SPEC 6043 - Revised Reorder Report - include all inventory for items that need to be ordered
Date Released: Jan 2020
- Green screen - PUR 7 Re-order report
- Navigator Inventory Reorder Report
Description:Creates a new version of the reorder report that shows only items that need to be reordered, and activity and inventory in all warehouses for those items.
Green Screen - PUR 7 Re-order report
When a warehouse group is entered on the first screen....
...and the setting List ALL Selected Items on the second page is set to Y you have the option to include all the warehouses in the group.
If the Include all warehouses in the Warehouse Group parameter is set to Yes, do not omit warehouses that have suggested reorder quantity of 0.The reorder report only includes items that have a suggested reorder quantity and all warehouses in the selected group for that item.
In the example below, Warehouse group 6043 includes warehouses RAL and ANA. The line for warehouse ANA would be retained even though it has Suggested Qty to Reorder of 0.
Navigator Inventory Reorder Reports
Enter a Warehouse Group on the first window of settings.
Click Next to access the second set of parameters.
If the setting List ONLY Items that need to be reordered is set to Y, the setting Include all warehouses in Warehouse group XXX appears below it.