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Entering Quotes in Navigator

Order quotations are unprocessed orders that do not allocate inventory. A reference number is assigned, but not an order number. Quotes are accessible via the Unprocessed Orders Tab in the order search functionality. Quotes become orders by changing the Order Type on the order header from “Q” to an order type for a regular order. It can be then be processed and printed as a pick list or order acknowledgement. If the quote does not become an order, you can simply delete it.

1. The process for generating a quote is basically the same as generating a customer order. The main difference is that quotes cannot use ISO to automatically select inventory. Instead inventory has to be manually selected.

2. After entering the item number, quantity needed, and UM, the Add Line window appears with an inventory listing.

3. Click a serial number to transfer its information (warehouse, serial# and location) to the top part of the screen.

4. Click Add Line. This adds cost information to the quote.

Note:   To access the cost information, click the down arrow between the quote information and the inventory display.

5. Confirm or change the information, click Add Line again. The screen refreshes to show the line addition.

6. Add as many lines as needed. Click Complete Order to finish the quote. The Cash Register screen appears. Payment entries are not required.

7. Click Continue and on the End-of-Order Options window and decide if you want a printed copy of the quote or a material selection form.