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Order Header Field Descriptions

These fields are accessed by clicking the arrow to the left of the Account# on the Order Header and then selecting Edit Header from the Available Header Options menu.

Field Name


Order Date

Enter the effective order date if different from the default date. The default date is today's date. The date you enter in this field is also the effective date for allocating inventory that appears on the Inventory Inquiry Stock Card Screens. If the order is being placed against future arriving stock, consider using code F in the Type field to indicate future orders and using the intended ship or pickup date as the order date. Although the material is still allocated immediately, the Detail Inventory Stock Card Screen shows the order as allocating from future stock rather than from current stock. The system also retains the date that an order was placed separately from the effective order date. If you are entering a temporary hold order, changing the order date extends the hold until 2 night job cycles after that date.


Enter the customer's purchase order number or job number for the order. If the customer does not have a purchase order number, you should enter information indicating how, when, or by whom the order was placed. This number, code, or name can be useful in tracking the order. Enter numbers or letters, or both. You can search for orders by this field after the order is processed. This can be very helpful because customers often refer to this number when making inquiries about an order. If you have multiple references which need to be entered, use this field for the reference that is most important or most frequently referred to. Then, use the Job Name field or a message line, or both, to enter other references. For example, if a customer has a purchase order number and a job name, you could enter the purchase order number here and the job name in the Job Name field.

This field is mandatory. For cash sales customers that usually do not have a purchase order, we recommend entering their last name. One of the options to search open orders is purchase orders, you can search for all purchase order numbers by last name.

Note:  The Purchase Order Number Edit Mask field in the Customer Preference File (FIL 38) controls how many and what types of characters (i.e. alpha/numeric) of characters can be used in the PO# field.

Salesperson 1 and 2

The salesperson whose number is assigned to this customer appears here. If salespeople are assigned based upon the product, then this field is blank. It should remain blank unless an override is required. A salesperson number entered here overrides the regularly assigned salesperson number. If an order is to be overridden to more than one salesperson to split the commission, you must define a single salesperson number in the Salesperson File that represents the split commission. For example, salesperson 901 could indicate that Mr. Smith and Ms. Jones will split the commission.

Order Entry supports a salesperson assigned to a shipto record. If a shipto record is selected on an order, and that ship record is assigned to a salesperson, then the shipto salesperson is automatically assigned to the order header. On the Order Header screen, if the Shipto# field is populated with a shipto that has a salesperson assigned, then the salesperson assigned in the Billto file is overridden by the Shipto Salesperson and is displayed throughout the order entry process.

The default salesperson comes from the Billto File.

Use the Salesperson 2 setting to assign a second salesperson.

Note: Consult the System Administration manual if you want to limit this field to not allow any updates or to only allow updates to salespeople in the Salesperson file.

Job Name

This field allows you to type in the job name or any additional information regarding the order. If a customer has special job or contract pricing, this field is checked against the job, contract or purchase order numbers entered in the Special Price File. This entry prints directly underneath the customer purchase order number on all documents.

Ship Date

Enter the date on which the order is required to be shipped or picked up. Today's date automatically appears as the default. It is especially important for this date to be accurate if you are shipping or delivering to the customer. All truck routing programs utilize this date. If you are using the Delivery System, the next available delivery date for your customer displays automatically. Orders using the Delivery System should not override this field, unless your customer wants delivery outside the normal date.


This field determines which branch gets sales credit for the order. Do not confuse the branch number with the warehouse number, which determines the location of the stock, or the point of shipment. The two codes do not have to be the same.

The default branch is determined by the entry in the Control Panel for your workstation. The default in the Control Panel can be either your actual branch, or ALL if you are allowed to enter for multiple branches, or C* which causes the program to display the branch assigned to the customer for whom you are entering the order. In any case, this field completes automatically. The default can be changed only by authorized personnel.

