System-Wide Settings - Part 2 (Green Screen menu option SET 4)
This program contains system-wide or global (all companies) settings. These settings pertain to many different functions throughout the system. The System Wide Settings affect everyone, regardless of company or branch.
Field Name |
Description/Instructions |
Options for Navigator Agency Sales |
This setting has to be activated via an Agency software key. Furthermore, both CRM and Agency Sales cannot be active at the same time on the same system.
Agency sales can be activated this setting. When activated, a new order option appears in Order Management called New Agency Order. The Agency Order workflow is similar to the direct ship order workflow. The order type is defaulted to S.
If Activate Agency Sales is not set to "Y" then none of the other options are available. Omit Agency Sales From Invoice Register - This setting directs the system to include Agency Sale invoices on the invoice register. If the Agency Sales invoices are included:
Omit Agency Sales From Sales to GL Interface and Omit Agency Sales From AR to GL Interface - The daily GL executes these 2 interfaces to create temporary journal entries. If these settings are set to Y, the Daily GL omits Agency sales from the JEs created. The default for all the options is "N". For a complete write-up on Agency Sales click here. For more information on Invoicing Agency Sales, refer to Invoicing in Navigator. |
Options for Navigator File Management |
The setting Default FM filter comparison operator allows for the establishment of a default comparison in the Navigator File Management Filters.
If anything is entered into the filter box, and the comparison box is blank, enter the Default FM Comparison.
Options for Night Jobs |
Gives the option of setting the Back Up Option for night jobs.
A spool file report, BOCONSOLPR, is created showing all canceled and created lines.
Options for Online Payments |
![]() This option allows you to set the number of days until a Remittance Advice expires. The remittance advice transactions in the AR Payments Tab in Navigator will be removed by night jobs after the expiration days established by this setting are passed. A zero or blank value denotes no expiration. |
This is a series of options that control how Order acknowledgments print. You may specify the title of Order acknowledgments to be left as is, or be changed to "Sales Receipt" or a user-defined title. You may also choose to include detailed payment information, regarding the payments received that day against the order being printed.
Select a title for Order Acknowledgment - When you place an X by your choice and press Enter it is automatically inserted into the entry line to the right of option 4. Create your own title by entering it after option 4. Show detailed payment information in body of Order Acknowledgment - To display payment information on the order acknowledgment, enter a Y. This payment information is limited to payment received on the day the acknowledgment is issued. However, the balance due includes all payments made to date. Note: The detailed payment option relates only to systems with option 2 Cash Register Screen activated in the System Wide Settings. Consolidate order lines w/same item, warehouse, serial#, and price? - Activating this setting by, entering a Y, combines order lines that are for the same item serial number, at the same price, and from the same warehouse. Instead of having multiple lines for the same item this setting combines all like information (same item, serial number warehouse, and price) into one line with a total quantity. The default is N.
Note: A message line is NOT considered a sidemark if it has a dollar value. Print Serial#s - If this option is set to Y, serial numbers are printed on the Order Acknowledgements. Print Weight - If this option is set to Y, the total weight of the order is printed on the Order acknowledgement, broken down by in-stock items and back ordered items. Number of copies for "L" (laser) form - This field allows you specify the number of copies of an Order Acknowledgement to print on a laser printer. If left blank, 1 is assumed. Print Name & Address at top of laser form - This field lets you decide whether or not to include your company name and address at the top of the Order Acknowledgment form. Laser printed order acknowledgments, as designated by an L entry on the Control Panel, do not require preprinted forms and therefore are well suited for faxing and emailing. However, customers who want to use the laser acknowledgment format on a pre-printed form, may now turn off the address that prints at the top of the form, and use that space on the pre-printed form, for a logo. Leave room for logo on top left of form - Leaves room at the top left of the form to allow for pre-printed information. Print invoiced lines (as well as open lines) - Enter a Y to include both invoiced and open order lines. The default is N, which causes only open lines to print on an order acknowledgment. Print separate subtotals for materials plus labor - Enter Y to print subtotals for material versus labor at the bottom of the order acknowledgment. Status description - This option lets you change the "standard" status descriptions to better match your companies processes. If there are no entries the defaults, In-stock, On Order, In Stock, and Special are used. When a value is entered for the Special setting, it appears as the status on Order Acknowledgment lines that have the Special Order option selected.
Status description for Direct Ship Orders - allows you to change the "standard" status descriptions to better match your companies processes. If there are no entries the default, Direct, is used. This functionality only works with laser printers (form code "L" in the Print Orders on setting on the Control Panel). |
These settings give you control over what prints on an Order Acknowledgment.
Print REPRINT when request is from Order Change or Order Inquiry - When this option is activated, and an order acknowledgment is generated from either Order Change or Order Inquiry REPRINT is also printed. Print "No ETA" in b/o date column if date is 2/22/22 - Enter a Y here to direct the system to print No ETA in the Back Order Date column instead of 2/22/22. A back order date of 2/22/22 indicates that there are no purchase orders or production schedules that can fill the order. If the setting is not activated, 2/22/22 prints as the date in the Back Order Date column. Create header data file for third-party document programs - This setting provides the functionality to export order shipto information and order header message lines to a database file. This database file can then be accessed and manipulated by a third party document software. Default spool file setting - The system, including Navigator, uses the Output Distribution System (ODS) to distribute documents. This setting includes the following settings for a default spool file setting.
