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Managing Sales Tax

In order to effectively record, manage, and report sales taxes, several system features should be care­fully considered. The goal is to automate the assignment of sales tax codes and rates, so human error is minimized. This document discusses the different tax set up and the available tax reports


Understanding Files That Control Sales Tax

Things to consider

How Sales Tax are Assigned

Analyzing Sales Tax

Potential Obstacles

Canadian Users

Associated Files

Related FAQs


Tax codes can be assigned to each customer in the Billto File and overridden when necessary on Order or Invoicing Header screens. Each customer, order, or invoice can be assigned up to two tax codes. Each tax code represents a state, local, or combined tax percentage. The tax percentage is applied to taxable line items on an invoice. The total tax amount is shown on the bottom part of invoice. A sales tax report is available. See option 7 on the Sales Reports Menu. The Sales Tax Report can be sorted and sub totaled by entities such as state, county, or tax code. Tax Codes are defined in the Tax File on the File Maintenance Menu.

F6 miscellaneous charges are marked as taxable by entering an equal (=) sign, as instructed on the screen. If the Tax File record (related to the tax codes used on the order header) specifies Y for the Tax On Freight option, then all F6 miscellaneous charges will default to taxable the equal sign is automatically inserted). In this case, you must type any character except the equal sign to make the line untaxable. We recommend using an asterisk (*).

Tax codes can also be assigned in the County File. These County File tax codes can be used by Order Entry and the Recurring Invoice system. On the Order Entry Header Screen, you can use F9 to toggle between taxable and non-taxable status. If a customer is normally not taxed, then the Billto record will not have any tax codes assigned. In this case, Order Entry finds the applicable tax rate by retrieving the customer’s county number and checking the County File for tax codes. The tax codes from the County File are inserted on the Order Header Screen. The Recurring Invoice system is used primarily to bill samples and sample programs (quarterly sample or display invoices). This system can tax customers who are not normally taxed and therefore, have no tax codes in their file. The system uses the customer’s county number to find the applicable tax rate from the County File.

Based on local laws, tax can be based on the point of pick up, the location of the customer, or the location of the shipment. You can optionally assign tax codes to each warehouse to be used for pickups. Refer to “Warehouse File” in File Maintenance Reference for more information. You should also formulate policies for your order desk regarding when and how to override taxes for non-standard shipto points.

Understanding Files That Control Sales Tax

The following files and settings are maintained for sales tax:

Order Header

Tax File (Menu FIL 16)

Billto File (Menu FIL 1)

Warehouse File (FIL 8)

County File (Menu FIL 33)

Item File (Menu FIL 2)

Classification Codes File - Ship Via Codes (Menu FIL 19)

Warehouse Will Call Tax Table (Menu FIL 42)

Tax by Zip Code Table (Menu FIL 43)

Tax Exemptions by State/Province (Menu SYS 605)

System-Wide Settings (Menu SET 4)

Order Header

The Order Header contains functionality that allows you to toggle between making an order taxable or non-taxable.

On the green screen, this functionality is accessed via the F9 function key.


In Navigator, click the Make Taxable/Non-Taxable button on the Order Header.


When changing the tax status of an order, a description is mandatory on both the green screen and Navigator.


Note: The Taxable/Non-Taxable functionality does not import information in from the Taxes by Zip Code Table or the County Tax File.

Green Screen only

After changing the tax status of an order you must process the order, before making another change to the tax information.

Tax File (Menu FIL 16)

Create codes representing sales tax rates for each state/province, and each county/city/etc. These codes may be divided into two levels - State/Province Tax Codes, and Other Tax Codes. In countries that have a national goods and services tax (such as Canadian GST), you need to use the “Other Tax” code for the GST.

Note:   A “tax code” represents a geographic area, such as a state, province, county, or city. A “tax rate” is assigned to a tax code, using the Tax File. The rate may be changed in the Tax File, without assigning a new tax code.

The recommended setup of the tax file is as follows:


Billto File (Menu FIL 1)

A taxable customer is defined as “a customer that should be automatically charged sales tax by you for business with you in at least one state/province”. It is recommended that you:

  in Order Entry the “make order taxable” key is pressed

  in Order Entry, a “must tax” item is ordered (such as samples or displays)

  If the Tax by Zip Code Table (FIL 43) is used.

Note: If the option “Always make order non-taxable if Billto File has no tax codes” in the System Wide Setting (SET 4) - Options for Sales Tax is activated, the Tax by Zip Code Table and will call ship via orders are overridden.


Warehouse File (FIL 8)

The Warehouse File stores the tax codes used on taxable orders that are “will calls” (customer pick-ups as opposed to shipments) from each warehouse. These tax codes represent the tax for the state/province/county/city where the warehouse is located. If a customer is taxable, and the order is a “will call”, the Order Entry program automatically use the tax codes in the Warehouse File instead of the tax codes in the Billto File.


