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Direct Shipments


Processing Direct Shipments

Invoicing Direct Shipments

Updating Status of Direct Shipments

More Information About Direct Shipments


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Direct shipments are defined as orders filled by outside suppliers and shipped directly to your customer without affecting your inventory. You can also refer to direct shipments as drop shipments or brokerage sales because you are acting as a broker between your supplier and your customer.

Direct shipments are also often called special orders. However, do not confuse the two terms as they each refer to very different program functions. Special orders are defined as orders filled by outside suppliers but which pass through your inventory or possession before shipment to, or pickup by, your customer. In general, direct shipments involve larger quantities than special orders. Direct shipments do not pass through your inventory.

Processing Direct Shipments

The open order does not affect inventory, yet you can view it on inventory screens by entering the item numbers and warehouse DIR. The open order is accessible via Open Order Search. You can update or cancel it in the same way you do a regular stock order.

Invoicing Direct Shipments

Invoice direct shipments using the regular Invoice Open Orders Program. All functions are the same except:

Updating Status of Direct Shipments

You can update the status of a direct shipment order by using the Update Direct Ship and Special Order Status function (option 14 on the Customer Service Menu) or the Update Order Status and Shipping Dates function (option 13 on the Customer Service Menu). These programs let you update shipping and arrival dates and assign status codes to mark the order, for example, as being delayed or in transit. In the rare case that a direct shipment arrives in your warehouse (instead of your customer’s), you could enter status code R for received. Running an Open Order Report for direct ships with R status would allow the accounting department to track this temporary inventory, as it is not part of your Inventory Value Report. All open order reports have an option for selecting direct ship and special orders only. To make changes in categories such as quantity or item numbers, use the same methods and programs that you would use for changing any other type of order.

More Information About Direct Shipments


If you are sending purchase orders, or receiving purchase order updates and acknowledgments from suppliers, then direct ship purchase orders are automatically included along with the appropriate shipping information. All EDI processes can distinguish direct ship purchases and sales from other types of purchases and sales.

Associated Files

Updating Direct Ship & Special Order Status - CUS 14

Direct Orders in Navigator

Related FAQs

How do I make a current order a direct ship

Direct Ships Accounting Procedures

Promo for different terms code for direct orders only

Quick Credits against orders that were direct shipped

Rolled Goods for Direct Ships

Cost difference between order and invoice...Why?