Note: Prior to this setting being added, in 2014, the ODS Spool file default was "Leave as is". With the Leave as is option, the document goes into the ODS spool file where it can be accessed and printed, held or deleted. Suppress line ship date from printing on Acknowledgments - When this setting is Y, the line level Ship Date is not displayed on the Order Acknowledgment. The column is blank. |
This System-Wide Setting contains several settings and controls for alerting users when a customer orders an item that is already on any of the following open transactions for the same customer:
Whenever you make any changes to these settings, users must sign off the system and then sign back on for the changes to take effect. This is true for most system settings, because they are only accessed at the beginning of a user's session. The basic functionality is as follows:
Business Case Consider using this feature for the following reasons:
Check for and issue "Duplicate Order Warnings" in Order Entry? - Enter a Y to activate the duplicate order warning feature. Check for duplicate on 1st line of order (1) or on all lines (2), Check for duplicate orders in the Open Orders File?, Check for duplicate orders in the Unprocessed Orders File?, Check for duplicate orders in the Quote Management System File?- These fields allow you to direct this feature to check other parts of the system for duplicate orders and to only check the first line of an order or all the lines. The Open Order file contains only processed orders. Unprocessed orders consist of quotes and temporary holds. The Quote Management System is generally used for commercial jobs that may be assigned to multiple customers. Check for duplicate order using just item#, or item# plus within % of quantity keyed - Enter a 1 to limit the duplicate order check to item numbers or a 2 to use a percentage of the order quantity. For example, if 050 is entered as the percentage and the quantity is 100.00, then the potential duplicates can only have qty between 50.00 and 150.00. Customer Types for duplicate order check , Item Classes for duplicate order check - These fields let you narrow or broaden the order check by Customer Type or Item Class. If you include (I) customer types or item classes the system only checks for duplicate orders for the included entries. If you omit (O) Customer Types and Item Classes, the system checks for duplicate orders for all customer types and item classes except the ones entered. You may only need to check for duplicate orders for certain types of customers, such as contractors who may not know that the orders they are picking up were already called in. You should omit classes of items that represent accessories or installation materials that are often on multiple orders. If you do not omit regularly ordered items, then the "duplicate order warning screen" may pop up too often and become a nuisance. |
This setting updates the Ship Date on the order header screen . The Ship Date controls when the order is required to be shipped or picked up. This option provides you with three default date choices.
If you are using the Delivery System, the next available truck route delivery date for your customer displays automatically. Ship Date is a required field in Order Entry. Therefore, if you set the default to "No Date", the user is prompted to enter a date.
Select a Fund option. The default setting is option 2. Enter Y to show the 2nd line of the Item Description - To add to the detail of the Review Screen, you can choose the option to display the second line of the item file description. The default setting is N. Enter Y to underline each line item on the review screen - To add to the ease of viewing the Review Screen, you can underline each line item. Each line, including the miscellaneous lines, will be underlined. The default setting is N. |
This setting controls how the Item File Order Entry UM works. The default option is N, which forces the Order Entry UM field to equal the native pricing UM. Normally, you will want all orders, purchase orders, and invoices to be stored in the system with prices and costs in the native UM only. Then you may use various system tables to control the units of measure on printouts and documents. If you enter Y in this option, the system allows the Order Entry program to accept an order in an alternate UM and store the price and cost in that UM without first converting it. This can cause confusion when viewing certain screens and reports, and has been known to inadvertently lead to keying errors. We recommend you enter Y for this option with caution and adequate training for all users. |
Options for Order Hold |
This set of parameters controls which orders are allowed to move into a processed state. This allows you to hold some orders that might need to be reviewed prior to the actual order creation. This functionality only applies to non-interactive users; which basically encompasses Decor 24 and Channel Management Solutions (CMS) and the Armstrong Sales Portal. Orders entered by interactive users (i.e. orders are entered from a work station that is assigned work station ID) are not in scope at this time. The System Wide Setting - Options for Order Hold Process activates this functionality globally. ![]() Enter a Y in the setting Enable the Order Hold Process to activate the Conditional Order Release functionality. Press F9=View/Set Parameters to see the parts of the system where orders can be entered that have had the Conditional Order Release Functionality activated.
Type - This field contains a reference to the type of user the rules are to be applied. At the current time, the only Type allowed is S = System ID. Additional values may be added in the future and may drive the logic for which user ID field in the customer order is to be used to drive this process. User - This field contains the user initials for which the rules are to be applied. At this time the following user have been created:
Description - Enter a more detailed description of the user. To update an existing entry, use the U - Update option.
Enter a "Y" in the Update New Record field to access the order hold parameters established for the user.
Here is how the order validation process works:
Shipping Instructions provided - This setting only applies to Decor 24 users. It checks a specific part of Decor 24 (Shipping Instructions field, Message line 4) to see if shipping instructions have been added. All other applications use the parameter F6 Lines Contain Key Words. Special Instructions provided - This setting only applies to Decor 24 users. It checks a specific part of Decor 24 (Shipping Instructions field, Message line 4) to see if shipping instructions have been added. All other applications use the parameter F6 Lines Contain Key Words. Line in a Backorder status - Check status of all lines, hold order if any line is in "B" - Backorder status. Roll and Cut of the same item are ordered - Check for lines containing the same item number. If they have the same item number, check the roll cut indicator. Hold the order if the roll cut indicator values are not the same. Ship Via is other than default - Check the Bill To file for the order's account to determine whether the selected ship via matches the default value assigned to the account. S/M line contains a price - Check the S/M line in a Customer Order for a $ character or a string in the format n.nn where n is a number from 0-9. Ship Date or day not valid per default SV and TR entries - Ensure the shipto date is valid in relation to the Shipvia and Transfer entries. Ship To Address was manually entered - Check the Order Pending File for Ship to Override set to YES. Ship To Address is other than the default - This setting checks to see if the Shipto Address was changed to one other than the default entered in the Billto File. Ship Date is in the past - This setting compares the ship date to the current days date. If the current days date is greater than the ship date, do not auto release the order. The next several parameters have an Opt field on their left hand side. The Opt field is needed because these parameters have associated data values that have to be entered. Ship Date is more than X days in the future - Enter a "U" in the Opt field to add the number of days. Add the current days date to the numerical value entered. Compare the result to the ship date to determine if it exceeds that value. '0' is an allowed value in this field.
Customer is part of a Chain - Do not auto release order if the Bill To File chain field for the account number on the order matches any value entered. When the order reference number is received, use the Company and Account number combination to search the Bill To file to determine if the chain listed in the screen is included in this parameter.
Customer is part of a Marketing Program - Do not auto release order if the marketing program code entered in this table is inlcuded in the account's Billto File.
Transfer Line with specific Warehouse and Manufacturer - Check each line on an order for Transfer lines. If found, check the To and From warehouse values and Manufacturer combinations to determine if the order should be held. You can use wild cards in all three fields. Use * as wild card value. You can enter values like RAL, R**, **L, etc.
Transfer Line with specific Warehouse and Item Class 1 - Check each line on an order for Transfer lines. If found, check the To and From warehouse values and Item Class 1 combinations to determine if the order should be held. You can use wild cards in all three fields. Use * as wild card value. You can enter values like RAL, R**, **L, etc.