Note: The ability to change this settings is contingent on the Retail Environment setting on the Navigator User Web Control Panel File Maintenance screen (NAV 5 option "Y"). If the Retail Environment is set to Y, these settings cannot be changed.

Associated Files/Settings

Ability to change Branch during Order Creation - NAV menu 1, 2, and 5 setting that controls whether a user is able to change the Branch value in Customer Orders, Quotes, and Credit Orders.

System Wide Setting - Navigator Order Entry Options - Allows you to change the Branch on the order header.

Order Management Permissions - The following settings have been added to the permissions of each access level (global (NAV 1), authority class (NAV 2), and user (NAV 3)):

  • Allow change to branch at order creation when Retail Environment = N - Set to “Y” to allow a user to change the Branch at time of Customer Order, Direct Ship, Quote, or Credit Order creation when the Retail Environment is not activated.

  • Allow change to branch at order creation when Retail Environment = Y - Set to “Y” to allow a user to change the Branch at time of Customer Order, Direct Ship, Quote, or Credit Order creation when the retail environment is activated.

Ship Via

Enter the code representing the method of shipping for the order. Ship via codes are defined and can be displayed by the Classification Codes File Maintenance program. Your company can define and maintain its own set of codes. We recommend that you have a list of these codes handy for easy reference.

The Ship Via field automatically completes if a default ship via code is in either the customer's Billto File or in your Control Panel. If defaults are in both places, the Control Panel default ship via overrides the Billto File default ship via.

Notes on some of the codes:

  • WC - Will call - Depending on your system settings this ship via may activate the Will Call table. This table automates the taxation of “will calls” in states that require differing will call tax rates based on multiple factors.

  • SB - See Below - Requires shipping instructions using F6 message lines.

  • If the customer is picking up the material, use codes such as WC, PS or PW.

  • If you provide delivery service, use codes such as OT or DE.

  • Some codes trigger other values on the Order Entry header screen. This feature can optionally change the header warehouse, order type, order-handling code, order reason code, FOB code, truck route, and install and measure flags. It may be used to ensure that certain values go with certain shipping techniques, such as “Ship Via UA for UPS Air goes with FOB code C = Freight Collect”. You can create strategies based upon ship via codes.

  • The Ship Via field can be made mandatory via the System Wide Setting “Options for Ship Via Codes”. Also included in the setting is an option to validate the ship via code against the Classifications Codes File. If these settings are activated, and a ship via code is not entered or an invalid one is used the error message “Invalid Ship Via Code” appears.

  • Up to three ship via codes can be used to trigger the use of the customer's default truck route codes. Usually ship via codes OT or DE are used. When you enter a code, such as OT or DE, the truck routing programs are automatically utilized, and a truck route is assigned to the order.


Enter the warehouse from which the order is being delivered or picked up. This field is also referred to as the Header Warehouse to distinguish it from the Detail Warehouses, which are assigned to each line item. The Header Warehouse is where the pick list prints and from where the customer is serviced. The Detail Warehouse is where the stock is located.

A Warehouse Price List Cross Reference table directs the system to automatically update the price list when the header warehouse is changed during order entry. This allows you to assign a different pricing structure for each warehouse.

As an example of how this functionality works, consider the following example:

  • If a customer’s normal warehouse assignment is Raleigh (RAL) and the price list is A1.

  • If this customer wants to schedule a pick-up at a warehouse in New York, when the warehouse on the order header is changed the Price list also changes to reflect the settings in the Warehouse Price List Cross Reference Table. In this case, the price list automatically is changed to LP.

Note:  The feature only applies to companies that base their pricing on the servicing warehouse, as opposed to pricing by customer regardless of the servicing warehouse.

The tax codes are automatically reset if the header warehouse is changed and the warehouse has applicable tax codes.

The following example describes how tax codes can be reset:

  • A taxable order is entered with a header warehouse of NYC. The order is due to ship on a truck from NYC and is being charged NYC tax. The customer is a NYC customer.

