keeps all branches operating, even if they are unable to coordinate a simultaneous end-of-month cut off.

Once H is entered to hold a branch, DO NOT remove it. Let the system remove it during the month end close, after the held transactions are properly updated. Removing the H can cause unpredictable results.

Note: This setting causes invoices to be removed from INPRINT file by night jobs - but not added to INVOICE file. The INVOICE REGISTER from night jobs will be empty. The "Invoices Held / To be Posted Next Month" report is produced by Night Jobs and lists the invoices which were not updated.

Associated Files

Green Screen Branch File - FIL 6

Managing Branch Locations

Chart of Accounts by Branch and Cost Center - ACT 8 and ACT 9

Chart of Accounts by Branch

GL Cross Reference by Branch or by Warehouse - ACT 13

Cash Receipts by Salesperson or Branch Reports - RAR 101

Insert Total Of Branch Budgets Into Company Budget's File - SYS 205

Change Account /Branch/Slmn# Of An Order (CHGACT) - SYS 401

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