Specific Header Warehouse and Ship Via combinations - Check the warehouse and ship via combinations to determine if the order should be held. You can use wild cards in all three fields. Use * as wild card value. You can enter values like RAL, R**, **L, etc. Examples
F6 lines contain key words - Check the F6 lines of an order for any words contained in the in the table accessed by entering a "U" in the Opt field. If a match is found the order is to be held. The entries in the this table are automatically display in an alphabetical order. When new entries are added and saved and the screen is exited, upon accessing the table again the enters are displayed in alphabetical order.
Options for Order Search |
![]() Enter a N to exclude orders with lines that have 0.00 charges. |
Whenever the Order/Shipping Status Update program (CUS 13) is used to update the status of an entire order or a single line to S (shipped) the current date can be automatically inserted into the Ship Date field, of that line, and of the header screen. This functionality, working in conjunction with the Force Invoice Date = To Keyed Ship Date field in the AR and Credit Options portion of the Company Settings (SET 3), allows invoice dates to match the shipping date. This system wide setting activates the ability to automatically change the ship date to today's date at the line or header level.
Click here for a complete write-up on this feature. |
Permanent Holds are holds (sometimes referred to as "reserves") that are processed orders with an Order Type of "H". Do not confuse permanent holds (which are processed orders) with temporary orders (which are unprocessed orders). These new settings enable you to automate various functions based upon this order type. The available functions enable you to (a) automatically send all permanent holds to the Credit Hold screen, (b) release permanent holds from either the Credit Hold screen or the Order Change screen by removing the "H", and (c) prevent release of permanent holds from the "pick pool" screen.
You can set or inquire about the shipping status of a detail line through the Open Order File/ Status Update screen. It is accessed via the F12 - Shipping Data/Status function key from the order entry/inquiry screens. To change the Order Type field, you must access the header through Order Change. Strategy for use of Permanent Holds The use of the order option H (Permanent Hold) can be an effective alternative to the use of comments or the "will advise" ship via code, when you want to hold an order while waiting for the information or approval. Order type H may be used for:
Options for Pick Labels/Pick Pool |
This setting enables you to automatically suppress pick labels or pick pool entries for certain types of orders. This is particularly important for "Credit and Re-bill" orders, in which the debit line is for billing purposes only, and should not be re-shipped. Credits do not automatically generate pick labels or entries in the pick pool. This feature is meant to manage debit order lines that should not be physically handled.
Because it will print labels for order lines which may have transferred from one warehouse to another, the label will print for an order line at status (X,A,S,0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - however the program will not change the order line status from one of these values to an L. |
This option lets you customize the pick list edit document that may be sent to your warehouse by customer service personnel prior to officially processing an order. This enables you to generate documents unique to your operation. A good example of this feature's use is a "cuttings for approval" document that could be used for fabrics, carpet, and other items that need an approval of a sample before the order is shipped.
Long Title - This will be used as the heading on the upper left corner of the pick list edit. It can be 30 characters long and the default entry is Pick List Edit. Short Title - Can be eight characters long. If the field is left blank (the default), the document will display "Edit". Header Comment - This entry will be the first comment line on the printed pick list. This entry can be 30 characters and the default, if the field is left blank, is blank. Detail Line Comment - This entry will be printed on all detail lines of the pick list edit, in the column just to the right of the quantity ordered. This entry can be eight characters and the default, if the field is left blank, is blank. In the Override Settings for Company field, enter the company number that will use the override settings instead of the default settings.The pick list will display these fields, instead of the defaults, for the companies entered in the Default Settings for Company fields. This gives you the ability to have two schemes for using the pick list edits, depending upon the company. These entries are visible from two places within the system. The label of the prompt that appears in a customer service order entry to print options, and on the pick list edit document itself. If you have your pick list printer option set to "XX" in your warehouse file (for paperless picking), then pick list edits will be directed to your Control Panel Print Orders On printer. In this case, you may need to redirect these edits. Navigator These settings also effect unprocessed orders in Navigator. Click the option arrow to the left of an unprocessed order and select print.
This is a series of options that affect the way pick list documents are printed. You can choose to show the status code of each line item on pick lists, and to indicate which items should or should not be picked based upon the status codes.
If you want status codes to display on the pick list for each line, enter a Y in the Show Order Status Codes for Each Line Item? field. Next, decide if you want to limit (I) the pick list to certain status codes or if there are status codes you want to omit (O) from the list. You can only choose to include or omit, not both. By limiting your pick lists to only include lines at certain status codes, or by omitting lines at certain status codes you are not actually removing the lines from printing. Rather, you are notating that only certain items should be picked based upon their status codes. In the example of a pick list shown below, notice status code B items are labeled "not at status to pick".
In the example above, the status code of each line shows to the left of the area in which warehouse personnel indicate what they have picked. Any status that you designate to omit (or not include) shows as not at status to pick. If you are using the bar code pick labels and the pick pool, printed pick lists are not needed. However, if you have not yet activated bar coding and the pick pool, these pick lists techniques can emulate some of the functions and controls of bar code labels and the pick pool. The option Print area location as part of the location causes the warehouse area to print as part of the location when printing pick lists. This enhancement is for non-IWMS warehouses that use paper pick lists. It's OK if IWMS is active, but the program will not look at IWMS files. Warehouse areas are created through the Warehouse Areas Table (SET 16). Areas are used to group locations in your warehouse into zones or areas. Each area can be assigned its own bar code printer and each area can be configured for the picking of the bar code labels. |
The system accesses prices based on the customer's price list for the item.
If there is no price for that customer's price list, the following occurs:
Associated Files
The Cust Price List setting establishes the customer's default pricing level. You can create multiple pricing levels in your system and assign each customer a default level. For example, you might have a builder's price (B1) and a list price (LP) for each item. You would use LP pricing for cash (over the counter) sales and B1 pricing for builders. You can establish exceptions to the default pricing levels for customers for particular items. This field only establishes a default price level that customers receive when they aren't eligible for any special deals. Pricing within Order Entry When an order is entered, the system performs the following:
Price classes are based on manufacturers. They included groups of items from the same manufacturer that your company prices identically for your customers. Price Class should include an entry for each price list. For example price classes for the manufacturer SHASTA could include:
Businesses with several warehouse locations can choose to assign pricing based upon the servicing warehouse, rather than a set price per customer regardless of the servicing warehouse. This system wide setting works in conjunction with the Warehouse Price List Cross Reference table.
Enter a Y in the Activate the Warehouse Price List Cross Reference Table setting. This allows the system to automatically change the price list, according to the Warehouse Price List Cross Reference table, when a header warehouse is changed during order entry. |
Lets you choose to print AR Statements on a laser printer, conventional forms, or overlays.