  • The order is changed to a will-call from warehouse BAL. Warehouse BAL has a Baltimore tax rate for will-calls. The tax codes on the order are automatically changed from the Customer’s Billto File tax codes to the warehouse BAL tax codes.

In general, any change of a header warehouse or a ship via code causes the order entry or order change programs to reassess the tax codes.

Associated Files/Settings

System Wide Setting - Navigator Order Entry Options - Allows you to change the warehouse on the order header.


Enter your initials or the initials of the person who took the order. The default is the operator ID as entered in the Control User program.


The default is 001 which means “our inventory”. Leave as 001 unless you are ordering from an outside supplier, such as when entering a purchase order or a direct shipment order. However, when creating special orders, you must still leave as 001.

When entering special orders, the Order Entry program warns you whenever you attempt to purchase an item from a supplier that is not listed as a supplier of that item. In these cases, the special order supplier, on the detail line, is compared to the suppliers in the Item and Cost files. If a match is not found, a warning is issued.

Order Type

The default is for this field is blank (for normal orders).

Some examples codes are:

  • C - Claims/Credits/Returns - This type code requires entries in the Xref Order# and Xref Invoice# fields. This cross references the credit to an invoice or order. Code C causes Credit/Return Authorization to print on pick lists and order acknowledgements. Whenever a C is entered as the credit type, the system automatically checks for duplicate credits entered against the same order or invoice number. A potential duplicate credit is defined as any other credit memo cross referenced to the same original invoice or order number as the credit memo you are beginning to enter.

  • F - Future/Forward Orders - This code designates that the order is for stock that has not yet arrived. When entering code F, you should also enter an order date that coincides with, or is just after the future arrival date of the stock.

  • Q - Quotations - These orders are processed a little differently from regular orders. This prevents the processing of a quote into an order prematurely. When the quote is ready to be converted into an order, remove the Q and process the order. If the Q is not removed, when you get to the cash register screen to process the order you will receive an error message.

  • U or V - Unusual Sales - This flags certain sales to exclude them from the usage figures on the reorder reports. Use this feature to eliminate non-repeat sales that could distort your usage figures.

State Tax

The default is the state tax code entered in the customer's Billto file. If the order is taxable, enter the state code for the order. If not, leave this field blank.

The tax rates that relate to each tax code are maintained in the Tax File.

You can also press Make Taxable/Non-Taxable button to make the order taxable or non-taxable.

Note:  The Make Taxable/No-Taxable feature should not be used for Quotes. If it is, it essentially locks a quote into being either tax­able or non-taxable and it might need to be changed further into the order process.

Order entry can automatically charge tax on specially-designated items, such as samples, even for customers who are normally tax-exempt. The automatic tax feature is activated when an item is ordered that has a tax code A (meaning always taxable). In this situation, the state tax code from the Billto File is inserted into this field.

Other Tax

Use this field if additional tax is being charged. For example, city tax or local tax. The default is the other tax code entered in the customer's Billto File.

The tax codes are automatically reset if the header warehouse is changed and the warehouse has applicable tax codes.

The following example describes how tax codes can be reset:

  • A taxable order is entered with a header warehouse of NYC. The order is due to ship on a truck from NYC and is being charged NYC tax. The customer is a NYC customer.

  • The order is changed to a will-call from warehouse BAL. Warehouse BAL has a Baltimore tax rate for will-calls. The tax codes on the order are automatically changed from the Customer’s Billto File tax codes to the warehouse BAL tax codes.

In general, any change of a header warehouse or a ship via code causes the order entry or order change programs to reassess the tax codes.

For Canadian customers, the state tax code is used for PST and the other tax code is used for GST. Use the Tax File program to set up PST and GST codes and descriptions.

Order Handling

Order handling codes provide the default method of handling. Sample order handling codes are shown below.

