Customer Fund Balances

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This feature, accessed by pressing F4 on the Additional Functions screen, displays balances, and optionally detail, for funds your company maintains for each customer. Funds contain dollars and/or points which are being accumulated for special use, such as toward a trip or promotional event. Funds are very much like bank accounts, where your company is the bank and the customer is the depositor. This screen can display the total of all funds for a customer, individual funds, sub-groups of funds by fund type, and month-by-month deposit and withdrawal history. When the screen is initially displayed from Order Entry it displays the accumulated totals of all funds for that customer. You can specify marketing programs or fund types to show more specific fund balance information.

This screen displays the amounts accrued for each fund based on the invoices generated. This screen does not consider whether or not invoices have been paid.

Field Name



The customer's company and account number.


You can specify a marketing program to display balances for that specific marketing program and customer.

Enter a question mark (?) to display a list of marketing programs.

Fund Type

Enter between one and five fund types to show a composite total for funds with these types.


Enter the year to be displayed. This default is the current year.


Enter one of the available option codes in this field. M indicates to display the marketing programs included on that monthly figure. Other options are available depending on the screen being displayed.


The balance forward from a prior year or a specific month.


The total dollar amounts credited or debited to the fund(s).


The running dollar balance of the fund or group of funds.


The total points credited or debited to the fund(s).


The running points balance of the fund or group of funds.


The current totals and comparison to goals of the funds.


This area shows the options currently available for entering into the OPT column.

The F9 key displays the paid versus unpaid fund contributions. It also shows the total funds and the total fund points split into paid and unpaid.

The example above shows that $20.05 of the total accrued funds on the previous screen remain unpaid by the customer.

You can press F9 again to display the unpaid invoices that contain these accrued but unpaid funds.

This screen can help answer customer inquiries about paid and unpaid invoices. The purpose of this display is to see if any funds are accrued on unpaid invoices, so that collections are made before allowing the fund to be utilized by the customer.

This feature gives your customer service personnel a tool to answer questions from customers about funds. They can also see how much of the fund is unpaid (meaning how much is included on invoices that the customer has not paid).

The amount of the invoices does not relate to the funds. The invoice amounts include the funds, but also include the entire invoiced amounts & materials. In the example above, the three unpaid invoices displayed include a total of $20.05 in unpaid funds, plus a total of 25 points on unpaid invoices.

These screens agree with the Fund Analysis Report, as long as the report is run for a date span that relates to the fund balances shown on these screens.

From this screen, you can enter option I in the appropriate Opt field to view the invoices.

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