The field Enter option for printing A/R Statements can have one of the following values:
This setting activates directs Navigator Order Management to automatically generate a message line that shows the customer how much they saved with any special pricing given them. Multi-Unit orders are not included in this functionality.
Associated Files:
This option allows you to choose the default file used to populate the payment terms and FOB code during purchase order entry. These defaults can be overridden during order entry.
Default File for Payment Terms on PO in Order Entry: - Enter a 1 to use the payment terms contained in the purchasing account (account 00001) in the Billto File. Enter a 2 to use the payment terms contained in the Supplier File. Default File for FOB Code on PO in Order Entry - Enter a 1 to use the FOB code contained in the purchasing account (account 00001) of the Billto File. Enter a 2 to use the FOB code contained in the Supplier File. Print Payment Terms on Purchase Orders? - Regardless of which file you get the payment terms from (Billto or Supplier) if you flag this option to Y, the payment terms will print on the purchase orders. Update PO line ETA date with pre receipt date recvd - When adding or updating the date field on an inventory receipt the ETA field on the corresponding purchase order line will update accordingly. When the "date received" field is update the corresponding purchase order line is updated. The notepad of the purchase order is stamped with the date change, from and to, for the affected line and cross refer to the receipt number. Activate Purchase Order Approval System? - This setting activates 3 options (PUR 21, 22, & 23) on the Purchasing Menu that set up a PO approval system. An approval ladder can be created for individual users and specific or all suppliers. When first entering a PO, the total amount is tested against the entries in the PO escalation ladder and is sent for approval if the amount is greater than what the user is allowed to approve themselves. We recommend that prior to activating the Purchase Order Approval System you build the PO Approval Escalation Ladder using menu option PUR 21. In PO Approval System: Print POs at printer assigned to approver - Select a printer for printing POs. Email Notifications On Change to Status? Branch Initials Cust Cont. - allows you to enter up to six status codes that if the PO/Special PO is changed to trigger an email. This functionality applies to regular purchase orders, special purchase orders and direct orders.
Status - When a Purchase Order Line has its status changed to one of the statuses entered an email is sent out to the selected stakeholders; Branch, Person who created the PO, and/or Customer contact for special orders.
This series of settings allow you to prevent purchasing of discontinued items for regular POs, special orders, and direct shipments. Discontinued items are identified by a past date in the Discontinued Date field and/or a policy code of DI in the Policies field of the Item File Profile screen. For each of the three types of purchase order, enter up to four policy codes and a Y if you want to prevent purchase orders for items with a discontinue date prior to today.
Options for Recalculation of Order Date |
![]() If set to "N" (the default) the system process for recalculating order dates does not change. If set to "Y" the order dates for backordered lines on customer orders do not get updated even if the rest of the order gets a date change. Direct ship (warehouse = DIR), Purchase orders and any order lines with allocated inventory are not included in this functionality.
Enter the number of days to offset the Order Date when determining which allocations will be removed for unprocessed orders. (Default=1 Day) -You can specify the number of days until held inventory (for unprocessed orders) is automatically released by the system. If no entry is made in this field the setting is global and applied to all of the companies on your system. The global setting is for Night Jobs to automatically release holds, putting them back into available inventory, during the second night after the hold was placed, based on the order date on the order header. This field gives you more control and flexibility in handling inventory holds.
Every night, Night Jobs retrieves the setting for each inventory temporary hold on the system. This setting is added to the Order Date of the header of the temporary hold, resulting in a "last date to hold." If the current date is past this "last date to hold," the hold is released, and inventory is made available. Note Orders that do not allocate inventory are not removed. Note This feature can be used in conjunction with the Max Days Variance in Control Panel. Send notifications a day prior to a hold expiring - Activating this option directs the system to check the Hold and Back Order Fill Contact Table for an email address related to the order by salesperson, operator, branch, or account contact. An email is then sent letting those concerned know that a held order is getting ready to be released and any held inventory is going to be allocated to other orders. Allocate unallocated order lines from available stock after holds are expired? - Activating this option directs the system to use inventory released from expired orders to fill back orders. Allocation sequence - Choose to fill back orders or held orders first. Date to allocate by - The Order Entry Date is the effective date for allocating inventory. Truck routing programs use the Date Required (Ship Date) when planning delivery schedules. F9 - Hold Expiration Table This table, accessed by pressing F9, enables fine tuning of the expiration rules at a cost center and/or manufacturer level. If a match is found that pertains to a particular hold, the settings in this table override the existing expiration parameters set in the Enter the number of days to offset the Order Datewhen determining whichallocations will be removed for unprocessed orders fields.
Co# and Cost Center are mandatory. Manufacturer is optional. A blank manufacturer is interpreted as "all other manufacturers within the cost center" The table is read as follows:
This option contains settings allow you to do the following:
Omit Sales from Reorder Reports if GP% on invoice is less than and Omit Sales from Reorder Reports if GP% on invoice is less than and if Serial# has Status Codes - The elimination of these sales can reduce the usage and activity figures on the Reorder Reports, and therefore affect the "suggested reorder quantities" and the quantities on automatically generated replenishment purchase orders. The business goal is NOT TO encourage or increase a reorder amount based on the sale of remnants, odd lots, and close-out (blow-out) material. This enhancement is meant to eliminate the potential problem of a flurry of low-margin "blow-out" sales triggering the same type of increased reorder qty as normal "full-margin" sales. Use this setting to eliminate sales that are either below a specified margin (GP%), or sales that were marked with certain specified status codes. The elimination of these sales reduces the usage and activity figures on the Reorder Reports, and therefore effect the "suggested reorder quantities" and the quantities on automatically generated replenishment purchase orders. The first two settings remove sales that fall within their scope from any usage calculations on the Open Order Reports. Using these settings in combination allow for two different GP% to be checked:
Activate the Supplier Reorder Parameters File - This file contains a table that can simplify the process of setting up reorder parameters, and eliminate the need for any parameters in the Product Line and Product Line by Warehouse file. Use "Activity without Special Orders" during Reorder Reports and Activity - If this option is selected, the reorder reports omits any special order lot numbers and also excludes them from any calculations. It is necessary to allow the system to accumulate data from the final production distribution before activating this feature. The expected date of reliable usage as early Q2 2020.
