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Navigator Fund File

Use the Fund File to collect data and establish marketing guidelines for customer funds. Customer funds are liability accounts in which you collect dollars or points toward a marketing event. For example, you could overbill a group of customers by 5% for all sales of certain products, so that they could participate in a company trip when they have accumulated $300.00 each.

Note:  A fund is a combination of a marketing program and a customer account number.

Fund File Options

Creating a Fund

Access the Fund File and click Create under Records to create a new Fund File.


Field Name


Marketing Program

The three character code that represents the fund. Marketing programs are created using the Marketing application under Categories/Classifications.


The account number and name associated with the fund.

Open/Close Fund

Enter O to indicate that the fund is considered open, or C to indicate that it is considered closed. An entry in this field does not result in any action. The Promotional File entries determine whether or not dollars or points are still being allocated to the fund. This field for informational purposes.

Fund Type

This is a user-defined field indicating the type of fund. Suggested codes are:

  • T - Trip fund

  • A - Coop advertising fund

  • G - General/multi-purpose fund

  • P - Profit adjustment fund (used to adjust gross profit)

Note: Fund types are created using the Marketing application under Categories/Classifications.

GL Account

The general ledger account number to which this fund should post. The general ledger account number is usually a liability account.

Cost Center

Cost center to which this fund should post for general ledger, or leave blank.

% of Overbills contributed by house

Complete this field only if your company will deposit into this fund a percentage of the amount overbilled to the customer.

% of Total Sales contributed by house

Complete this field only if your company will deposit into this fund a percentage of the customer's sales. For example, 1% of customers sales will be contributed by your company toward this field.

Each point is earned per:

Enter $ if points are earned per dollar. Enter U if points are earned per unit sold.


Enter important descriptions or information about this fund here. Use the Notepad if more space is needed.

Current Balance

Customer Contributions

Balance, in dollars, of fund contributions billed to the customer for this fund. This balance is updated by the Invoicing System.

House Contributions

This field is not automatically active. It represents funds not actually billed that will be contributed by the house (your company) to the fund.

Goal Dollars

Goal Points

Dollar or point amount you are targeting to collect in this fund.

Separate Fund$ on invoice

Enter Y to show the fund contribution (overbill) portion of the price separately from the basic price of the goods on the invoice. Enter N to no show separately. The invoice displays the price including the fund amount as a single price.

Separate Fund$ on statement

Enter Y to show the fund/overbill dollars on statements.

Show fund mktg pgm on invoice

Enter Y to show the marketing program under any line item on an invoice that includes a contribution to this fund. Enter N if you do not want to show the marketing programs.

Show Points on invoice


Show Points on statement:

Enter a Y to show the points on invoice or statement.

Show fund mktg pgm description on invoice:

Enter a description to show on an invoice under any line item that includes a contribution to this fund. Leave this field blank if you do not want to show a description of the fund.

Fund File Options

These options are available on the Update Record window.



The Notepad gives you 99 pages to store information.



This screen displays past, current, and month-by-month balances for a customer (all of the customer's funds combined), a specific fund, or combination of funds for a customer.


Creating a Fund


  Monitor the fund using the available screens and reports:

  The Fund File Screen shows information and balances.

  Order Entry Additional Functions screen allows drill-down fund inquiries by account and marketing program.

  Fund Analysis Report and Promotional Pricing Report can list fund details.

  Fund Listing shows summarized fund balance information.