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Order Review Function (F19)


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The F19 order review function reviews an order from your customer’s point of view, for customer’s that have their own item numbers and/or UM requirements. This review, as opposed to the normal F1 review, shows the customer’s item numbers and descriptions and also converts the UM quantities and prices as specified in the Customer Preferences File. This review screen will also consolidate lines that may have been split by ISO, so that the read back to the customer is exactly as the customer placed the order.

Note:  This function is accessible from both the order entry and order change programs.

The following screen shows the F19 review from the order detail screen during an order change/update.


Additional Notes on the F19 Review Screen

As a comparison, the F1 order review for the same order is shown below.


The F19 order review pulls information from the F13 - Customer Items screen in the Customer Preference File (FIL 38). The example below shows the customer’s cross reference descriptions, item numbers, item descriptions, and UM for some of your items.


The F19 order review screen also consolidates lines split by ISO as long as the lines have the same serial number, warehouse, and price. The following example includes an item split by ISO; displayed using the F1 review. Notice that lines 10 and 20 are the same, except for the selected bin locations. Lines 30 and 40 are also the same except for the bin locations.


The following screen shows the same order in the F19 view with the split lines consolidated.


Associated Files

Order Detail Screen

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Customer Service FAQs