Use Activity Calculation in PUR 20 and Reorder Reports from End of Month Activity - If you include shades and lot numbers as part of your item numbers, activating this setting can help eliminate inconsistent results in your Suggested Reorder Quantity Calculations (menu option PUR 20). When this setting is activated, the system calculates activity using the item number minus the lot and shade information. If not activated, the default, item numbers that include shade and lot information will not be included in assessing reorder requirements. The shade and lot number, if included as part of the item number, are the last four characters of the item number. Include Inventory Adjustments to Component Items for Finished Goods in Usage Calculation - enables the user to include Light Manufacturing component items in usage calculations for reorder reports versions 7 and 8. |
This setting allows you to establish the price list to use on the Retail Price Labels. These labels show your price and can be attached to items such as area rugs, rolled good remnants, and odd lots of tile, and stone.
The system uses the list price entered as a default when establishing prices to print on the retail labels. If no price list is entered, the system automatically inserts "LP", list price, into the field. |
Use this setting to automatically assign roll pricing to an order line when the quantity ordered is greater than or equal to the average roll size within item packaging. This prevents you from having to manually change from cut to roll pricing during order entry or order change if the quantity ordered is greater than the average roll.
If order lines are back ordered, this setting will not impact back order fill logic. If a pricing restriction is specified (e.g. via the "R" field on the order detail screen on the iSeries or in the Restriction Code field in Navigator's Order Management), that pricing restriction is enforced. The settings Consolidate roll Lines w/same item, warehouse, & price on order acks and Consolidate roll Lines w/same item, warehouse, & price on invoices allows you to eliminate redundant lines on documents when a company would rather show only the total yardage sold rather than list each individual roll. This functionality affects all Order Acknowledgments and/or Invoices EXCEPT for:
Activate these options with a "Y" to consolidate roll lines in all versions of the Order Acknowledgment and Invoice. Notes:
Associated Files
If your business generates more than 400,000 invoices or orders a year, you should consider activating this new and easy method of archiving. This process can essentially automate the archiving of your old orders and invoices. This setting provides two options:
Activating either setting, for Orders and/or Invoices, directs the system to start real time archiving. What this means is that when a duplicate order number/invoice number is generated the older number, if it is closed, is moved from the "active" files to an Order Rollover File. These archived files are still available for searches and reports. It is HIGHLY recommended that if you activate either of these settings you do not go back and deactivate them. If you activate and then deactivate the rollover system, the orders and/or invoices that were sent to the rollover files cannot be accessed when the rollover system is deactivated. Decide if you want to create Audit files (OROAUDIT for orders and IROAUDIT for Invoices. These audit files were created to track each transaction that is moved to the rollover files. The options are:
This setting contains options that allow you to control special pricing and price requests.
Minimum GP% for override price request - Enter the minimum amount, based on GP%, for a pricing override to be accepted. Maximum number of days for the expiration date for promo - Enter the maximum number of days from the current date that the expiration date of the promo created may be in effect. Price request promo program# edit mask - This option allows you to add a mask to the program numbers created by this process. The remaining characters after the edit mask will be populated by a revolving number wheel.
Price request default promo sub-type - Promo sub types allow you to further categorize the price request. The values for this field are maintained in the System Tables Maintenance (SET 029) in the table PROMOSUBTP. For example, use this code to categorize promotions that include rebates from manufacturers:
Price request default promo class - Use this setting to include or omit promotions when printing price lists. For example, you can have promo classes that determine whether or not a promo should be included on a price list. The available options are:
The values for this field are maintained in the System Tables Maintenance (SET 029)in the table PROMOCLASS. |
Print Customer Tax Identification#s for State or Province on Invoice - This setting causes the Customer's Tax Exemption number to print on the invoice if no tax was charged. The Tax Exemption number printed relates to the date of the invoice. Proper use of this feature ensures that during a tax audit all invoices will either show the tax that was charged or show the Tax Exemption number.
Print Customer Tax Identification#s for State or Province on Order acknowledgments - This setting causes the current (active) Customer's Tax Exemption number to print on an acknowledgement if no tax was charged. Today's date is used to lookup the correct tax exemption number. Print description of assigned tax code on Invoices & Acks, even if tax amount = 0.00 - This setting causes the tax description (such as "Export No Tax") to print in cases when a tax code is assigned, but the tax rate is 0.00%. Display tax codes and Tax Exemption# on the Order Entry Shipto Screen - This option causes the state and other tax codes to appear on the Shipto screen (below the Final Destination fields). Also, if an active Tax Exemption number was found for that state or province, then it displays as follows: XX Number (where XX is the state or province and Number is the Tax Exemption number). Always make order non-taxable if Billto File has no tax codes - The Billto File (FIL 1) contains fields to enter two tax codes (State and Other, which could be used for local taxes). If both of these fields are empty, the order is automatically considered non-taxable. If this setting is activated and the Billto tax codes are blank, the order will remain non-taxable, regardless of the shipto, shipvia, and warehouse settings. However, the user can use F9 or manually override the tax fields in Order Entry. This ensures the Billto Record is the determining factor in whether order is tax vs non tax.
Always respect user's F9 to override tax (regardless of other settings)- The F9 function key on the Order Header Screen lets you toggle between making an order taxable or non-taxable. Enter a Y in this setting to always respect the tax F9 override. If this flag is activated, then once an F9 is pressed the user is in control. The tax codes remain as is, after an F9, only subject to the user manually overriding them. After the F9, changes in Ship Via, Warehouse, Shipto, etc, will NOT affect the tax. Use Case The use case outlined below is supported when the existing settings above and the new Always make order non-taxable if Billto file has no tax codes is set to Y.
This taxation rule override is honored in subsequent order changes even when auto recalculation logic is set to 'Y'
This System Wide Setting contains options for:
Assign salesperson based on parent or child item for a crossover item- allows you to use the parent or child item to calculate and show salesperson commissions on Commissions Reports. This option only applies to companies that do NOT assign a salesperson on the Order Header via the Billto File (FIL 1).
