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Currency Code and Exchange Rate Table - SET 11

This file enables you to define codes representing each currency, and the respective exchange rates. These exchange rates can be used automatically within the system (i.e. receiving and price conversion) for foreign suppliers that are coded for this feature.

You may create one or more currency codes for each actual currency. You may have more than one exchange rate for the same currency, based on different agreements with different customers and/or suppliers in that country. For example, in the screen below there are two exchange rates for Sweden, one for imports and one exports.

Receiving programs use this feature only for warehouses that have the following settings activated in the Warehouse Settings File (SET 14): Use Extra Receiving Features and Use Additional Freight Table.

To use this feature, select option 11 - Currency Code/Exch Rate Table. Input the Action Code and Password and press Enter to display the currency exchange rate table.





Currency Code

The two-character code assigned to a specific exchange rate. You can have more than one code per country allowing different rates for the same country to be used by different applications. For example, receiving can use one rate, and invoicing another. Different customers can be assigned different exchange rates for the same country.

Exchange Rate

The rate used to convert to your home currency.

Last Changed

This field displays the date the rate was last changed

G/L Account

This is the general ledger account to use in the receiving application for the exchange variance.

Cost Center

This is the cost center to use in the receiving application for the exchange variance.


The description of what the exchange rate applies to.


This is the abbreviation appearing on documents, reports, and screens using this exchange rate.