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Navigator Accounts Payable Reports

Accessing Generated Reports

AP History File Audits

AP Aging Analysis

AP Vendor Aging

Cash Requirements Reports (Open Payables)

Chart of Accounts

Check Register (Month-to-Date)

Daily Vendor Invoice Register (Purchase Journal)

Job/PO/Manifest Audits (A/P vs Receiving)

Month-to-Date Payables & Disbursements Reports

Print List Of Future Month Checks

Accessing Generated Reports

To access the generated reports, click the ODS link in the top right-hand corner.

The screen that appears, after clicking the ODS link, contains two report tabs.

   Open - Opens the report as a spreadsheet. It can then be viewed, manipulated, or printed as needed.

   Delete - Deletes the report from the IFS drive.

If you run a report and it does not automatically appear under this tab, your report could be running behind a big report that takes some time to run. When submitted, the reports go into a queue and the first ones submitted are the first ones generated.

Note: On the iSeries, you can use the commands WRKSBMJOB or WRKUSRJOB to check on the status of print jobs.

If there are numerous reports on the spoolfile, performance could be hindered (i.e. it takes longer for the reports to display). A good practice is to do basic housekeeping on your spoolfiles, and to delete unwanted/unneeded spoolfiles. For the main reason that they take up unnecessary space on your system.

Click the right arrow, in the far left column, for the report you want to work with. Select one of the options.

The options are:


Under the Spoolfile tab:

AP History File Audits

You can use this reporting system to audit all or selected parts of the Accounts Payable history. You can select the data to include and how to sort and subtotal that data.

Aging Analysis

This report summarizes all transactions (debits, credits, and open balances) currently on the AP system by either the Vendor Invoice date or voucher date within each cash account.

AP Vendor Aging

This report lists one line for each vendor or supplier and is sorted by vendor or supplier number. It lists all miscellaneous vendors, followed by suppliers and regular vendors. Each line shows vendor or supplier number and name, and the total open balance and aging breakdown, such as over 30, over 60, over 90. You can run this report in either a summary or detailed format.

The summary version shows a single line per supplier or vendor. The format options for this version are:

If you do not assign pay dates when entering vendor invoices (vouchers), then your pay dates are always the same as your due dates.

Cash Requirements Reports (Open Payables)

You can generate a list of open payables, which is useful for cash flow analysis. This list shows how much cash you need from each cash account to pay invoices when they become due. You can sort the payables by:

Chart of Accounts List

You can sort the Chart of Accounts List by company or account number, for one or all companies. This listing shows the title of each account, the main category (A = asset, L = liability, I = income, E = expense, Q = equity), subcategory, and comments.

Check Register (Month-to-Date)

This check register lists all checks written in the current accounting month, sorted by check number, within each cash account number, with separate totals and recaps by type of transaction for each cash account. You can run this report for one or all companies and show the company, check number, check date, amount paid, discount taken, vendor or supplier, and cash account number. Computer checks, manual checks, and other payments as well as a monthly recap by category are also included. This report prints as part of the end of month close.

Daily Vendor Invoice Register (Purchase Journal)

You can combine all AP edits that were printed and posted during the day. The format of this report is consistent with traditional “purchase journal” reports. It includes information such as vendor names, invoice numbers, dates, expense accounts, amounts, descriptions, and totals for the day.

You can select the following options when running this report:

Two printing formats are available. The first format is for printing the journal in vendor sequence. The second is for listing the days’ AP entries in the form of a journal entry. This format is sorted by GL account number, branch, and cost center. Companies who transfer AP data to an external general ledger system on a daily basis can use this format.

Job/PO/Manifest Audits (A/P vs Receiving)

You can use this report to reconcile the value of inventory received with the related invoices from suppliers and the payment of those invoices. The report highlights items that do not balance, for example:

This audit system can only operate properly if:

1. Select one of three processing options:

2. Complete the fields as required. Leave any, or all, categories blank to include all of that category. For example, if you leave categories 1- 6 blank, the report lists everything in the Accounts Payable and Receipt files.

3. When entering a Vendor / Supplier, you must enter V for a vendor, S for a supplier or M for a miscellaneous vendor. For example, the entry S AOT is for supplier American Olean, and M 001430 is for miscellaneous vendor number 1430.

Month-to-Date Payables & Disbursements Reports

This option lets you to print all payables or disbursements posted in the current month. The report also prints as part of the end of month close. .

Print List Of Future Month Checks

List all future checks—computer and manually generated—currently in future month by check date. You can run this report for one or all companies and show the company, check number, check date, amount paid, and discount taken.