Disregard AR write-off (WZ) transactions if Invoice Date is before - This option allows you to enter a date written-off where invoices are not affected. This is important if you are changing your commission scheme and you want a clear cut-off date. Code WZ is the system assigned Accounts Receivable code for writing off an invoice. Suppress write-off reports when no WZ transactions are found within criteria selection - Use this option to activate the negative commission functionality. Negative commissions calculations are based on the extended price of the invoice line items and not the invoice total. This ensures that any extra fees or charges such as taxes, delivery charges or fuel surcharges are not factored in. Activate salesperson matrix file - The Salesperson Matrix can be used to report on the commissions earned by each salesperson associated with a sale. |
This setting controls the updating of receipt dates onto inventory serial number records. These dates appear on the inventory serial number screens, and are used by ISO for inventory selection. There are two settings (Points if old (older than DAYS OLD in Item File) and Points per month old) on the first ISO screen that use receipt dates to assign points to inventory based on age.
The serial number receipt date is updated according to the rules described above in several different transactions within the system:
Never update the receipt date for a new receipt, if item is received to an already existing serial# & location - This setting does not update the receipt date of inventory when the inventory is placed in a location with inventory of the same serial number. In effect, it does not reset the age of the inventory (both existing and new) that ISO uses to assess points. Always update the receipt date for a new receipt, if item is received to an already existing serial# & location - This setting uses the last in first out (LIFO) model. If this setting is selected, existing and new inventory of the same serial number and location are updated to the date of the latest receipt. Only update the receipt date for a new receipt if onhand is zero, when item is received to an already existing serial# & location - This setting is similar to the one above, except the receiving date for new receipts is only updated when there isn't any existing inventory with the same serial number in the location. |
Options for Ship Date Update Logging |
When this functionality is activated via the setting Enable Ship Date Update Logging, changes to an order’s ship date are logged into Navigator File Management.
With this setting activated, when a ship date is changed, at either the header or detail level, a log record is entered into the Date Request Change Log option in Navigator File Management.
For more information on the Date Request Change Log, click here.
This system wide setting contains the following settings:
If either setting is activated and a problem occurs, i.e., no ship via code is entered or an invalid ship via code is entered, the following message displays: ERROR / Invalid Ship Via Code |
This setting activates a pop up window within Order Entry and Order Change that displays shipping rates based on a variety of parameters. You can use the information to inform a customer of shipping costs or changes in shipping costs. When a rate is selected, the charge appears as a line on the order. Enter a Y to activate the table. This ensures that during order entry the person entering the order has access to rate and freight information. The following rounding options are available:
These options control the application of surcharges which can allow you to recover costs such as rising fuel prices. Add surcharge of __to all shipping charges - Enter the percentage of the shipping charges that you want to add as a surcharge. I/O __ Ship Via Codes___or surcharge (blank = include all) - Enter the Ship Via codes that you want to include or exclude for the surcharge. The system follows this flow to check for a surcharge and if needed to add it to the shipping charges:
These settings activate the Special Charges feature for Invoices and COD orders.
The Special Charges functionality is similar to Minimum Order Charges except you can assign multiple charges to a single order and these charges are assessed on every invoice. For example, if a delivery of 5 rolls of carpet results in 3 invoices, each of the invoices can show a carpet freight related to the SY (or other specified special charge parameter). The special charge on the invoice is clearly labeled (i.e. Carpet Freight). Special order charges can be quoted from within Order Entry and Order Change. This allows real time quotes to customers concerning estimated costs. Furthermore, these special charges work in conjunction with any applicable delivery or minimum charge fees. They do not replace any other applicable fees.
This setting enables you to automatically update customer special order status and dates, when the related special purchase order has it's status and/or ETA date updated. Both options link a customer back order to its related special order purchase order. Special orders are created within order entry by keying "S" in the Lot# field, or they can be created automatically for items that are coded as "Special Order Only".
Note: This setting does not apply to orders that are on Credit Hold.
These settings activate the special payment plan for Floor Plan options and allow them to be used during Order Entry instead of regular payment terms.
Floor Plan allows for special financing arrangements that enable you to offer products to your customers at preferred terms, thereby increasing your presence with the customer. Floor Plan is normally associated with sales by manufacturers and distributors to retail stores. The basic theory behind the offering of a Floor Plan to a customer is that if the customer has more of your inventory on the floor, then he or she is more likely to sell more of your inventory. To use a Floor Plan payment option instead of a regular payment plan, enter a Y in the field Activate the use of the Floor Plan Terms File for Payment Plans. Auto-populate the regular payment terms code field with * , when an FP Terms is entered - ensures that when you enter a Floor Plan Payment option, that uses multiple payments, the regular payment terms field is flagged to whatever you designate here.
Before Activating this Feature Before using this feature, ensure the Retail Environment is turned off at the work stations that are able to assign floor plan terms. This is done via the control panel.
The use of special payment plans does not apply to the retail environment, because retail work stations are locked out of changing the terms fields, which we usually set to "Cash". However, these features may still be used by retailers, by accessing the order from a manager's work station that is not locked into the retail environment. |
This setting activates the Multi-Unit functionality on a system wide basis.
Multi-unit functionality facilitates the needs of our customers who service large commercial business on multi-unit commercial and residential properties. The option Check for and issue Duplicate Order Warnings in Navigator Multi Unit Order Entry for open orders and invoices __ from today's date allows you to enter the number of days you want the system to check for potential duplicate orders. |
This setting contains options that provide control over your stock-to-stock transfers, which are always entered using account number 2 (X00002).
Show additional interwarehouse freight in separate column on inventory registers - This setting affects the Receipts Update option (INB 5). If the setting is activated, it separates the freight, which then appears on the Transfer Report (RIV 7) in a separate column.
Allow override of material cost on Stock to Stock Transfer - Activating this option allows users to change the "Base" cost when receiving on menu option INB 1. Allow override of freight cost on Stock to Stock Transfer - Activating this option allows users to change the "Freight" cost when receiving on menu option INB 1. Associated Files
This setting activates the Will Call Tax Table. This table allows tax codes to be dynamically changed based upon the Header Warehouse. For example, if a customer normally assigned to warehouse NYC will pick up at warehouse PHI, then this table can automatically change the tax rates from a will call tax rate PHI to a will call tax rate for out of county or out of state customers from NYC.
Place an Y in the Activate the Warehouse Will Call Tax Table field to activate the table. If activated, Order Entry uses the information contained in the Will Call Tax Table to assess taxes based on the business address of the customer as well as the address of the warehouse. If this feature is not activated, Order Entry uses the tax codes as defined in the warehouse file for will call (customer pick-up) orders. |
This setting lets you activate the Tax by Zip Code Table. The Tax by Zip Code table allows you to establish taxes for a single zip code or a range of zip codes. If activated, the Tax by Zip Code table takes effect when the normal account shipto address is overridden. For example, if a shipment is made to an address that is overridden while entering an order (such as a job site), there will not be any pre-assigned tax codes for the new address. This setting and table allows for automatic tax code assignment based upon the shipto zip code. This setting works in conjunction with the Order Entry Shipto screen and the Final Destination State and Zip Code fields.