  • 1-Fill/Kill - At the time the order is shipped or invoiced, any unshipped or uninvoiced lines on the order are cancelled. Fill/Kill orders have the following effects on other parts of the system:

— The back order listing from the pre-receipts system highlights back orders that should not be filled because they have order handling code 1 (fill/kill) but include other line items already shipped.

— The Back Order Fill Screen will not show back orders that are part of partially shipped orders with order handling code 1.

  • 2-Back order - At the time the order is shipped or invoiced, any unshipped or un-invoiced lines on the order remain at their current status.

  • 3-Fill/Kill and Notify - Same effect as code 1, except the customer must be notified of what is being cancelled.

  • 4 - Back order with new PO - Same effect as code 1, except the customer must be contacted for a new purchase order number to be used for remaining lines. A new order will be entered for remaining lines.

  • 5- Must Ship Complete - All lines on this order must ship together. At the time of invoicing, unbilled lines (which should not occur) are left open. This OH code automatically withholds back order pick lists and bar code picking labels from printing until all back ordered items within the order are filled. When back orders are filled, the system checks to see if the order contains other back ordered items that are not yet filled. If the order has order handling code 5 (must ship complete), the pick list and bar code pick labels do not print. If the order has no more unfilled back ordered items, then the pick list or bar code labels will print.

Note: If an order uses Order Handling Code 5 - Must Ship Complete and the order has back ordered lines, the order is considered UNPROCESSED until the back ordered lines are filled.

  • 6-Rush order/compensated - The order must be shipped as soon as possible. The customer is paying an additional rush delivery fee. This code is used primarily for EDI in order to identify special circumstances to a trading partner. At the time of billing, unbilled lines are left open.

  • 7-Rush order/uncompensated - The order must be shipped as soon as possible. The customer is not paying an additional rush delivery fee. The order is being rushed for reasons other than the customer’s request. This code is used primarily for EDI in order to identify special circumstances to a trading partner. At the time of billing, unbilled lines are left open.

Note:  You can set up default Order Handling Codes for each customer in the Billto File.

Reason Code

Order Reason Codes can be both system and user defined. They are meant to flag orders for special processing, primarily with regards to EDI. You can set up your own Order Reason Codes using the System Tables Program.

Note: The default is for this field to be an optional entry. However, it can be made mandatory via the System Wide Setting -  Order Reason Code Settings for Order Entry and Order Change.


This field is used only if you are assigning special job numbers to track large projects or groups of orders. Many available reports can sort by this field. For example, if you wanted to track all orders that relate to a new office complex being built in your area, you can assign a job number and enter that job number into all orders regardless of customer that are related to that job. You can run reports such as X By Y Gross Profit Analysis to analyze each job number. The job number you enter also appears next to the invoice number on all invoices for that job.

Tax Exempt ID

Menu option SYS 605- Tax Exemptions by State/Province File Maint. allows you to maintain tax exemptions by customer, by state or province, with start and expiration dates. If this file is activated, tax exemptions for each order will be checked, based upon the customer account# and the state into which the material is being shipped, or the state assigned to the warehouse from which a will-call is made. If an exemption record is found for that account and state, and the current date is within the start/expiration date span of the exemption, then the order will be considered non-taxable (tax exempt).

Note:  If an account has a tax exempt ID assigned, the ID will display even if the System Wide Setting - Options for Sales Tax option “Display tax codes and Tax Exemption# on the Order Entry Shipto Screen” is set to “N”.

Final Destination

Use these fields to have the system calculate the tax based upon the “final destination” state and zip code rather than the zip code of the shipto address. This applies in situations where the shipto represents an intermediary point such as a fabricator, work room, or consolidation center.

Note:  If the Tax by Zip Code Table is not activated, these entries are informational only.


(Freight on Board) The FOB code indicates the point after which freight is paid by the customer. It also indicates the mode of freight. FOB codes are created in and displayed by the Classification Codes File within File Maintenance. You can define and maintain your own customized set of codes.

