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Navigator Miscellaneous Vendor File

Associated Files

Related FAQs

Sometimes you need to post bills from a vendor with whom you rarely do business, and you don’t want to establish a permanent Vendor File record. You can identify the vendor as a miscellaneous vendor and enter the vendor’s name and address when you enter the bill. When the vendor’s balance becomes zero, you can purge the record from the system by deleting it. The record is stored in the Miscellaneous Vendor file, and the voucher number assigned to the bill is also assigned as the vendor’s Miscellaneous Vendor Number.

1. Access the Miscellaneous Vendor File in the Accounting grouping.

2. Use the Filters screen to manage what displays on the screen.

3. Click Apply to load the Vendor table.

4. To create new Vendors, click Records and then select Create.


Field Name



Enter a 6 character vendor number.

Policy Codes

Policy codes are used to trigger special processing or to identify certain vendors or situations. The following codes can be user-assigned, or assigned by Dancik.

  • DU - The vendor number automatically stays on the screen in the Enter Payables program. Use this code for vendors that have many bills entered at the same time, to save keystrokes for the AP entry clerk.

  • RV - Restricted View. Requires a high-level password to view or update records. Use this code for confidential records, such as payroll. The system administrator should make sure to set up two different passwords: one for high-level and one for low-level access. The passwords are set up using program keyword VEND01.

  • 1C - The check writing program issues a separate check for each invoice from that vendor.

  • 99 - This vendor gets a Form 1099 at the end of the year.

Use as "Remit To"

Enter a "Y" to use the Alt Address as the remit to address on accounts payable checks.


Enter D if you want to delete this miscellaneous vendor record. Only delete the record if this vendor has no open transactions, and the vendor’s balance is zero.

Associated Files

Navigator Vendor File

Navigator Supplier File

Miscellaneous Vendor File - ACT 3

Vendor File (FIL 14)

Supplier File - FIL 3

Enter AP Transactions - AP1

Related FAQs

How can I get a Listing of Payments made to (M) Miscellaneous Vendors

Our customer would prefer to receive a refund check, rather than having a credit memo. How do we make this happen?