County File (Menu FIL 33)

The County File is used on taxable orders that are shipped (as opposed to will call) into each county. The tax codes entered in the County File represent the tax for sales made in (or shipped into) each county. Each County File record is assigned a State and a County number. The Counties are user-defined. The County File tax codes are used when the system needs to tax a customer that is normally non-taxable (tax exempt) and therefore has no tax codes in the Billto File.

Note:   You might need to establish multiple county codes for the same county if it has different municipalities that have different tax rates.


Item File (Menu FIL 2)

All items are considered taxable when an order is taxable. All items are considered non-taxable when an order is non-taxable. The only exceptions to these rules are for items that are coded in the Item File with Tax Code = A, or Tax Code = E.   


Classification Codes File - Ship Via Codes (Menu FIL 19)

Ship Via codes are created and maintained in the Classification Codes File. Each Ship Via is defined as either a “Will Call” or not. This is an extremely important setting for determining the correct sales tax. All orders with Ship Via codes that are defined as “Will Call/Pick Up” are taxed based on either of the following:

All other Ship Via codes are considered to be “shipments” or “deliveries”, that are taxed based upon the tax codes in the files - such as Billto, County, and Tax By Zip, based on the address of the customer or shipto.


Warehouse Will Call Tax Table (Menu FIL 42)

This file/table can alter the usual will call tax codes (found in the Warehouse File) based on where a customer is located. This table is only needed in certain states. It adjusts the tax codes on an order, based upon the business address of the customer as well as the business address of the will call warehouse.


Tax by Zip Code Table (Menu FIL 43)

This file/table enables you to assign tax codes to each span of zip codes that you ship product into. This table is used when the system needs to tax an order that is being shipped to an address other than the address in the customer's Billto File. This table is crucial for determining the correct tax codes to apply to orders that are shipped to job sites or any address other than the customer's regular Billto File address.


Tax Exemptions by State/Province (Menu SYS 605)

This file maintains exemptions by customer, by state or province, with start and expiration dates. If this file is activated, tax exemptions for each order are checked, based upon the customer account# and the state into which the material is being shipped, or the state assigned to the warehouse from which a will-call is made. If an exemption record is found for that account and state, and the current date is within the start/expiration date span of the exemption, the order will be considered non-taxable (tax exempt).


System Wide Settings (Menu SET 4)

This is a file of system settings that control many system features. These settings are maintained by your System Administrator or IT Department. There are settings that activate and control various tax-related files and features. Make sure that these are set to your requirements.


Options for Sales Tax

Options for Taxes On Will Call Orders

Options for Taxing Based Upon Shipto Address

Options for Sales Tax


Note:   Option SYS 605 - Tax Exemptions By State/Province File Maintenance allows for customers to have multiple tax exemption numbers per state or province based on beginning and ending dates.

The use case outlined below is supported when the existing settings above and the Always make order non-taxable if Billto file has no tax codes is set to Y.

1. Order is entered for a billto with no tax codes.

2. Zip code entry is found but no updates are made to order header based on absence of codes in bill to file.

3. Tax exempt table (SYS 605) is checked but not necessary based on no tax codes in billto file.

4. Order is made taxable by pressing F9 toggle

This taxation rule override is honored in subsequent order changes even when auto recalculation logic is set to 'Y'

1. Order is entered for a billto with tax codes.

2. Zip code entry is found and codes are updated on order header based on presence of tax codes in bill-to file.

3. Tax exempt table is checked and no exemptions are found.

4. Order is made non-taxable by pressing F9 toggle.

Options for Taxes On Will Call Orders


This setting activates the Will Call Tax Table. This table allows tax codes to be dynamically changed based upon the Header Warehouse. For example, if a customer normally assigned to warehouse NYC will pick up at warehouse PHI, then this table can automatically change the tax rates from a will call tax rate PHI to a will call tax rate for out of county or out of state customers from NYC.

Place an Y in the Activate the Warehouse Will Call Tax Table field to activate the table. If activated, Order Entry uses the information contained in the Will Call Tax Table to assess taxes based on the business address of the customer as well as the address of the warehouse.

If this feature is not activated, Order Entry uses the tax codes as defined in the warehouse file for will call (customer pick-up) orders.

Options for Taxing Based Upon Shipto Address

This setting lets you activate the Tax by Zip Code Table. The Tax by Zip Code table allows you to establish taxes for a single zip code or a range of zip codes. If activated, the Tax by Zip Code table takes effect when the normal account shipto address is overridden.


For example, if a shipment is made to an address that is overridden while entering an order (such as a job site), there will not be any pre-assigned tax codes for the new address. This setting and table allows for automatic tax code assignment based upon the shipto zip code.

Note   This setting works in conjunction with the Order Entry Shipto screen and the Final Destination State and Zip Code fields.

Note   All the settings except Make order tax exempt if a current exemption is found in the Tax Exemptions By State/Province File are dependant on the first setting, Activate the Tax by Zip Code Table, being activated.

Note:   This only applies to Shipto Overrides.