Note All the settings except Make order tax exempt if a current exemption is found in the Tax Exemptions By State/Province File are dependent on the first setting, Activate the Tax by Zip Code Table, being activated.
The last two options are intended for companies that use the Tax By Zip Code Table (FIL 43), and store tax exemption numbers in the Tax Exceptions File (SYS 605).
This setting works in conjunction with the option Transportation Planning (TRA 1). These settings dictate a cutoff time and day before an email message is sent out alerting those concerned that updates have been made to a shipping manifest. If the settings were set as:
When a change was made to a manifest anytime after 12:30, one day prior to the shipping date an email would automatically be sent to the recipients set up in option TRA 15. A third setting, Show Telephone number, appointment date & time on BOL?, allows you to print a telephone number, appointment time, and warehouse information on a BOL. BOLs are generated using menu option - Warehouse Shipping Reports. The ability to print telephone number, appointment date and time only effects BOL formats 2 and 4. Format 2 is the default BOL that most companies use. It prints on a Non-Laser form that is usually a multi-part form. Format 4 is the BEAR format. It is the similar to format 2, but the SCAC code and the Bill of Lading number are barcoded. |
This option prevents the entry of an incorrect End-Of-Month date when closing out a month in either the AP or AR systems.
The defaults are automatically inserted into the fields. Using the default entries, an operator could not process AR EOM if the date entered was 10 days before or after today's date. Furthermore, if AP EOM is being run the date cannot be more than 10 days before today's date or 20 days after. If an incorrect date is entered during EOM, that does not fit within the range of valid dates, an error message appears. If the these System Wide Settings are left blank, the system will not perform the date check. It is highly recommended that you activate these settings. |
Using this system wide setting you can change the default titles on the Vessel/Container Search and Inquiry Screen, and on related reports. The Vessel/Container Search and Inquiry Screen provides a quick and simple search through the vessel and container information on your system.
You can change the headings of two of the columns to more closely match your business terminology. Changes made to the titles are reflected on all the programs that use either the L/C or the BOL fields for Vessel/Container management. The areas affected are as follows:
The L/C# field is 14 characters long, and the B.L./Ctnr# field is 10 characters long. Many companies prefer using a full container number as their main tracking number, and many companies do not use L/Cs (letters of credit). Therefore, relabeling the L/C# as CONTAINER# (as shown above) may be of benefit to you. The figure below shows the Vessel/Container Search and Inquiry Screen with the new titles.
This system setting activates a keyword search. This functionality allows you to search on a single keyword or a combination of keywords. The search utilities a wide variety of item data throughout the system, including item description, manufacturer name, color, and pattern.
Entering a Y in the Enable Item Keyword Search field activates the keyword search option. Furthermore, it enables night jobs to rebuild the search file every night.
The actual search is performed via menu option Enhanced inventory search (INV 12).
Search Results Display Option - Enter "1" to direct the keyword search results to show the "traditional" search; which shows only one description line for the item. Enter a "2" for an expanded search which includes additional information about the items.
The system will automatically calculate the next available delivery date in accordance with customer delivery schedules. If you do not want the system to automatically calculate a back order shipping date, you can use this system-wide setting Option to suppress automatic recalculation of ship dates.
Certain types of invoices, such as zero value invoices and invoices for EDI customers may not require printed versions, even though they need to be processed by the invoicing system. Eliminating certain invoices from printing saves you money by reducing postage, paper usage, and the costs associated with handling these invoices. This feature eliminates the need to print invoices and leave them on hold in a spool file, and then reprint them in accordance with the Customer Preference file. The default for this screen is to leave all the values blank. For Y/N options the default is N. If an invoice meets the print suppression criteria it will not print. An exception to this occurs in order entry. When entering in a 100% discount and an "L" is entered in the Where Extra Charge Shows field the invoice will not print if suppressing invoices when the Value of Zero field is set to Y. However, if an S is entered into the field the invoice will print. Printing invoice copies from within Invoice Inquiry bypasses the options for suppressing invoices from printing.
The System Wide Settings for Invoice Suppression options have an "and/or" relationship. For example, the option Terms Code has six suppression codes. If an invoice has one of these codes, it will be suppressed from printing. If multiple options have invoice suppression entries, they operate under an "or" type relationship. This system wide directs which invoices are printed using menu options IVC 4 (Printing Invoices) and IVC 12 (Printing Copies). The Invoice has: settings on the top part of the screen were designed for use with IVC 4. The setting Suppress Printing and ODS Distribution of Invoices if Total Amount of Invoice is between__ and __ is designed for use with IVC 12. The settings are set-up like this because IVC 12 was introduced later than IVC 4 and is more sophisticated. The best practice is to run IVC 4 with option 3 to get invoice numbers assigned. Then go to IVC 12 with your invoice number range and print them. Invoice has Terms Days - Enter the terms days value that should suppress an invoice from printing. For example, terms days 3 represents COD invoices. Invoice has Terms Code - Enter the terms code(s) that should suppress an invoice from being printed. Invoice has Split Code - Split codes are user-defined codes that enable you to organize invoices. These codes are one of the primary sort fields when a batch of invoices is created. When invoices are processed a split code can be entered to force it to the end, and then file or discard that invoice. It is often used for invoices that are created and stored, such as COD invoices or for EDI accounts. A split code can be assigned to an account in the Customer Preferences file or while invoicing. Invoice has Company# - Suppresses the printing of any invoices particular to the specified company. Invoice has Branch - Suppresses the printing of invoices particular to a specified company branch location. Up to five branches can be entered. Invoice has Customer Type - Suppresses the printing of invoices particular to a customer type code, as specified in the Billto file. Detail Line and Total Line Value of Zero - Enter "Y" to stop invoices with zero value from printing. Suppress Printing and ODS Distribution of Invoices if - Allows you to disable the physical printing and/or the distribution of invoices via the Output Distribution System (ODS) if the invoice falls within the specified range. Consider the following examples for the use of the Suppress ODS Distribution of Invoices if setting. Example 1 The settings on this screen direct ODS to not send credit invoices, but send zero dollar invoices.
Example 2 These settings suppress the distribution of credit invoices and zero dollar invoices.