The following list shows how you might assign your FOB codes:

  • C - customer warehouse - If you are responsible for all freight.

  • F - factory/plant - Use if the customer is responsible for all freight from supplier to shipto location.

  • P - port of entry - If customer is responsible for freight only from the port-of-entry to shipto location

  • S - see below - enter the FOB terms using the message lines.

  • W - our warehouse - Use when a customer picks up at your warehouse.

  • 1 - freight prepaid

  • 2 - freight collect

If your company sells primarily retail, you should consider defining the FOB code as “from or by”, and use it to explain the customer’s origin. For example, code Y would indicate the customer found you via the Yellow Pages, R could indicate the customer was referred, D would indicate a customer who drove by, or N could indicate a customer who responding to a newspaper ad. These codes can then be used for sales analysis on-screen via the Classifications Codes File and on reports using the X By Y Reports.

The FOB field is completed automatically if default values are present in either the customer's Billto File record or in your Control Panel. A default FOB code in your Control Panel overrides a default FOB code in the Billto File.


This field is used to represent terms that have been entered into the Payment Terms File. The default is the terms code as entered in the customer's Billto File.

If your company offers payment terms that are dependent on the products you sell, such as different terms for different products, your customers will most likely be coded with an M as the terms code. M means use the manufacturer's terms, which are stored in the Product Line File.

The Term %, Terms Days, and Terms Code fields can be used in conjunction with each other, but generally either a terms code or terms % plus terms days is used. It is important to note that a 003 in the Terms Days field indicates COD and an 005 indicates cash.

You might see the combination of Terms Days 003 plus terms code M meaning customer is COD but gets the terms discounts applicable to each product.

You can combine special terms with terms codes as follows:

  • 3 Days, Cd M = COD plus manufacturer's terms discount (if you offer terms by product).

  • You can leave Terms Percentage % and Days field blank and use terms code only.

Note: The ability to change this settings is contingent on the Retail Environment setting on the Navigator User Web Control Panel File Maintenance screen (NAV 5 option "Y"). If the Retail Environment is set to Y, these settings cannot be changed.

Terms Disc% Terms Days

Enter the terms of payment for the order. The default is the terms as entered in the customer's Billto File.

These fields may not be necessary if you use the Terms Code field. Use the Terms Code field if multi-level terms discounts or complex terms are required.

Examples of Payment Terms Entries

  • 00000% Disc, 30 days = Net 30 days

  • 2.00% Disc, 15 days = 2.00% 15 days

  • 1.50% Disc, 45 days = 1.50% 45 days

  • 2.00 % Disc, 3 Days = 2.00% COD

  • 1.00 % Disc, 5 Days = 1.00% Cash

COD orders

A "3" in the Terms Days field signifies the order as a COD order.

Cash Only Order

A "5" in the Terms Days field signifies the order as a Cash only order.

Note: The ability to change these settings is contingent on the Retail Environment setting on the Navigator User Web Control Panel File Maintenance screen (NAV 5 option "Y"). If the Retail Environment is set to Y, these settings can be changed.

Customer Price List#

The default is the customer price list number entered in the customer's Billto File. It represents the price level used to price the order, unless other exceptions are found for the individual items being ordered.

HndlChrg/ Disc%

If the order requires additional handling charge or discount percentage from its established price level, enter that percentage here. The default is the Extra Chg/Disc entered in the customer's Billto File.

This field relates to pricing, not to discounts for prompt payment. For example, to give a customer a 5% additional discount, enter -5.00. To charge a customer a 2.75 % additional handling charge, enter 2.75. A negative number indicates a discount. A positive number indicates a handling charge.

These charges directly affect the Price and Extended Price fields at the line level (i.e., an increase in the handling charge, increases the item price).

Note:  If you enter a percentage here, you are required to enter infor­mation in the Extra Charges field.

Extra Charge

Enter in this field only if you intend to enter an extra charge or discount percentage. The default is the entry that appears in the customer's Billto File.

