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Establishing a cross-reference to the label

After you establish a new label, you need to define an application for the label. For example, you can assign a label to be used for pick labels.

Note: Before selecting a default label, which is what these steps do, we suggest you look at all the example labels to see which one best suits your needs. Each label has slightly different contents, as well as different elements for scanning. So as not to disrupt the actual printing of labels, you should only test new label formats after hours. A change in your default label format changes the format across the system.

1. On the EDI and Bar Code Functions Menu (EB), select option 5- Label Cross Reference File. 


2. In the Enter Application Code field enter the type of label you are cross referencing to. For example, a PCK code defines a label style is going to be used for pick list applications.

3. In the Qualifier & Our# and Qualifier & Sub# enter **. This designates a wildcard entry that includes all qualifiers. Example of qualifiers are branch, company number, and invoice number.

4. Enter U as the Action Code, and press Enter.


In the Label Style Code field, enter the appropriate label code and press Enter. Labels generated by the system after this change are created in the new format. Labels in the pool before the change retain their original styles.