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Understanding AP vs Manifest Reconciliation

This process allows users to match inventory receipts to the actual AP invoices received from the supplier.

The AP vs. Manifest Reconciliation can assist you in reconciling your receipts against the AP invoices for cost variances and capture your outstanding receipts (accruals). Using this procedure with other GL interfaces will assist you in reconciling your inventory value.

Things to consider

Using the AP vs Manifest Reconciliation_

Potential obstacles

Associated Files

Things to consider

The following table lists other areas that you should be aware of when performing this procedure. Fur­thermore, you may need to consider changing your procedures and processes regarding AP, receiving and GL. Sometimes it is necessary to create new GL account numbers or change financial reporting to accommodate these changes.



Inventory Cut off Time

There is not an end of month specifically for inventory. As soon as you begin the AR end of month close, any receiving, transfers, and/or adjustments up to that point is considered the next month's transactions.

Note:  Be careful when you are closing AR. If it's on the last day of the month, do not start your AR month end of close until you have confirmed that all receiving, adjust­ments, and transfers for the month are entered.

Cost Variances

Determine your acceptable cost variance limit and the procedures to manage them when the cost is over or under. If the cost on your invoices is over the allowable limit, you need to correct it by unreceiving and re-receiving at the correct cost. Make sure you post the variance that appears on the Inventory Reconciliation report as some invoices could have gone through the system with the incorrect cost.

GL Account #

Determine what GL account number you will use to post AP invoices from suppliers. If your Inventory to GL Interface for receiving is set up to do the following:

              Debit       Credit

Inventory    $XXX.XX

   Purchases               $XXX.XX

   (To record inventory receipts)

Note:  The purchases account may also be known as “Purchases Clearing or Unvouchered Receipts (liability account)” or a variety of other terms.

Upon receipt of the invoice from the supplier the following journal would be recorded:

                 Debit      Credit

Purchases      $XXX.XX

   Accounts Payable         $XXX.XX

   (To record payable to supplier)

Manifest #

Review the bill of ladings from your receipts and invoices from the suppliers and see what number you will use as the manifest #. Make sure that all receipts of inventory have manifest#s. The manifest number is the number that links a supplier's invoice to their receipt. The manifest number can be called many different names by different suppliers.

You can use a PO number as a manifest number. However, we recommend that if you use the PO number, then you add a date at the end of it. This way, should your PO number wheel wrap the manifest number is still unique.

Invoices from suppliers

Review your invoices from suppliers and see which suppliers send multiple invoices per manifest or multiple manifests for one invoice.

Personnel responsibilities

Determine who is responsible:

  • for approval of AP invoices

  • for assigning the correct manifest number to receipts, and to AP

  • to correct the cost of receiving if the materials were received at the incorrect cost

  • train the appropriate personnel

Using the AP vs. Manifest Reconciliation

Make sure all your settings are in place to use the AP vs. Manifest Reconciliation.





   Select option 1 - to Audit Accounts Payable/Receiving By Job/PO#/Manifest#.

   Take option 3 - keys a Manifest# into the Manifest# field of the Receipts & Accounts Payable programs.

   Enter the date span. We recommend that you enter a date span so that the report generates faster.

   If you want to run the cost variances report enter either “S” for summary, “E” for exceptions, “D” for detail, otherwise enter “B” to bypass this report.

   Enter “Y” to run the unvouchered report.

   Enter “N” to process the date range.

Potential obstacles

Associated Files

Navigator Manifest Reconciliation