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Transaction Sets

Intelligent Purchase Order Acknowledgments

Associated Files

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Dancik International’s EDI department can supply all available ANSI X.12 EDI transaction sets as well as customized file transfers of sales, credit, and other information.

Transaction Sets

The following list contains EDI transaction sets currently being used by our customers.

Transaction Set


810 inbound

invoices, credits, and rebates from suppliers

810 outbound

invoices and credits to customers

820 inbound

payments from suppliers (remittance advice)

820 outbound

payments to customers (remittance advice)

832 outbound

price list/sales catalog to customers

841 outbound

specifications/technical information to customers

850 inbound

purchase orders from customers

850 outbound

purchase orders to suppliers

852 outbound

product activity data to suppliers

855 inbound

purchase order acknowledgments from suppliers

856 inbound

ship notice/manifest from suppliers

856 outbound

ship notice/manifest to customers

882 outbound

direct store delivery summary information

997 inbound

functional acknowledgments

997 outbound

functional acknowledgments

Intelligent Purchase Order Acknowledgments

Dancik has successfully integrated what we call “Intelligent Purchase Order Acknowledgments” with many industry suppliers. Usually, purchase order acknowledgments sent via EDI are merely to inform the sender that the purchase order was received. Transaction set 855, and other proprietary formats, include detailed acknowledgment information with important service ramifications that earn the nickname “Intelligent Acknowledgments”. Here is how it works.

1. The Dancik Distribution System automatically transmits the purchase order to the supplier.

2. The supplier, either immediately or on a timer or overnight, issues an intelligent acknowledgment that includes

3. The Dancik Distribution System receives the acknowledgments and processes as follows:

This functionality is available for any EDI capable supplier. Proprietary file transfers of the same information can be arranged as part of Dancik International’s EDI or Internet Services.

Associated Files

EDIPRT Table - Selecting a Printer for EDI Inbound Process - EB 6

Setting External Program Name Data Areas - EB 7

Editing Outbound EDI Data - EB 10

Exporting EDI Data - EB 11

Working with Item Cross References - EB 15

Customer Account Profile

Channel Management Solutions (CMS)

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