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Automatic Check for Duplicate Orders


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The system can automatically check for duplicate orders for an item during the order entry process. This check can alert you to possible situations where an item is already on an order, hold, or quote for a customer. This feature can provide the following benefits:

You can also inquire about duplicate orders via option 18 on the ORD menu from the Dancik menu system.

1. Access Order Entry (option 1 on the Customer Service menu (CUS)).

2. Proceed through the order entry process. After you enter the item number and quantity on the detail screen, the Potential Duplicate Orders screen appears if the item you are ordering is contained on other orders, holds, or quotes.

Note: This feature is only activated if the related System-Wide setting parameters are entered. Refer to Options for Order Entry “Duplicate Order Warnings


3. This screen displays three types of orders:

This screen displays the entry date of each transaction, the quantity, and the price. The Sts column shows the open order status, quote status, or shows an H for temporary holds, and Q for unprocessed orders with type Q.

4. At the bottom of the screen are three options that enable you to view the potential duplicates, and/or switch to them instead of continuing with the entry of the new order.

Note:  The current order (the one you are leaving) is assigned a reference number and is saved as an unprocessed order. All the information you entered up to the point of leaving the order is saved.

Associated Files

System Wide Settings - Options for Order Entry “Duplicate Order Warnings”

Duplicate Order Inquiry - CUS 18

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