SPEC 5864 - Selection Sheet Manager to Support Price Savings Message
Date Released: February 2019
Modules: Selection Sheet Manager
Description: Adds the option, Support the Customer Price Savings message line, to screen 2 of the SSM global settings (SSM 1).
Reason for Change: Allows a customer savings message to be printed on a customer order.
Selection Sheet Manager Global Setting - Screen 2
If the setting Support the Customer Price Savings message line is enabled, the Customer Price Savings message line is added to the Notes section as line 1.
The message is inserted into the Notes section of the selection sheet.
When the selection sheet is converted to an order in Navigator Order Management, the price savings message is inserted into the second message line; in this example line 12. The first line is reserved for the area designated on the selection sheet.
Associated Files
System Wide Setting - Options for Printing Price Savings on Customer Documents
This setting activates directs the system to automatically generate a message line that shows the customer how much they saved with any special pricing given them.
Option A - Compares selling price to the list price (LP price record)
Option B - Compares selling price to the price list assigned to the customer in the customer's Billto file.
Blank - The setting is not activated.