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Quotations are defined as any list of items, quantities, and prices that is printed as a quotation, using the Print Quotation option of the Order Entry or the Quote Management System. Do not confuse the term quotation with special pricing or promotional pricing, which are entered into the Customer Special Price File and Promotional Price File, respectively.

Quotations/Order Entry System

Turning an Order Entry Quotation into an Order

Quote Management System

Associated Files

Related FAQs

Quotations/Order Entry System

Quotations can be entered into the Order Entry System, printed, and transformed into an order. Quotations are entered exactly as any other order, except for the following important differences:

You can print all or certain quotes using the Print Order Edits option on the Customer Orders Menu or the Order Desk Menu. Quotations are not automatically deleted; therefore, you should periodically purge old quotations by entering the reference number in order entry and pressing F4 to delete order from the Header Screen. You can also find quotations using the Search Unprocessed Orders and Temporary Holds Program. This program allows you to search by branch or customer. The Summary Screen displays the Order Type field, which is Q for quotations.

Turning an Order Entry Quotation into an Order

Following are steps to turn an order entry quotation into an order at any time:

1  Access the order by reference number in Order Entry.

2. Remove Q from Type field in Header Screen.

3. Review each detail line. For serial numbered items, you may need to remove the B for back order and select serial numbers from stock, unless you want the line to remain as a back order.

4. Review the comment lines and alter as needed.

5. Print as a pick list, acknowledgment, or process but not print.

Quotations are usually entered for one time jobs or events. Use the various pricing mechanisms and files to enter recurring special prices.

Quote Management System

The Quote Management System is designed primarily for the tracking of commercial jobs and other potential sales opportunities. It is distinguished from the previously available Order Entry Quotations System in that it does not require a single customer number or pre-determined item numbers. The Quote Management System tracks jobs prior to the determination of the customer and the final item list, and can link a single job to multiple customers.

The Quote Management System is comprised of job quotes and customer assignments. A job quote consists of such items as a job name, description, architect, general contractor, various dates, products, and prices. Customer assignments are the customers who have been given each quote. Multiple customers can be assigned to the same quote.

Quotes can be searched or listed by the various parameters, including job name, architect, action date, city, and much more.

The Quote Management System is accessed from any pull down user menu bar on the Event Management Menu. You must be assigned one of the pull down menu bars in order to access the Quote Management System.

The Quote Management System contains options to list quotes based on many of the same selection parameters as the Search Screen.

Associated Files

Holds, Quotes and Unprocessed Orders Reports (ROO 15 and ROO16)

Quick Quoter - CUS 8

Search Unprocessed Orders,_Holds,_and Quotations

Order Header Screen

Navigator - Quotes

Navigator - Holds Quotes and Unprocessed Orders Aging Report_

Navigator - Holds Quotes and Unprocessed Orders Reports

Navigator - Entering Customer Orders

Related FAQs

Why do I get 2 different average cost values in Quick Quoter for an item depending on what information I entered?

Unable to access quotes from Duplicate order inquiry via I, D, or L

How to get a price quote without holding inventory

Quotes and Promos

How do I process a quote in the Dancik System?