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Item Attribute Mass Update in CMS

To enable industry-wide adoption of the standard price catalog document as prescribed in the flooring industry B2B standard, Dancik has developed a maintenance utility that uses the master file attribute to store data required by your retail trading partner.

Prerequisites for using the Mass Update Feature

Using the Item Attribute Mass Update Utility

Illegal Characters

The flooring industry B2B standard requires distributors to provide item information in a format read­ily acceptable to retailer’s software systems.

To support this requirement Dancik’s CMS item catalog feature now supports extraction of the following values from the master attributes file:

If the feature is not used then, Dancik’s CMS product uses values in the item master file to populate the flooring industry price catalog as follows:

Prerequisites for using the Mass Update Feature

In order to use this feature, the following components must be in place:

Use the following guidelines when creating Master File attributes:

  Long and Short Descriptions are required fields

  The display sequence is based on the long description and should be:

The CSV spreadsheet needs to conform to these layout requirements:

Note:   The maximum number of characters allowed in any of the columns is 20.

  Column 1 - Must contain the item number as it appears in the Dancik system.

  Column 2 - Contains the style number as you want it to appear in the B2B standard price cat­alog.

Note:  Consider retail software field size restrictions. Though the B2B standard allows 80 characters many software packages support fewer than 15 characters.

  Column 3 - Contains the material classifications as outlined in the flooring industry B2B stan­dard. For a list of the material classifications, refer to Material Classification Codes in the Appendix.

  Column 4 - Contains the style name. The style name should be the name (product line) under which the various SKUs are grouped in the retailer’s software.

  Column 5 - Contains the color name by which the retailer orders the SKUs.

  Column 6 - Contains the color number that the retailer associates with the color name in their computer systems.

Using the Item Attribute Mass Update Utility

1.  From Special System Maintenance Functions Menu (SYS), select option 903 - Import Item Attr from the IFS 22. The next screen to appear presents you with three usage options.

2. Enter an option and press Enter. The next screen to appear lets you enter the address where the update spreadsheet is located.

3. Enter the path and file name and press Enter.

Note:   F4 lets you search the IFS directory structure to locate your CSV file. You can use the N=Next Level function to drill down in the system to locate the correct directory.

4. The system accepts the directory and responds back with the following question: Does this IFS File have a heading? If the spreadsheet’s first record contains a heading (i.e., Distributor Item, Style Name, Style Name, Color Name, Color Number), enter a Y. If not, enter an N.

5. Press Enter. The system performs the function directed in step 4 (inquire about changes, update existing attributes, update existing attributes and add new ones).

6. A report is generated that shows which item attributes were changed and what the changes were.

Note: "*" indicate nothing was changed.

Illegal Characters

The list of characters below are stripped from values in item attributes before transmission to CMS partners. Unless noted, as with the symbols < and >, they are replaced with blanks.