SPEC 6109- Overstock 856
Date Released: Feb 2020
Modules:CMS 850 Purchase Orders
Description: Adds functionality to process inbound and outbound 850 Purchase Orders without manual intervention.
Application changes
Created the work file CMS850A1RC
Updated the inbound CMS 850 process to check SET 5 table xxxCUST#.
- If ARCCMS850 is set to Y write CMS850A1 to CMS850A1RC.
Update the outbound 856 process to check SET 5 table xxxCUST#.
- If ARCCMS850 is set to Y
Write CMS850A1RC-BEG04 to CMS856PRF-PRF02.
Write CMS850A1RC-BEG05 to CMS856PRF-PRF04.