Example 3 These settings direct ODS to distribute credit invoices, but not zero dollar invoices.
Example 4 Use these settings to direct ODS to allow credits, but to suppress distribution of invoices that are less than $1.
Order Reason Codes give you the ability to further classify your orders. This setting gives you the option to make Order Reason Codes mandatory during order entry and order change. Making the Order Reason Codes mandatory can provide more details in order reporting.
Y in the Order Reason Code Required setting to make the entry of an Order Reason Code Mandatory during Order Entry and Order Change. If this setting is activated, the default reason code is pulled in from the Reason CD field in the Billto File; if one is assigned. Use the setting, Companies that will NOT follow the above settings, to designate the companies where the use of Order Reason Codes is NOT mandatory. |
Order Status Codes Changes in Order Entry |
![]() This setting enables you to list the order status codes that are valid within the Order Entry program. This option is ideal for indicating statuses such as "ready to pick" or "already taken at counter", right from the Order Entry program. Enter the status codes that you want to be allowed within Order Entry. Codes Z and L are good examples of codes you might to enter. Code L is defined as "released for picking". Code Z is user-defined to mean "taken by customer at counter". Setting these codes within order entry can be used in conjunction with your settings for printing cash and carry labels, and for printing pick lists. Also refer to information about using the order status update feature within Order Entry. The default setting is not to allow status codes to be entered within the Order Entry program. It is recommended that you only allow a limited set of status codes to be updated within Order Entry, such as the L and Z codes described above. Do not allow the use of status codes in Order Entry that indicate processes that could not possibly have occurred at the time of Order Entry. |
Defines the level of detail appearing on the packing lists. If this option is left blank, packing lists show only lines with status codes S as being shipped, and show all other lines as "back ordered". If you are currently using packing lists, and want lines to show as shipped even if not as status S, enter status codes on this screen. If the new status codes parameter is filled in, packing lists can show lines other than those shipped and indicate whether or not each individual line was shipped. For example, if you enter S and A for this parameter, only S and A items are listed as shipped on packing lists, but items not status S or A can be listed on the packing list showing as back ordered. This option assists your customers in reconciling open items on their purchase orders to your packing lists.
This option controls the system-wide settings for serial number tags.
Serial number tags are bar coded and can be printed on bar code labels or 8 1/2 x 11 laser paper. These tags can be used to label and track pallets, rolls, crates, and slabs. |
This option contains the following four settings that control if and how retail names appear, and activate access to the retail customer file from certain applications.
The following forms, reports and inquiries are some of the programs affected.
Some of the programs that are affected by this change are: Order Entry and Search, Allocation Swapping, Inventory Inquiry, Back Order Fill, Forms, Open Order Reports, and Order Inquiry.
Sales Portal Options |
![]() Restrict Order views in My Sales - If set to "N" the display of orders is not restricted. If set to "Y", the system compares the user's logon information to the following areas to see there is a match on the order s salesperson on the order; if there is a match the order/order line is displayed.
Restrict Order views in Customer Information - If set to "N" the display of orders is not restricted. If set to "Y", restrict the orders under the same guidelines as the setting Restrict Order views in My Sales. Show GP% on Inventory Lookup - This option adds a GP% column to Sales Portal and Navigator Item Inquiries. By automatically calculating and showing the GP% errors can be reduced as opposed to manually calculating it. Users have to be given permission to see costs via the Show Costs on Order setting on the Control User File Maintenance screen (SET 5, Option "U").
Default Send Pricelist Subject - Provides the ability to change the current global default, pre-populated subject line from " Dynamic Price List" to other wording. This eliminates users from having to change the subject each time a price list is sent and have it globally set to correct wording.
Enable Geolocation Functionality in Sales Portal - activates Activity Tracking and Geolocation /Contacts in Sales Portal and allows you to set the distance, in miles or KM, for customer lookup. For more information on Sales Activity and Geolocation in Sales Portal click Activity Tracking and Geolocations in Sales Portal. Decimals are allowed (e.g. 150.50 miles).
Email for Geolocation Update Approvals - allows you to enter an email address for geolocation approvals. |
Activates the automatic assignment of serial numbers in the receiving process.
Enter Y to activate the system's ability to assign serial numbers automatically in the Enter Receipts program. Activate the specific functions required, either in the Manufacturer file or the Product Line file. The system assigns default serial numbers or unique serial numbers, as specified in those files. In order for this setting to work, a serial number range has to be entered in the Unavailable serial number ranges. If you do not have any unavailable serial number ranges that you need to define, you must at least enter all zeros. |
Omits certain inventory serial numbers from being counted in reorder reports, based on status codes.
Ship Date Options in D24/CMS for Customer Orders Ship Date Options in EDI for Customer Orders |
![]() At least one, and only one, field for each setting is required.
This option enables you to specify the status codes that should trigger the auto-transfer process. These parameters affect the Update Order Status and Shipping Data Program and the Warehouse Menu's Update Order Status Programs.
When any of the status codes listed on this screen are entered or scanned, the system takes the following actions:
Transfer Filled Email: these settings trigger emails to be sent when a transfer has taken place based on status code change. Enter a Y in the Email setting to activate this functionality. When this setting is activated, the individuals listed in the Hold and Back Order Fill Contact Table (menu option SYS 921) will receive an email when an order gets at a status that triggers an auto transfer.
Any additional text comes from the Additional Email Body Message configured for Back Order Fill emails.
This option controls how dates on the Stock Card Screen are set for back orders. The default option is O (order date).
The S (ship date) option sets the stock card date to be the ship date. If you use ISO as your primary method of order entry, the S option preserves the ship dates ISO assigns. If you often override back orders ship dates to dates such as 12/31/2005, then the S option may interfere with your ability to determine the sequence to fill the back orders. The O option sets the stock card date to the order date causing the back orders to display in order date sequence, often referred to as "first come/first serve". |
Specifies the ranges of serial numbers the system should bypass if the automatic serial number assignment is active. This setting is required if you are using the automatic assignment of serial numbers feature; activated by entries in the Manufacturer file or the Product Line file. Once activated, the receiving system assigns a unique six-digit serial number, based on these number ranges.
Restricts the entry of cost centers and item codes in the Item Master file, unless those codes are defined in the Cost Center and Classification files, respectively.
Activating this option directs the system to perform the following:
This option currently applies only to item classes 1, 2, 3, and the item trim classes. |