Automatic Archiving (Rollover Invoices)
If your business generates more than 400,000 invoices a year, you should consider activating this and easy method of archiving. The Automatic Archiving process uses a technique we refer to as Rollover Files.
When the Rollover Files option is activated via the System Wide Setting Options for Rollover Files:
- It is no longer necessary to purge or archive invoices.
- When the same six-digit invoice or order number is reused (after 1,000,000 numbers are issued), the system automatically moves the old invoice or order to a rollover file.
- The process is totally transparent to users, because all screens and reports can access these invoices as if they were in the live files.
- If you ask for a specific invoice or order number, and there are multiple transactions with the same six-digit number, you will be presented with a list - with the most recent transaction on top.
- All X by Y reports, order reports, and other history reports, access the new rollover files.
- With the rollover files, there is no limit to the number of invoices you can access and report on.
It is recommended that you store a full two-year history of invoices in your live invoice file before archiving them so that any two-year sales reports can be generated. (Archiving is the process of moving live invoices to a special archive file). However, if you are generating 400,000 invoices per year, you may soon be at a point where the system maximum of 1,000,000 live invoices is exceeded.
Rollover functionality is also available for orders.
When an Invoice Inquiry is done via IVC 8 and the invoice number is used more than once the Multiple Invoice screen appears.
The Name displayed comes from the Billto File.
There are three possible SRC codes:
- C - Current
- R - Rollover
- T - Today (status will change to C after night jobs)