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Serial Tags

Set-up and Customization

Using/Printing a Serial Tag Label

Examples of Serial Tags

Set-up and Customization

1. Access option 3 - Label Styles File on the EDI and Bar Code Functions Menu. The Label Styles window appears.

2. Select option 2 - Serial Tag Label Styles. The Serial Tag Label Format Defaults screen appears.


The serial number tag format can be established at a global manufacturer- or product-specific level, for rolled goods and serialized items.

Key types for serial tag label format screen defaults are defined as:

Key values (user-specified) for the serial tag label format screen defaults are defined as:

R/S values for the serial tag label format screen defaults are defined as:

3. To update a label style, enter a U in its Opt field. The Serial Tag Label Format Defaults detail screen appears.





Barcoded Serial# Tag Style

Choose a serial number type. To see all the available serial types, enter a “?” and press Enter.

Show Manufacturer as part of Item#?

Includes the manufacturer’s three character designator as part of the item number.

Show Shade instead of Serial# in large print?

Enlarges the shade number instead of the serial number.

Which of the following should print the largest


1 - Item#

2 - Serial# 

3 - Suppliers Item#

Which of the following should be barcoded?


1 - Item# 

2 - Serial#

3 - Suppliers Item#

4 - Receipt/Line#

4. To add a label style, enter a password and then select the F1=Add option. Enter the serial tag defaults.


5. Per the settings in this example, whenever a serial tag label is printed for a rolled good from the manufacturer Armstrong this label is used.

6. Press Enter to accept these defaults and add a label to the listing of available serial number labels.

Using/Printing a Serial Tag Label

1. After the label defaults are assigned they are ready for use. Select option 9 - Print Warehouse Labels off the Warehouse Menu (WAR). The Print Warehouse Labels Menu appears.

2. Select option 6 - To Print a Serial Number Label. On the screen that appears, select option 2 - To Print Serial# Tags On Bar Coded Labels. The Bar Coded Serial Number Tag Selection appears.


3. Make the necessary entries and press Enter. The next screen is where you actually enter the items that you want to print serial tag labels for. If a rolled good item from Armstrong is entered, the new bar coded serial tag label is printed.

Note: Serial number labels can also be printed from Option 3 - Print S/N Tags on the Inventory Receipts & Back Order Fill Menu (INB).

Examples of Serial Tags

Serial Tag 1 

This is a “standard” serial tag for a rolled good.


Serial Tag 2

This serial tag is for an item that has been cut once after it was measured. The difference between this label and Serial Tag 1 is the Measured/Cut Once statement in the middle of the label.


Serial Tag 3

This is a serial tag for a serial# that has been measured but has not been cut since. This is useful on balances because if the cut station operator sees this message, and they print a new serial tag after every cut, he knows this measurement is accurate and does not need to be rolled out and remeasured.


Serial Tag 4

This is a serial tag returns an item number when its barcode is scanned with an RF device. It is identified with an I in the Serial Tag Label Format Defaults screen.