  • S - Subtotal. Extra charge or discount shows separately at bottom of document. For example, a $100.00 order with 10% discount shows 100.00 on line item and 10.00- discount at bottom of order or invoice.

  • L - Line. Extra charge or discount is applied to the unit line prices. For example, a $100.00 item will be priced at $90.00. The 10% discount is included in the line.

For accurate sales analysis by item, we recommend that you use the L code whenever an extra charge/discount percentage is entered. This causes the adjustment to gross profit to be reflected for each item as well as for the entire order. Your company's financial managers should establish guidelines for entering discounts and handling charges.

Xref Ord#/Inv#

These fields are required only if you are entering a credit memo (Type "C"). Enter the original order number or invoice number this credit is referencing.

They are optional for all other types of orders.

The entries in these fields display in the Messages box in the lower left-hand corner of the Order Management window.

ETA Date

The recommended use for this field is to record the date the expected customer delivery date, when it is different than the ship date that you can offer. You may use this date to compare customer requested ship dates with actual shipping dates. This date is entered in MMDDYY format. The ETA date is shown on the Order Change and Order Inquiry screens. It does not affect the stock card in inventory inquiry.

Note:   If the order is a Point-of-Sale order, the ETA date does not appear on an Order Inquiry. Since a Point-of-Sale order is by nature a cash and carry sale where the inventory is considered “shipped and sold” immediately, the ETA does not mean any­thing on order inquiry.



These fields are meant for companies that provide on-site installation and measurement services. If either of these fields is set to Y, Order Inquiry will automatically show the Installation and Measure status & dates.

Installation and measurement status and dates are entered using the Installation Scheduler option included under Available Options.

Note: The ability to change these settings is contingent on the Retail Environment setting on the Navigator User Web Control Panel File Maintenance screen (NAV 5 option "Y"). If the Retail Environment is set to N, these settings cannot be changed.

Use Floor Plan?

The term Floor Plan can be considered an industry synonym for third-party financing. Floor Plan is the concept of getting material into the showroom floor of a retail store. Special financing arrangements enable you to offer inventory to your customers at preferred terms, thereby increasing your presence with the customer. The basic theory behind the offering of a Floor Plan to a customer is that if the customer has more of your inventory on the floor, then he or she is more likely to sell more of your inventory.

If you plan on using Floor Plan terms, without third-party financing, enter an N. Floor Plan Terms can replace the regular Customer Terms File.

Note: The ability to change this settings is contingent on the Retail Environment setting on the Navigator User Web Control Panel File Maintenance screen (NAV 5 option "Y"). If the Retail Environment is set to Y, these settings cannot be changed.

FP Acct

Enter the Floor Plan account number if you override the default for this customer.

Note: The ability to change this settings is contingent on the Retail Environment setting on the Navigator User Web Control Panel File Maintenance screen (NAV 5 option "Y"). If the Retail Environment is set to Y, these settings cannot be changed.

FP Terms

Enter the Floor Plan terms if you override the default.

Note: The ability to change this settings is contingent on the Retail Environment setting on the Navigator User Web Control Panel File Maintenance screen (NAV 5 option "Y"). If the Retail Environment is set to Y, these settings cannot be changed.

Order Contact

This field enables you to assign customer contact information to orders and invoices. It provides the following benefits:

  • allows access to your customer contacts (including phone, fax, and email) from Order Entry

  • captures contact information of the person that placed the order or sold the product.

  • can be used for spiffs and commissions to parties other than your salespeople

  • can generate reports based on customer contact. The Four Way Contact Analysis report (RSA 20) can be used to track sales for each order contact.

Note: Refer to Options for Customer Order Contacts for more information on the System Wide Setting.

Note: The system can be set up to send an email to the order contact if a valid email address is entered in this field. This functionality is controlled by the System Wide Setting - Options for Back Order Fill.