The last two options are intended for companies that use the Tax By Zip Code Table (FIL 43), and store tax exemption numbers in the Tax Exceptions File (SYS 605).

Things to consider

The following topic may need to be considered when creating sales tax codes. Some option and rec­ommendations may dictate the need the need for you to alter your current practices for handling sales tax.


Options and Recommendations

Sales Tax Reporting

When creating your tax codes, review your sales tax reports and determine how you should create your sales tax codes. For example, if you have state, county and city tax - you need to combine the county and city as one tax code in the Tax File.

Samples and Displays

Determine the items that are tax exempt and those that are always taxed so that when ordering items not for re-sale the customer is taxed properly.

Use Tax

Determine how orders are entered so that it is easy for you to retrieve reports to pay use tax on products installed or samples given at no charge.

How Sales Tax are Assigned

For Will-Calls - The system finds the tax codes to assign to a Will-Call order in the following sequence:

1. Find customer tax codes in the Billto File.

2. If there are no tax codes in the Billto File, the customer is considered non-taxable (tax exempt), and the system does not normally check any other files. However, if an order is forced to be tax­able (by selecting the “make taxable” option, or by ordering a “must tax” item), the system looks for tax codes in the County File, based on the state and county# in the customer's Billto File.

3. Find tax codes in the Warehouse File (using the header warehouse code).

4. If tax codes are found in the Warehouse File, they override Billto and County File tax codes.

5. Finally, the Warehouse Will-Call Tax Table is checked. If an applicable entry is found, the tax codes in the Warehouse Will-Call Tax Table override all other tax codes for a will-call order.

6. The Tax Exemptions by State/Province file is checked. If an exemption is found for the customer and warehouse state, the tax codes are removed from the order, and the order is considered non-taxable (tax exempt).

For Shipments/Deliveries - The system finds the tax codes to assign to a shipment/delivery order in the following sequence:

1  Find customer tax codes in the Billto File

2. If there are no tax codes in the Billto File, the customer is considered non-taxable (tax exempt), and the system does not normally check any other files. However, if an order is forced to be tax­able (by selecting the “make taxable” option, or by ordering a “must tax” item), the system will look for tax codes in the County File, based on the state and county# in the customer's Billto File.

3. If no shipto#, no shipto override, and no “final destination state & zip” are included on the order, then the address of the shipment is considered to be the Billto address. In this case, the order is taxed using the tax codes found in the Billto File or County File. If no tax codes are found in either file, the order is not taxed.

4. If a shipto#, a shipto override, or a final destination zip code is entered on the order, the Tax by Zip Table is searched. The final destination zip code overrides the shipto zip code.

5. If a Tax by Zip record that is applicable to the zip code is found, then the tax codes for that zip code override all other tax codes found above.

6. The Tax Exemptions by State/Province file is checked. If an exemption is found for the customer and destination state, then the tax codes are removed from the order, and the order is considered non-taxable (tax exempt).

Analyzing Sales Tax

There are reporting options and a utility available for analyzing sales tax:

Potential Obstacles

The following are common errors found in sales tax reporting:

Note: The tax amount stored on the invoice is the tax at that time. Use the Tax Audit Inquiry by Invoice# (Menu SYS 909) to determine how tax was applied.

Canadian Users

Canadian systems must code all customers for GST, and therefore all customers and orders are taxable. However, PST is charged on a customer-by-customer and order-by-order basis. Some features, as stated above, do not function properly for Canadian systems, since, unlike US systems, GST and PST are mutually exclusive. Special features are provided throughout the system regarding Canadian tax issues.

Associated Files

Options for Sales Tax

Options for Taxes On Will Call Orders

Tax File (FIL 16)

Tax Calculator - CUS 25

Tax Identification Number File - ACT 12

Tax by Zip Codes Table - FIL 43

Warehouse Will Call Tax Table - FIL 42

Option 4 - Tax, G/L & Delivery/Route Options

Tax Exemptions by State/Province File Maint - SYS 605

Tax Exemptions by State/Province File Listing - SYS 606

Navigator Tax, G/L & Delivery/Route Options

Navigator Tax File

Related FAQs

Sales tax on samples

Tax Threshold Amount

Sales Tax Reporting and the effects of Tax Rate Changes

Tax reporting for customers that are tax exempt

Dancik policy on state and local tax changes - what does Dancik provide/support

What are the effects of a change in tax Rates?

Making Handling/Restocking Charge NON Taxable on Taxable Order

How do I assign Sales Tax for a Customer with Multiple ShipTo Locations

How to handle tax codes where counties and cities are taxable, with multiple cities in the same county

Changing Tax field on item from A to Y causes taxes to be recalculated on open orders

If you flag an item to be taxable & it is for a nontaxable customer, where does the tax rate come from

How do I make my Labor Items tax exempt?

Taxes on Delivery Charges. How do they work?


When printing recurring invoices, it is taxing all customers with the same tax

Correcting Sales Tax